

Revision as of 01:18, 14 September 2011 by A.uw (Talk | contribs)

General Protocols

General PCR Protocol

General Digestion Protocol

General Ligation Protocol

General Transformation Protocol

Colony PCR Protocol

Competent Cell Prep Protocol

Kunkel Mutagensis

Overview of how Kunkel Mutagensis works

Standard 1L Expression Purification

Gene Assembly With Oligos


Computational Protein Design

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Glycerol Stocks

Make It: Diesel Production Protocols

Alkane Biosynthesis media and extraction

Break It: Gluten Destruction Protocols

Cell Lysate Assay

Small Scale (50mL) Protein Expression and Purification

Make It: Magnetosome Protocols

Gibson Reaction

Gibson Purification

Gibson Vectors (pGB) protocols

Wiki Design Tools