Team:UT Dallas/scrollingcarousel.2.0.min.js
(function (a) {
a.fn.scrollingCarousel = function (d, e) { if (this.length > 1) { var c = new Array(); this.each(function (h) { c.push(a(this).scrollingCarousel(d, h)) }); return c } var f = a.extend({}, a().scrollingCarousel.defaults, d); var b; var g; this.Destroy = function (h) { var i = this; var h = (h != undefined) ? h : false; a(i).removeData("scrollingCarousel"); i.children(":eq(1)").remove(); if (a(this).find("> div").length > 0) { i[0].innerHTML = a(this).find("> div")[0].innerHTML; i.children().each(function () { a(this, i)[0].style.cssText = "" }) } else { i.find("li").each(function () { a(this, i)[0].style.cssText = "" }) } i.children()[0].style.cssText = ""; i[0].style.cssText = ""; i.unbind() }; this.Update = function (h) { f = null; f = a.extend({}, a().scrollingCarousel.defaults, h); this.Destroy(true); return this.Create() }; this.Create = function (h, j) { if (!a(this).html()) { return false } var r = this; var l = r.html(); if (a(r).data("scrollingCarousel") == true && j != "pause") { return this } if (f.beforeCreateFunction != null && a.isFunction(f.beforeCreateFunction)) { f.beforeCreateFunction(r, f) } var p; var i = 0; var n; var m; var s; var o; var q; var x; var t = new Object(); var w = r[0]; = "0"; = "0"; var C = w.offsetWidth; var u = r.children()[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(); switch (u) { case "div": if (!j) {w.innerHTML = "
" + r[0].innerHTML + "
w.innerHTML += w.innerHTML } p = r.find("> div"); s = r.find("> div:first > div"); break; case "ul": if (!j) { w.innerHTML += w.innerHTML } p = r.find("ul"); s = r.find("ul:first > li"); break; case "ol": if (!j) { w.innerHTML += w.innerHTML } p = r.find("ol"); s = r.find("ol:first > li"); break; default: console.log("unable to initialise scroller - please ensure contents are either in a UL, an OL or in DIVs"); return } switch (f.scrollSpeed.toLowerCase()) { case "slow": m = 1; break; case "fast": m = 4; break; case "medium": default: m = 2 } var k = 0; var A = 0; var B = 0; var z; var v; switch (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase()) { case "vertical": a(s).each(function (D) { k += a(this, r)[0].offsetHeight + parseInt(a(this, r).css("marginTop")) + parseInt(a(this, r).css("marginBottom")); if (a(this, r)[0].offsetWidth > B) { B = a(this, r)[0].offsetWidth } }); break; case "horizontal": default: a(s).each(function (D) { k += a(this, r)[0].offsetWidth + parseInt(a(this, r).css("marginLeft")) + parseInt(a(this, r).css("marginRight")); if (a(this, r)[0].offsetHeight > A) { A = a(this, r)[0].offsetHeight } }); break } if (!j) { if (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") { = A + "px" } else { = B + "px"; = (a(w).height() > 0) ? a(w).height() + "px" : a(w).parent().height() + "px"; C = w.offsetHeight } if (k > C) { var y = Math.round((k / 100) * f.scrollerOffset); o = y - (Math.round(C / 2)); if (o > (k - C)) { o = k - C } } else { return false } = "hidden"; = "relative"; var z; p.each(function () { a(this, r)[0].style.position = "absolute"; if (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") { a(this, r)[0] = "0"; a(this, r)[0].style.width = k + "px" } else { a(this, r)[0].style.left = "0"; a(this, r)[0].style.height = k + "px"; a(this, r)[0].style.width = B + "px" } a(this).children().each(function (D) { if (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") { a(this, r)[0].style.cssFloat = "left" } a(this, r)[0].style.position = "static" }) }); if (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") { p[0].style.left = (o > 0) ? "-" + o + "px" : "0px"; if (f.looped == true) { p[1].style.left = p[0].offsetLeft - k + "px" } else { p[1].style.display = "none"; p[1] = "-1000px" } } else { p[0] = (o > 0) ? "-" + o + "px" : "0"; if (f.looped == true) { p[1] = p[0].offsetTop - k + "px" } else { p[1].style.display = "none"; p[1].style.left = "-1000px" } } r.mouseenter(function () { t.startCarousel() }); r.mouseleave(function () { t.stopCarousel(true); if (f.autoScroll == true) { t.autoScroll() } }); r.mousemove(function (E) { var F = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (E.pageX || E.pageY) { F.x = E.pageX; F.y = E.pageY } else { var G = document.documentElement; var D = document.body; F.x = E.clientX + ((G.scrollLeft || D.scrollLeft) - (G.clientLeft || 0)); F.y = E.clientY + ((G.scrollTop || D.scrollTop) - (G.clientTop || 0)) } cursorPosition = F }) } t.autoScroll = function () { var D = 60; if (f.looped == false) { return } if (g) { clearInterval(g); g = 0 } n = n ? n : ((f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") ? parseInt(p[0].style.left) : parseInt(p[0]; f.autoScrollSpeed = (f.autoScrollSpeed < 1000) ? 