Engineering: We found a better solution for the bacteriocins separator module. It works, but we still have in mind to find a more efficient solution.
We built the magnetic mixers with a computer fan and the magnets from the hard disk. We have realized how under pressure you can find different innovative solutions.
pH-stat: The cultures of the previous week were colourless, and we also found out with a microscope that they had no living cells. So, two new cultures with the same characteristics were set up. The day after ,we could observe that there was no cell growth, but a concentration decrease. The causes were not well known . It is suspected that the inactivity of the culture might be due to these facts:
Colicin production: We finally purchase two bacteriocin-producing strains at Health Protection Agency.
pH-stat: The cultures of the previous week were colourless, and we also found out with a microscope that they had no living cells. So, two new cultures with the same characteristics were set up. The day after ,we could observe that there was no cell growth, but a concentration decrease. The causes were not well known . It is suspected that the inactivity of the culture might be due to these facts:
1. The room temperature had not been constant, varying from 30 ° at room temperature to 22 º C at refrigeration temperature.
2. The concentration of fertilizer was not enough to motivate the proliferation.
3.The excess of light caused by the two tubes plus the reflector / spotlight caused photoinhibition (Portilla, A. et. Al., 2009).
Colicin production: We finally purchase two bacteriocin-producing strains at Health Protection Agency.