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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut auctor orci odio. Pellentesque vitae velit enim. Vestibulum aliquet arcu sit amet lorem sodales aliquet venenatis tellus consequat. Nunc a nunc leo. Nam ac odio et lorem pretium cursus. Proin auctor justo at dolor pharetra malesuada. Fusce posuere orci auctor elit commodo euismod. Donec gravida sem ut augue eleifend commodo. Suspendisse orci ante, porttitor quis faucibus vel, gravida auctor nunc. Donec risus neque, malesuada eget ullamcorper non, aliquam in metus. Nulla in libero ante, ut laoreet metus. Pellentesque interdum urna leo. Nulla dapibus enim eu quam pellentesque ut venenatis eros interdum. Quisque ullamcorper sapien vitae lacus convallis molestie. Phasellus convallis fermentum semper. Proin fermentum iaculis felis, eu tristique urna consectetur et. Proin bibendum nisi ut dui rhoncus lacinia. Suspendisse ipsum erat, viverra ut consectetur sed, venenatis a lacus. Phasellus odio lacus, tempor sit amet lobortis a, vestibulum vel ante.
UW-Madison was the host for the 2011 National Science Olympiad where middle school and high school students came from around the country to compete in science competitions.  As the host, UW-Madison had an exhibition of several academic department and academic student organizations, in which they presented their research for the students to explore. At each table students could learn about research conducted here on campus through hands-on activities and hopefully inspire them to learn more. <p>
The UW-Madison 2011  iGEM team had a table and we talked about the iGEM organization based at MIT and about our current project. In order for them to interact with synthetic biology concepts, we created a problem-solving game where students could try their hand at cloning. For example, on our poster we listed several descriptions of genes and promoters. After the students read the descriptions, we challenged them to assemble the genes and promoters in the proper order for expression of a reporter gene. If they put the components in the correct order, they received a glow stick to represent the fluorescence one would see after induction of the system in liquid culture. Since some students were in high school, we also mentioned to students and teachers about the iGEM high school competition division and encouraged them to look at the website for more information on starting their own team. <p>
<img src="" width = "360" align="left"/>
Proin non leo nibh, in bibendum neque. Suspendisse rutrum nisi eu nunc luctus ac rutrum enim commodo. Nullam volutpat ultricies luctus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed nec dolor mi. Nunc scelerisque porttitor justo, ac elementum nibh viverra a. Nulla neque mauris, ultrices non faucibus ac, condimentum ac mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas porttitor dictum pharetra. Morbi imperdiet placerat lobortis.

Revision as of 03:24, 27 September 2011

Outreach >> Science Olympiad, REU Poster Session, Social Media, Presentations


UW-Madison was the host for the 2011 National Science Olympiad where middle school and high school students came from around the country to compete in science competitions. As the host, UW-Madison had an exhibition of several academic department and academic student organizations, in which they presented their research for the students to explore. At each table students could learn about research conducted here on campus through hands-on activities and hopefully inspire them to learn more.

The UW-Madison 2011 iGEM team had a table and we talked about the iGEM organization based at MIT and about our current project. In order for them to interact with synthetic biology concepts, we created a problem-solving game where students could try their hand at cloning. For example, on our poster we listed several descriptions of genes and promoters. After the students read the descriptions, we challenged them to assemble the genes and promoters in the proper order for expression of a reporter gene. If they put the components in the correct order, they received a glow stick to represent the fluorescence one would see after induction of the system in liquid culture. Since some students were in high school, we also mentioned to students and teachers about the iGEM high school competition division and encouraged them to look at the website for more information on starting their own team.