Team:HKU-Hong Kong/Lab Diaries


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Lab Diaries
Week 1
  1. Transformation of reporter DNA (pEGFP-loxp-km-loxp) into DH10B (non-virulent strain E. coli) with antibiotic resistance (Chloramphenicol – Cm)
  2.  tested the efficiency of transformation at different concentration 3ug/uL; 30ug/uL; 300ug/uL spread plates (100uL) and incubated the plates at 37C overnight it was found that 3ug/uL of DNA was already enough to have high transformation efficiency of our DH10B competent cells. However, the colonies were very small. This might be because the bacteria grow very slowly. inoculated 5 colonies from the plate which had been spread with 3ug/uL reporter DNA transformed DH10B separately into 3mL LB broth with 3uL Amp and incubated at 37C for several hours (from ~09:30 to ~14:30) to see if it could really grow in growth medium