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Safety and Security

1. Would the materials used in our project and/or our final product pose: a. Risks to the safety and health of team members or others in the lab?

General Safety

At the beginning of our project we attended a general health & safety induction and were given a safety tour of our lab involving guidance in waste disposal of sharps, trace chemicals, and biohazardous material. Labcoats and disposable gloves were worn at all times in the lab and removed upon exiting the lab to ensure that any contamination could not spread outside of the lab. Good laboratory practice, such as regular hand-washing and frequent cleaning of the workbench, was enforced. Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs) for both general safety and for equipment used in our project were closely followed at all times. While working in the lab, we were supervised by our instructors, advisors or lab technicians from the university’s School of Life Sciences Learning & Teaching staff.

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