

Revision as of 20:25, 19 August 2011 by Benoitdrogue (Talk | contribs)

The project

Various processes are currently implemented to clear the wastewater from its contaminants. One of them is bioremediation.

It embraces processes that use microorganisms to remove pollutants from a contaminated environment.

This rather new approach, is especially interesting in the treatment of poorly

contaminated effluents.

Who are we ?

Thirteen students from INSA Lyon and ENS Lyon (two french schools) supervised by several researchers and PhD students. Thirteen students ultra motivated for this unique experience and crazy enough to spend their summer in the labs.
Before meeting us in Amsterdam (or maybe in Boston :) ), we invite you to discover the team members, our schools, our city and our funny photos in the About Us section .

What are we doing ?

If you are curious and want to know what we do every day, don't hesitate, have a look at our Notebook! You will find all the experiments we have done but also a lot of other activities to share and inform about our project and its stakes : conferences, video clips, press articles ... To learn more about our communication activities, click here.

ENS assystem Biomérieux INSA