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KULeuven iGEM 2011



The biobricks that we used are on the iGEM registry which can be found here. Underneath you can see several short movies in which we add different kinds of E.D Frosti to supercooled (-6°C) ultrapure “milli-Q” water (Millipore Corporation). The first video (GFP-control), is a control: E.D. Frosti only contains a GFP construct.
When we add it to the supercooled water, it does not freeze.

In the second video (IPTG), E.D. Frosti contains BBa_K584028 which contains the INP gene, coupled to the lactose inducible promoter. We added 1mM IPTG to E.D. Frosti. When we add it to supercooled water, it freezes immediately, prooving the functionallity of our biobrick.

The third video (INP) E.D. Frosti contains constitutively active INP producing biobrick ( BBa_K584027). When we add this to the supercooled water, it freezes immediately.

In the fourth video (No IPTG) shows what happens when we adde E.D. Frosti with the BBa_K584028 biobrick, but that did not receive a lactose (IPTG) stimulus. Although our GFP-characterization of this biobrick showed that the promoter is not leaky, the water still freezes. This can have several causes, two examples are: the coupling of the INP gene to the promoter makes the system leaky. It is also possible that there is a very low (basal) expression of the INP gene and that this small amount of INP is enough to induce ice nucleation.