Regions/Regional Councils


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Each region will have a Regional Council to represent the teams and organizations in their region. Since the Regional Jamboree is expected to move each year and since a region may split into two as the number of teams increases, a more permanent organization is needed.

It is critical that the recommendations of the councils be grounded in the iGEM experience, so membership in the councils will be limited to instructors of previous iGEM teams. In future years, the method for nominating and electing council members will be determined according to the governance structure of these councils. However, for 2011, iGEM Headquarters will select the initial chair and members of these councils.

iGEM Headquarters is also establishing a Council of Regions to advise it on the needs of the regions. This council will be made up of representatives from the Regional Committees. Again, for 2011, iGEM Headquarters will work with the Regional Councils to set up this committee.

If you are an iGEM instructor from any previous years and would like to be on the committee for your region, please send an email to iGEM Headquarters.

The establishment of Regions and of Regional Councils has these goals:

  • To meet the needs of each region in the iGEM program
  • To promote iGEM within their region by publicizing the iGEM program and seeking financial support for iGEM teams
  • To improve the quality of the iGEM experience and the scientific work done by teams in the region
  • To allow opportunities for participation to members of the region
  • To bring forward new leaders for iGEM and synthetic biology

The Regional Councils are part of a drive to expand the level of community participation in the operation of iGEM.