

Revision as of 20:22, 11 July 2011 by Bhavikmehta19 (Talk | contribs)

div#top-section{ /*the div containing the entire top bar*/ height: 20px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 0px !important; margin-top: -14px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;; border: none; width: 100%; background: none; color: black; position:absolute; } #p-logo { /*the header image*/ height:0px; overflow:hidden; border:none; } #content{ margin-top: 14px; } #search-controls { overflow:hidden; display:none; background: none; position: absolute; top: 170px; right: 40px; } div#header { width: 975px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 0px !important; } #menubar { position: absolute; background: none; color: black; } .left-menu, .right-menu{ position: absolute; background: none; color: white; } .left-menu li, .right-menu li a { color: transparent !important; } .left-menu ul li, .right-menu ul li a{ background: none; color: white; } .right-menu li a:hover, .right-menu li a:visited, .right-menu li a:active { color: white !important; } /***End minimal header***/