Member of the Wageningen_UR team
Name: David Nieuwenhuijse
Age: 21
Nationality: Dutch
Studies: Bachelor Biotechnology
Role within the team: Working on the side project: Fungal Track 'n Trace
Shoe size: 40
Favourite lab song: "You and me" by Nero! Love to hear some deep bass while working in the lab!
Favourite Hot beverage: A mixture of Expreschoc and wiener melange or just a double black coffee with a lot of sugar if I have to wake up quickly.
Favourite Lab Job: Harvesting spores, it's cool to see the water droplets bounce off the hydrophobic surface.
Favourite Lab apparatus: The vortex, because who doesn't like a nice massage while working?
If you would need to pick a pirate attribute what would it be? The paRRRot, paRRRots R awesome!