Team:Potsdam Bioware/Team
Katja Arndt |
Kristian Müller |
Nicole Albrecht Major: Biotechnology, Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 8th |
Katharina Berger Major: Biological Science, Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 8th |
Nadja Bjelopoljak Major: Biological Science, Biochemistry, Molecularbiology Semester: 8th |
Nadine Boehmer Major: Biological Science, Biochemistry, Molecularbiology Semester: 8th |
Vanessa Boehmer Major: Biological Science, Molecularbiology Semester: 4th |
Jessica Eger Major: Biological Science, Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 8th |
Steffi Sempert Major: Molecularbiotechnology, Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 10th |
Niels Weisbach Major: Biology, Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 9th |
In vivo Selection
Sebastian Hanke Major: Biological Science, Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 8th |
Paul Kaufmann Major: Biological Science, Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 8th |
Sascha Ramm Major: Biological Science,
Molecularbiology, Biochemistry |
Stefan Wahlefeld Major: Biotechnology,
Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 8th |
Phage Display
Sandrina Heyde Major: Biological Science,
Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 8th |
Sabine Meyer Major: Biological Science,
Molecularbiology, Biochemistry Semester: 8th |
Modelling and Software
Niklas Laasch Major: Biological Science, Biochemistry Semester: 4th
Oliver Zimmer Major: Telematics
Semester: 4th |
Tobias Wenzel Major: Physics Semester: 6th |
Photo Gallery
Some further impressions of our team... |
The chance to be part of this competition, of this incredible project incorporating organization and communication skills, teamwork, scientific know-how, time management, budget management, independent working, enthusiasm for synthetic biology would never have been come true without the endorsement on time and valuable advice of our supervisors Prof. Katja Arndt and Dr. Kristian Müller. We cordially owe our deepest gratitude to them.
We are also extremely thankful to Prof. Elke Dittmann and her team providing us the microviridin gene cluster and their precious advices and support throughout the journey right from the beginning.
We would like to thank Gunter Stier for the TEV protease.
Among the crews at the University of Potsdam we want to express our gratitude to the group of Prof. Steup and Dr. Fettke for the support with MS analysis and last but not least the team of Prof. Walz giving us the opportunity to use their fluorescence microscope. Additionally, are we very thankful to the groups of Prof. Dittmann, Prof. Ignatova and Prof. Seckler for their greatness to afford us to use their autoclaves.
Ultimately, we are greatly thankful to Tim, Tobi, Sven, and Vijay, PhD. students of Katja and Kristian, for their encouragement. We know, it wasn't always easy with us, and hereby we formally apologize. For your patience with us throughout the summer, we also want to say a huge THANK YOU!
The contribution of our team is listed in detail in the lab journal provided.