1000 : f.autoScrollSpeed; if ((f.autoScrollSpeed / D) < C) { q = Math.round(C / (f.autoScrollSpeed / D)) } else { q = 1; D = Math.round(f.autoScrollSpeed / C) } g = setInterval(function () { switch (f.autoScrollDirection.toLowerCase()) { case "right": case "down": if ((n + q) > k) { n = 0; i = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0 } else { n = n + q } break; case "left": case "up": default: if ((n - q) < (0 - (k - C))) { n = C; i = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0 } else { n = n - q } } if (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") { p[i].style.left = n + "px"; p[(i == 0) ? 1 : 0].style.left = n - k + "px" } else { p[i] = n + "px"; p[(i == 0) ? 1 : 0] = n - k + "px" } }, D) }; t.startCarousel = function () { if (g) { clearInterval(g); g = 0 } x = (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") ? Math.round(a(w).offset().left + (w.offsetWidth / 2)) : Math.round(a(w).offset().top + (w.offsetHeight / 2));
n = n ? n : ((f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") ? parseInt(p[0].style.left) : parseInt(p[0];
b = setInterval(function () {
var F; var E = (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") ? cursorPosition.x : cursorPosition.y;
var D = C / 2; F = (E < x) ? x - E : E - x;
q = (F < (Math.ceil((D / 100) * 30))) ? 1 : ((F < (Math.ceil((D / 100) * 50))) ? 2 * m : ((F < (Math.ceil((D / 100) * 70))) ? 3 * m : ((F < (Math.ceil((D / 100) * 90))) ? 4 * m : 6 * m))); if(q<3) q=0; //creates a dead reagion in the center
if (E < x) {
if ((n + q) > 0 && f.looped == false) { n = 0 } else { if ((n + q) > k) { n = 0; i = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0 } else { n = n + q } }
} else { if (E > x) { if ((n - q) < (0 - (k - C))) { if (f.looped == false) { n = (0 - (k - C)) } else { n = C; i = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0 } } else { n = n - q } } }
if (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") { p[i].style.left = (n-25) + "px"; p[(i == 0) ? 1 : 0].style.left = (n-25) - k + "px" } else { p[i] = n + "px"; p[(i == 0) ? 1 : 0] = n - k + "px" } }, 40) }; t.stopCarousel = function (H) { if (!b) { return } clearInterval(b); b = 0; if (!H || f.looped == false || f.autoScroll == true) { return } if (q > 1) { var E; var G = 0; for (E = q; E > 1; E--) { G += E } var F = (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") ? cursorPosition.x : cursorPosition.y; if (F < x) { if ((n + G) > k) { n = n - k; i = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0 } } else { if ((n - G) < (0 - (k - C))) { n = n + k; i = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0 } } var D = setInterval(function () { if (q > 1) { if (F < x) { n += q } else { n -= q } if (f.scrollerAlignment.toLowerCase() != "vertical") { p[i].style.left = n + "px"; p[(i == 0) ? 1 : 0].style.left = n - k + "px" } else { p[i] = n + "px"; p[(i == 0) ? 1 : 0] = n - k + "px" } q-- } else { clearInterval(D) } }, 50) } }; if (j != "pause") { if (f.autoScroll == true) { t.autoScroll() } } switch (j) { case "pause": t.stopCarousel(); if (g) { clearInterval(g); g = 0 } r.unbind("mouseenter"); r.unbind("mouseleave"); a(r).data("scrollingCarousel", false); return; break; case "play": a("html").mousemove(function (E) { var F = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (E.pageX || E.pageY) { F.x = E.pageX; F.y = E.pageY } else { var G = document.documentElement; var D = document.body; F.x = E.clientX + (G.scrollLeft || D.scrollLeft) - (G.clientLeft || 0); F.y = E.clientY + (G.scrollTop || D.scrollTop) - (G.clientTop || 0) } cursorPosition = F; if (cursorPosition.x >= r.offset().left && cursorPosition.x <= (r.offset().left + r[0].offsetWidth) && cursorPosition.y >= r.offset().top && cursorPosition.y <= (r.offset().top + r[0].offsetHeight)) { t.startCarousel() } r.mouseenter(function () { t.startCarousel() }); r.mouseleave(function () { t.stopCarousel(true); if (f.autoScroll == true) { t.autoScroll() } }); a(this).unbind("mousemove"); if (f.autoScroll == true) { t.autoScroll() } }); break } a(r).data("scrollingCarousel", true); if (f.afterCreateFunction != null && a.isFunction(f.afterCreateFunction)) { f.afterCreateFunction(r, f) } return this }; this.Pause = function () { this.Create(e, "pause") }; this.Play = function () { this.Create(e, "play") }; return this.Create(e) }; jQuery.fn.scrollingCarousel.defaults = { autoScroll: false, autoScrollDirection: "left", autoScrollSpeed: 5000, looped: false, scrollerAlignment: "horizontal", scrollerOffset: 0, scrollSpeed: "medium", beforeCreateFunction: null, afterCreateFunction: null }