Ran colony PCR on transformed samples; seems to confirm successful ligation (see pics below):
Picked up lyophilized cells; resuspended first in 50 mL of 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5); A280 ~ .72, A488 ~ .13; however, looked cloudy (possible aggregation?), so centrifuged at 13K rpm for 10 minutes, and UV-vised the supernatant, A280 ~ .23, A488 ~ .04, suggesting around 75% was aggregated. Tried again to resuspend in 100 mL Tris-HCl and adding 50 mM NaCl; still no good; tried adding acid and killed protein activity
Miniprepped successful colony PCRs and submitted samples for sequencing
Prepared more buffers for protein purification
Transformed eGFP and eGFP-RiAFP and RiAFP cells
Protein purification round 2!
Prepared a lysis buffer of 50 mM NaH2PO4, 300 mM NaCl (with 1 mM PMSF added before lysis), and 500 mM imidazole elution buffer (with same salts as lysis buffer)
Innoculated eGFP, eGFP-RiAFP, and RiAFP cells
Resuspended 1 L (500 mL) worth of eGFP-RiAFP (RiAFP) pellets in around 35 mL lysis buffer
Sonicated (using Spiegel lab sonicator) with 1 s on/4 s off for 25 total minutes of sonication for each resuspended pellet (unforunately, RiAFP sample by itself was foaming when we returned...)
Equilibrated 2 1 mL packed Ni-NTA columns (from Modis lab) with lysis buffer using peristaltic pump
Spin-concentrated samples using millipore spinners
Ran w FPLC/Fraction Collector Ni-NTA
Ran/checked gels with lots of protein
Grew up more cells
Size exclusion (small load) with eGFP-RiAFP and DTT'ed (after spin concentration)