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Hello World!

<a href="">Liveblogging at the European Regionals</a>

Filed in <a href="" title="View all posts in 2011" rel="category">2011</a> | <a href="" title="View all posts in Blog" rel="category">Blog</a> | <a href="" title="View all posts in Europe Regionals" rel="category">Europe Regionals</a> | <a href="" title="View all posts in iGEM" rel="category">iGEM</a> <a href="" title="Comment on Liveblogging at the European Regionals">Leave a comment</a>

If you follow our twitter you probably know this already, but here it goes again:

iGEMwatch is going to the regional jamboree in Amsterdam!

Me (LC) and Marc will provide live coverage from the European regionals the whole upcoming weekend (September 30th – October 2nd), starting with the “Meeting of the Minds” organized by the Rathenau Institute on friday night, followed by presentations on saturday, where we will post live from two parallel sessions. Naturally, we will also be tweeting from the poster session on saturday evening to let you know about the most creative and inspiring posters there. We will conclude the coverage on sunday with the presentations of the three finalists and the awards ceremony, so tune in to find out who the favorites for taking the grand prize in Boston are!

All of this is possible thanks to iGEM HQ and the regional jamboree organizers who have granted us the status of “blogging volunteers”; thank you!

If you also are attending the jamboree then come and say hi to the guy sitting at the presentations continually typing away on his computer – it would be really nice to meet our readers in person!

Be ready for a flood of updates and lots of tweets over the weekend.