Team:Korea U Seoul/Notebook/Mar/passage


3/4 - 2009 iGEM finalists' posters

At Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 1st competition: 2011. 10/15~16

At Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2nd competition: 2011. 11/5~7

  • Brain-storming
  • Focus on
  1. Being original; come up with an ‘interesting’ research subject
  2. An already existing idea which failed in experiments
(Experiment should involve bacteria)
  • Today’s meeting – 2009 finals team posters
  1. Valencia team
  2. Cambridge team
  3. Imperial College London team
  4. Heidelberg team

3/18 - Presentation of ideas

  • Group 1
  1. Collection/removal of petroleum
    • Transportation of petroleum-containing micelle by magnetotaxis
    • By using magnetotaxis, we can concentrate the microorganism at a certain place once the organism consumes petroleum (Formation of a micelle by using hydrophobic outer membrane is a difficult task, however.)
    • Additionally, the possibility of drug-detecting E.coli. Fluorescing upon detection.
  2. Dealing with automobile exhaust
    • Incorporation of a gene that enables the microorganism to perform denitrification. (Removal of NO2, SO2)
    • Formation of a semi-permeable membrane that only allows passage of gas.
    • With this membrane in-between, exhaust and the liquid containing the microorganism will flow in opposite directions.
  3. Rare-earth-metal-detecting microorganism
    • Microorganism that can detect lanthanides.
    • Formation of a porphyrin that can bind specifically with a desired ion size. Porphyrin will bind with lanthanides.
    • After binding, recollect the microorganism and extract the metal.
  4. Bacteria for drought preparation
    • Expression of a polysaccharide with many OHs on bacteria’s outer membrane.
    • These OHs can bind exceptionally well with water, enabling them to hold a relatively large amount of water.
    • Once drought begins, bacteria will form an endospore, allowing them to survive the drought, and plants will be able to absorb water from them.

  • Group 2
  1. Self-adjusting window blind
    • Utilizes phototaxis
    • Microorganism reacts to strong light concentration, and their movement activates a micromoter, which alters the degree in which blind is bent.
  2. Microorganism art
    • Utilizes microorganisms that differ in their preference of growth conditions: Oxygen concentration, temperature and atmospheric pressure,
    • Apply stimulus to lead the organisms to form a desired shape.
  3. Detection of alteration in food
    • In the case of ice-cream, refreezing it after it has melted decreases its flavor and quality.
    • Because of the covering on food, it is difficult to detect any changes with bare eyes.
    • Design an organism that changes gene expression when temperature rises abnormally.
    • By incorporating sensors (made of the above mentioned microorganisms) on the covering, it is possible to detect changes.
  4. Microorganisms that detect many changes
    • Atmospheric pressure sensing microorganism that changes color depending on pressure: incorporating it into balloons may produce balloons that change color as they rise in altitude.
    • Microorganism that can detect differences in chemical structure of ingredients in food: May be able to differentiate between good cheese and bad cheese.
    • Microorganism that can detect small vibrations.
  5. Odor-removing microorganism
    • Removes bacteria that proliferate and actively engage in metabolic activity on the skin of sweating humans.
    • Alters chemical structure of the odor-causing substance, making the odor more favorable.
  6. Bio-pesticide
    • Fusion of pest-resistant microorganisms and endospore-forming microorganism.
  7. Prevention of petroleum spreading
    • There appears to be a substance that increases petroleum’s viscosity, decreasing the speed in which it spreads.
    • Design a microorganism that produces such substance.

  • Group 3
  1. Microorganism scanner
    • Light sensitive bacteria express certain genes depending on specific light stimulus.
    • ‘Translating’ gene expressions into electrical signal allows computer to express the image on screen.
  2. Microorganism key
    • Depending on temperature and pH, mutagen is formed, changing genetic structure.
    • Leads to various patterns.

  • A word of advice from 2010 Korea University iGEM team members
- Think again about the meaning of Synthetic Biology. Stick to this concept and try to come up with an idea.
- Come up with ideas that may potentially be useful and have a value as itself.
- Don’t be too held up with coming up with new ideas. You can always use existing ideas and be creative with them. Or, you can also try to prove that same result can be obtained through a different process.
-Simple detection is NOT original. Approach same subjects from different perspectives.