TetR binds with tetO under normal circumstances. In the DNA-bound complex, the two-fold symmetry of TetR is maintained. Each HTH-motif binds to the corresponding major groove of the palindromic tetO, while the minor groove is not recognized. All but the central 3 pairs of the 15-mer operator fragment are engaged in the binding.
In the presence of tetracycline – magnesium complex, [MgTc]+, residue His100 and Thr103 of helix α6 are displaced, causing the shifting of helix α6 towards the C terminal. Both C and N terminal of α4 shift because of the movement of α6 and the formation of hydrogen bond between α4 and [MgTc]+. α3 is displaced as a consequence, which releases the bonding between tetR and tetO.
TetR binding with TetO