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The Team


Juan David Olarte Plata

Juan is a really happy person...

Olga Pinzón Rodríguez

Olga is a Physics student at the [ Universidad de los Andes] who wants to work in Cosmology and Nuclear Astrophysics. She got involved with Synthetic Biology through an advanced physics course, and she liked it so much that she decided to join this amaizing iGem team. Although Olga didn't know anything about how to work in a Microbiology Laboratory, she has learned pretty much and she spends some of her free time in the lab.

Thanks to iGem, Olga has known some friends and bacteria, but she's not very good at making jokes!

Gabriel Martínez-Gálvez

Óscar Ortega

Laura Marcela Guzmán R.

David Alejandro García Grisales

Check my video profile [ Here!]

David Andrés Ayala-Usma

David is a senior of Biology and junior of Microbiology that, one day, simply was in the right place to get involved with Synthetic Biology and became part of the team. He likes Molecular cell biology, Geosciences, Astronomy and some other science stuff. Also, he loves reading all kinds of tales and stories for children (like him), eating desserts, looking at the sky, taking pictures, playing at the PC, sleeping a lot, and talking, and talking, and talking... xD

He expects to eventually become a Ph.D. in Cell Biology, Earth Sciences or both, just to go around there talking about his favorite molecules, discovering new exciting things and earning money for that.

He also likes to be in contact with people around the world, and invites people with his same interests to add him on [ Twitter].

Grad students (Also known as the Aging ones!)

Javier Tabima, M. Sc.

Oh noes, the wiki is down!
Javier is a Ph. D. student at the [ Laboratory of Mycology and Phytopathology] and the [ Group of Computational Biology and Evolution] at the [ Universidad de los Andes]. He is a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Science of the [ Universidad de los Andes] where he worked with Molecular phylogenetics and population genetics. His main area of research is Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution, but he does a little bit of wiki design and tech support once in a while. His role in the group is still unknown, but he does the best to give a little heads up, one or two practical jokes and to draw his lab mates as they work. Additionally, he likes to spend his free time doing slideshows and videos, so lets hope his hobbies are as useful as his bioinformatics knowledge.

A more serious profile [ Here] - Only in Spanish! Sorry!!

Jorge Alejandro López

Jorge Alejandro is a Master student who works at the Laboratory of Mycology and phytopathology (LAMFU) at the Universidad de los Andes. He is a Bachelor of Biological Sciences, graduated at the Universidad de los Andes as well. His master work is about a metabolic reconstruction of Solanum tuberosum while the infection of the pathogen Phytophthora infestans is stablished. His main area of research is Bioinformatics and Plant-Pathogen Interactions. His role in the development of the iGEM project, is help with molecular biology and cheer up the team.

Andrés Simbaqueba

Mariana Restrepo

Paola Reyes

Nathaly Montenegro

Extensive academic profile [ Here]

Silvia J. Cañas

Silvia is a M.Sc student in Biological Sciences (Microbiology) at the [ Biophysics Laboratory] and the Mycology and Phytopathology Laboratory ([ LAMFU]) at the [ Universidad de los Andes]. She is a B. Sc in Microbiology and B. Sc in Chemical Engineering of the Universidad de los Andes, where she worked with Metabolic engineering. Her main areas of interest are Molecular Cell Biology, Systems & Synthetic Biology and also Epigenetics.

David Botero

David is a master student at the [ Laboratory of Mycology and Phytopathology] and the [ Group of Computational Biology and Evolution] at the [ Universidad de los Andes]. He is a Bachelor of Science of the [http:// Universidad Nacional de Colombia] where he worked in immunogenetics and evolutiionary immunolology. Furthermore, like undergraduate he worked in medicine and physics. His main area of research is Bioinformatics and System Biology. His role in the group is advise the theoretical bases of the project and to get sponsors to support the travel and the project.

Nelson Rojas M


Silvia Restrepo Restrepo, Ph. D.

Silvia Restrepo, Ph. D.
Dr. Restrepo is the leader and main researcher at the [ Laboratory of Mycology and Phytopathology] of the [ Universidad de los Andes]. Additionally, she is the dean of the [ Department of Biological Sciences].Her main research topic is phytopathology, and her favorite organism is Phytophthora infestans, of course!.

Website:[ Lab. Page]

Juan Manuel Pedraza, Ph. D.

Juan Manuel Pedraza, Ph. D.

Catalina Arévalo-Ferro, Ph. D.

Catalina Arevalo-Ferro, Ph. D.

Adriana Bernal, Ph. D.

Adriana Bernal, Ph. D.

What we did

(Provide proper attribution for all work)

Where we come from