Team:UNAM-Genomics Mexico/Modeling/CA


Revision as of 02:55, 29 September 2011 by Hmedina (Talk | contribs)



We have chosen to do a Cellular Automaton to corroborate two things:

  1. Observe Plant development with the C vs N economy at the Niche
  2. Double Check the Game Theory results with a nice shiny plot


Cellular Automatons rely on rules to calculate the next state, from t to t+1. Kappa uses rules to extrapolate differential equations (via the über-strange concept of "Fragments") and thus obtain the changes from application, to application. Seeing the analogy of these approaches, we chose to do our CA with Kappa.


We will be using Rule-Based-Modelling approaches, id est [ Kappa]. We are using the [ RuleStudio] plugin for the [ Eclipse] Environment / Suite. We have some past experience with Kappa, our model for last year's project WiFi Coli relied heavily on it, and we are lightly involved in the [ Kappa users] community.

We've tried using the [ online version], however it is not as compatible as we would like it to be with Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer...


Our CA behaved as expected. Our script is here. Next are the results we got.

C vs N economy

We can see first and foremost that with the addition of our transgenic chassis, the final count of plants is higher at around 70 plants. This reflect the first scenario of enhanced nitrogen fixation:

UNAM-Genomics Mexico hmedina TransgenicGraph.png

For the "purist" scenario of only wildtypes, plant count is lower at around 50:

UNAM-Genomics Mexico hmedina WildtypeGraph.png


Still running!