Thursday, August 18


Revision as of 23:21, 21 August 2011 by Bshres1 (Talk | contribs)

The Lab Opens Today at 5:00 pm. Could someone please email our googlegroup to this effect? For some reason I am unable to sign into my GMail or TU accounts!. Dr Liz

The time the Lab will this Thursday will depend upon the responses to this request: Please add your name and the time you intend to come to the lab on this day. Put an asterisk(*) before your line to add it to the list. Tomorrow at 1:00pm I will check this page, and the lab will open at the earliest time that at least 2 iGEMers intend to arrive. An email to the googlegroup will be sent, and the opening time, although it should be obvious to all, will be posted at the top of this page.

Thursday we run the gel from the PCR we did on thursday the week before and did the colony PCR from 3B and 4A. We prepared 1 % gel and did the colony PCR from 3B and 4A.

Gel Electrophoresis of PCR Reaction 8.4.11 We used 6 lanes

1st and 6th is Bench top ladder.(600 ul 100lanes, 1kb)

2 -ve control

3 3B

3 4A

5 No template

The gel was started at 9.14 at 82 volt and stopped at 10.10.

Rocking started at 10.10 at 50 rpm.

Person/ Time

  • Dr Liz Time = to be determined
  • Travis; approximately 5pm
  • Steve: soonest today would be 7:00 PM
  • Bivor: From 12 and to 10.30pm
  • Desirae: 2-9pm