

Revision as of 06:55, 5 October 2011 by Cambi (Talk | contribs)
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* FeatureList - simple and easy creation of an interactive "Featured Items" widget
* Examples and documentation at:
* Version: 1.0.0 (01/09/2009)
* Copyright (c) 2009 jQueryGlobe
* Licensed under the MIT License:
* Requires: jQuery v1.3+
  • /
(function($) {

$.fn.featureList = function(options) { var tabs = $(this); var output = $(options.output);

new jQuery.featureList(tabs, output, options);

return this; };

$.featureList = function(tabs, output, options) { function slide(nr) { if (typeof nr == "undefined") { nr = visible_item + 1; nr = nr >= total_items ? 0 : nr; }

tabs.removeClass('current').filter(":eq(" + nr + ")").addClass('current');

output.stop(true, true).filter(":visible").fadeOut(); output.filter(":eq(" + nr + ")").fadeIn(function() { visible_item = nr; }); }

var options = options || {}; var total_items = tabs.length; var visible_item = options.start_item || 0;

options.pause_on_hover = options.pause_on_hover || true; options.transition_interval = options.transition_interval || 5000;

output.hide().eq( visible_item ).show(); tabs.eq( visible_item ).addClass('current'); { if ($(this).hasClass('current')) { return false; }

slide( tabs.index( this) ); });

if (options.transition_interval > 0) { var timer = setInterval(function () { slide(); }, options.transition_interval);

if (options.pause_on_hover) { tabs.mouseenter(function() { clearInterval( timer );

}).mouseleave(function() { clearInterval( timer ); timer = setInterval(function () { slide(); }, options.transition_interval); }); } } }; })(jQuery);