From 2011.igem.org

Revision as of 21:24, 4 July 2011 by Cs3109 (Talk | contribs)
Nikki Kapp

- Evidence suggests that several components found in most sunscreens are harmful to us and can be carcinogenic, also most sunscreens only protect against UV B (315-280 nm) and not UV A (315-400 nm).

- These sunscreens use metal oxides (Zinc oxide) to absorb UV radiation, but the effects of absorbing these metals into your skin are not fully understood and are thought to lead to production of reactive oxygen species and could lead to melanomas rather than preventing them. 

- Scytonemin is a pigment found in cyanobacteria which protects them from UV radiation, absorbing 325-425 nm. Its synthesis requires three enzymes, SycA-C


- Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) are produced by organisms adapted to environments with high levels of sunlight (eg. cyanobacteria and algae), protecting them from UV radiation. There are 20 types and they also serve as anti-oxidants by stabilising free radicals (anti-ageing?).  In a bioinformatics study the genes YP_324358 (predicted DHQ synthase) and YP_324357 (O-methyltransferase) were identified in A. variabilis PCC 7937 cyanobacteria. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0888754309002353)

Frank Machin

- First, I began to look into the possible production of the alkaloid isorhy, as was brought to my attention by Nina and Si
- It is rumoured to be a potential treatment for Parkinson's and it would make a good project if this were to be produced by bacteria
- On further research it turns out that the evidence for this drug as a treatment is weak and there is no information available about the gene or genes that encode it, so the idea was dropped

- After being inspired by a student from the Royal College of Arts who presented us with her work on a project to create a living dress, I began to research the notion of a melanin tattoo, so that alpha-melanin stimulating hormone is applied to the skin and held in place until the skin darkens in the shape of the template. The alpha-MSH could be produced by bacteria.
- the alpha-MSH gene is produced as one gene that also contains beta-MSH and gamma-MSH that are made available through post-transcriptional processing, so only the alpha-MSH region is required as it is the best characterised and has been expressed before
- Once the alpha-MSH is expressed, it can be collected, soaked into silk (for example) that is cut into a pattern and will allow the hormone to diffuse into the skin, producing a (probably temporary) tattoo.

- However, it seems that alpha-MSH is a rather powerful aphrodisiac and so a different hormone will have to be chosen, in addition, it seems that the hormone is unlikely to penetrate the skin as there are many different layers as well as proteases secreted by the skin - alpha-MSH, or homologs are already used as tanning solutions - Perhaps an alternative would be to use a mutant GFP that is able to glow brightly under normal light? This would have to be applied under the skin using a tattoo needle and could make for an interesting piece of body-art

Christopher Schoene

We had a briefing today chaired by James. Key action points of the day were to organize our CID's, organize who was in charge of each team aspect and discuss the problems that we thought could be solved by Synthetic Biology. Once these problems had been discussed, we each chose one project that another team member came up with to research. We also were introduced to Professor Freemont and Professor Kitney who gave us an insightful talk about what awaits us. A trip to the Royal Society of Science exhibition ended up turning into a lunch in China town (the exhibition actually starts tomorrow) and we talked to Nicola Morgan who is interested in investigating the use of bacteria in making patterns on clothing.

Vampiric bacteria:

The aspect of a Vampiric bacteria that is designed to get rid of blood clots produced by trauma induced clotting or during complex medical procedures is intriguing. Expression of Hirudin is possible in systems such as E. coli. In 2007 Berkeley produced a chassis for a E. coli that could be introduced into the blood stream after inactivation. However, it is difficult to have the non-viable cell lysis occur in the correct location and therefore an anticoagulant could just as well be injected into the patient. For this to work, we would require an expression system that is able to express Hirudin (produced usually by leech salivary glands and has been successfully expressed in E. coli), express anti-angiotensin (it is possible to express Fab fragments in E. coli) and targeting the fibrin (can be done by expressing Tissue plasminogen activator). The idea would be to have the chassis recognize a blood clot or an area of damage and prevent clotting and/or clear clots. A method for having the system recognize when to secrete hirudin would be by having the bacteria sense trauma related chemokines and have the chassis secrete the protein only when it senses above a certain threshold of these chemokines or we could try to express protease-activated receptors (GPCR) that are cleaved by activated thrombin (the target of hirudin). Direct application would only benefit over the use of leeches in that the chassis is more aseptic then a leech bite.

The biggest issue remains the fact that for this to work we would have to inject the patient with living E. coli that can evade the human immune system.

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