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1 How do you feel about our research on synthetic biology?

A it will do us more good than harm

B more harm than good

C it is a two-side weapon

D hard to tell


2 Do you believe that scientists can ultimately synthesis a entirely new creature?

A it may be realized

B I doubt

C hard to tell


3 (based on question 2)If we can create new lives is there going to be any problem? If so, can you come up with possible solutions?

A Yes, it will cause problems. Solution:

B none

C hard to tell


Safety concerns:

1 pollutions: In 2002, EWimmer group synthesis the polio virus; 2002 years J.C.V ENTER synthesized the phage genome. In 2004, U.S. researchers synthesized the Spanish flu virus which in 1918 caused million of death in the world. These artificial synthesis of emissions problems deepen our worry, do you think we should be from what respect strengthen control and supervision?

A strengthening of synthetic biology and popularization of potential risk education

B for any synthetic biology make elaborate, accurate product safety manual

C increase of biological safety of all countries and the international committee of the audit scope, strengthen the biological safety guidelines of enforcement

D your suggestion __________________________


Biological weapons abuse:

1 in 2003, the CIA biological weapons evaluation for future development states that "the  biological products are more terrible than any human known disease "; In 2006, the British defense ministry thinks that synthetic biology may affect the future military capability. As mentioned earlier although synthetic virus have no harm, but how to prevent such technology from developing into biological weapons still need to be considered.How,do you think ,that we can deal with this problem.

A strengthens the local, national, and world class range of regulations.

B to ensure that the virus we make cannot survive in nature conditions

C your advice



2 Based on the development of biology, whether do you think that there have appeared problems that violates the ethics or moral standard of human beings?

There is, for example:

A, in the future , the problem will continue to exist, but the basic status quo;

B, in the future, the problem will aggravate the adverse effects;

C, in the future, it will gradually reduce adverse effects.

B, no

C, don't know


The application and innovationof synthetic biology:

1, In iGEM2007 the energy gold medal was given to Alberta university.Their projects mainly focus to the synthesis of butyl e. coli. Which not only reduces the production cost, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Do you think that such technology can really solve the energy shortage?

A feasible

B not feasible

C it will be more helpful if we can find new energy resources


2, Do you think Escherichia coli can be used to make biological clock? Will you use it?

A you  would like to use for the reasons: 1 cheap 2 can produce lots 3 4 other novel

B you don't want to use for the reasons: 1 security problems  2 oscillation time may not last long  3 other concerns:


3, If in the future we can use e. coli as a camera.What virtue do you think this kind of  camera may have?

A cheaper price

B more sensitive

C is easy to carry

D other _______



1、 你觉得人类对于合成生物学的研究是:

A、 利大于弊

B、 弊大于利

C、 二者相当

D、 不确定


2、 你觉得未来人类生命科学能否做到自下而上地按照人为目的合成新的生命体:


B、 不能

C、 不确定


3、 (上一题选择A的回答)人类如果具备此种技术,是否将会存在潜在的危险?如果有,有什么好的方法可以避免危险的发生?

A、 有,解决方案:                                                  

B、 没有

C、 不确定



1、 对环境无控制排放:2002年,EWimmer小组合成了脊髓灰质炎病毒;2002J.C.VENTER合成了噬菌体基因组;2004年,美国研究人员人工合成了1918年造成全世界上千万人死亡的西班牙流感病毒。这些人工合成生物的排放问题加深了我们的忧虑,你认为我们应该从哪些方面加强管制和监督?

A、 加强和普及对合成生物学潜在风险的教育

B、 对于任何合成生物体制定详尽,准确的产品安全手册

C、 加大各国和国际生物安全委员会的审核范围,强化对生物安全指导方针的执行力度

D、 你的建议        __________________________



1、 2003年美国中央情报局对生物武器未来发展的评估为:“工程化的生物制品可能比任何人类已知的疾病都可怕”;2006年英国国防部更认为合成生物学有可能影响未来军事能力。如上讨论的合成生物学病毒虽然现在还没有危害性,但如何防止此类技术沦为生物武器,你认为应还从哪些方面加强预防:

A、 开发和研制识别合成生物体建立者的条码,加强地方,国家,世界级范围的审核。

B、 确保开发和使用只有在自然界无法生存和传播的,本质安全的合成生物体。

C、 你的建议___________________________________________________________



2、 你觉得目前生命科学的发展中,在基于对生命的改造领域,是否已经出现了对人类、自然环境或伦理道德产生恶劣影响的结果?

A、 有,例如:                                                                 

a、  未来会继续存在,但基本维持现状;

b、  未来不利影响会加剧;

c、  未来不利影响会逐渐减少。





A、 可行

B、 不可行

C、 改造菌株来合成能源不如直接开发新能源



A、 你会使用的原因是:1 价格低廉 2 可以大量生产 3 新颖 4 其他

B、 你不想使用的原因是:1 菌株可能存在安全问题 2 振荡时间可能不长 3 其他________



A、 价格便宜

B、 可大量生产

C、 携带方便

D、 其他_________



A、   菌株有害

B、   可能对生态环境有影响

C、   像素不好,分辨率不高

D、   其他_______



Summary and Analysis

     In September, we did a questionnaire in the freshman grade. We received 58 questionnaires back. Based on all these answers, we found out people are more concerned with environment pollutions but have a optimistic altitude towards the development of synthetic biology. In addition, we asked them about their opinion on the project of WHU-iGEM team this year.

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