


The 2011 iGEM Calgary team would like to thank the following people for helping us throughout our project:

Deirdre Lobb

Our lab tech Deirdre has been invaluable to us. She has been able to help us from providing advice on procedures to helping us pick out a colour scheme. We were very lucky to have Deirdre on hand this summer.

Cobb Lab

We would like to thank the Cobb lab for providing us access to a sonicator and a real time PCR machine. One of our TA's, Maggie, came from the Cobb lab, and we were very glad she was allowed to join our team.

Moorhead Lab

The Moorhead lab provided us with access to their HPLC as well as various reagents. Our second TA, Dave, came from the Moorhead lab, and we were lucky to steal him away from his research this summer.

Gieg Lab

The Gieg lab was extremely helpful this summer. They gave us our first strains of Pseudomonas and instructions on how to grow them. We were also allowed to use their HPLC and analyzing programs as well as their reverse phase C-18 column. A huge thank you to the Gieg lab!

Birss Lab

The Birss lab was extremely helpful with the electrochemical detection side of our project. They managed to answer so many of the questions that we came up with over the summer and were always able to direct us to the best places to learn more. They also allowed us to test some of our methods with their equipment! We wouldn't have been able to get started without them!

Moore Lab

The Moore lab was responsible for publishing one of the main papers we based our project on. They also graciously provided us with the two strains of Pseudomonas that were used in that paper.

Jennifer Hill and Sarah Lee

Jen and Sarah from Alberta Innovates Technology Futures are the reason our team was able to start this summer. From providing funding to putting on the workshops throughout the summer, both of them have been our biggest supporters.

Wendy Hutchins

Wendy was extremely knowledgable and seemed to know an easy solution to every problem we presented her with. She even told us the best places to get reagents!

Dr. Joenel Alcantara

Joenel lent us his experience with microalgae and helped us get that side of our project started.

Jennifer Logan

Jennifer has been an avid supporter of iGEM at the University of Calgary since it started in 2006. She has helped us with things ranging from finding lab space to getting faculty advisors on the team. A big thank you to Jennifer!

Christina Eshaghurshan

Christina was gracious in donating some much needed reagents to us last minute. Thanks!