Team:ZJU-China/BBa K561002


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Characterization of BBa_K561002

The expression of RFP under aerobic conditions:

  The expression of RFP under aerobic conditions is increasing during the exponential phase. With the anaerobic promoter, its expression intensity is very low. The highest expression intensity is 1.12. The PoPS of our device is 0.3065.

The expression of RFP under anaerobic conditions:

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  The device of RFP has an anaerobic promoter, which leads to its high expression under anaerobic conditions, as it shows in the above graph. It reveals that its highest expression level is 1.12. The PoPS of our device is 10.45.


The expression of RFP under micro-aerobic conditions (2.5%):

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  The anaerobic promoter (PfdhF) has low expression under micro-aerobic conditions. At 2.5% oxygen and 10% oxygen, its expression level when reaching the exponential phase is 1.02 and 1.05 respectively. The PoPS of the device at 2.5% oxygen and 10% oxygen are 0.4122 and 0.2127, respectively.

PoPS of RFP and the expression level of RFP

  The RFP expression device has an anaerobic promoter, PfdhF. Its PoPS reaches the highest under anaerobic conditions. Under micro-aerobic or aerobic conditions,its PoPS is equal to 0 relatively.