June 21st, 2011
Restriction, Ligation, and Transformation Lumazine synthase - double terminator and pBAD - RBS into pSB1C3
1. Restriction
- Restricted lumazine synthase - dt out of pSB1K3 and pBAD - RBS out of pSB1T3 with EcoR1 and Pst1
- Restricted destination plasmid pSB1C3 with EcoR1 and Pst1
2. Ligation
- Ligated lumazine synthase-dt into destination plasmid pSB1C3
- Ligated pBAD-RBS into destination plasmid pSB1C3
- Transformed lumazine synthase - dt in pSB1C3 into DH5∝ E. coli cells
- Transformed pBAD-RBS in pSB1C3 into DH5∝ E. coli cells
June 24th, 2011
Picked cells from June 21st transformation
June 25th, 2011
Minipreped Cells picked on June 24th, 2011
June 28th
Restriction of June 25th miniprep and ran on agarose gel
Lumazine - dt construct successfully inserted into pSB1C3! :) Glycerol stocked.July
July 8th
Performed antibiotic assay on lumazine - dt in pSB1C3
Samples from one colony grew in Kanamicyn; this stock was discardedPCR:
- PCR'd out lumazine - dt
- Used VF2VR prefix and antisense suffix
Ran samples on agarose gel to confirm sizes
July 10th, 2011
PCR'd out lumazine synthase - dt from June 28th using VF2VR prefix and antisense suffix
Ran on an agarose gel for 45min at 70volts
July 25th, 2011
Today we analyzed 4 of Team 2's DNA samples. To do this we ran a restriction digestion reaction cutting the biobrick out of the plasmid. We then ran these digests on an agarose gel. The gel looked nice and we gave it to Team 2 for further analysis. They owe us one!
July 28th, 2011
Colony PCR with VF2VR prefix and antisense suffix:
k331033-k331035 in pSB1C3
P0440-K331033 in pSB1A2
J04500-lumazine synthase-dt in pSB1AK3
pBAD-P0440 in pSB1A2
lumazine synthase-dt-pBAD in pSB1A2
July 29th, 2011
For control comparision of parts from July 28th PCR we ran a PCR of:
Lumazine synthase - dt
Ran PCR with VF2VR prefix and antisense suffix samples and controls from July 28th on an agarose gel. PCR was successful!
Additionally, we did an EcoRI restriction of:
J04500-Agn 43 sample 1
J04500 -Agn 43 Sample 2
J04500 - Lumazine synthase - Dt sample 3
Lumazine synthase - Dt
We then ran samples on an agarose gel to confirm sizes
August 2nd, 2011
Transfer of enhanced lumazine synthase from pET-28a into pSB1C3
Restricted with EcoR1 and Pst1
Ran on 1% TAE agarose gel for 90 minutes at 80V
- Gel melted -- unsuccessful.
Picked colonies to be glycerol stocked from successful colony PCR from July 28th: k331033-k331035 in pSB1C3 P0440-K331033 in pSB1A2 J04500-lumazine synthase-dt in pSB1AK3 pBAD-P0440 in pSB1A2 lumazine synthase-dt-pBAD in pSB1A2
August 4th, 2011
- Enhanced lumazine synthase restricted with EcoR1 and Pst1
- pSB1C3 restricted with EcoR1 and Pst1
- pBAD - P0440 restricted with EcoR1 and Pst1
- lumazine - dt-pBAD -RBS restricted with EcoR1 and Pst1
Gel ran at 80V for 90 minutes and a gel extraction was performed
- Enhanced lumazine with pSB1C3
- pBAD - p0440 with pSB1C3
- lumazine - dt -pBAD - RBS with pSB1C3
- Transformation of DNA into competent DH5∝ E. coli cells
August 5th, 2011
Transfer of p0440 - K331033 from pSB1A2 into pSB1C3
- p0440 - K331033 restricted with EcoR1 and Pst1
Ran on 1% TAE agarose gel for 90 minutes at 80V
- Unsuccessful restriction :(
August 6th, 2011
Transfer of p0440 - K331033 from pSB1A2 into pSB1C3
- p0440 - K331033 restricted with EcoR1 and Pst1
Ran on 1% TAE agarose gel for 90 minutes at 80V
- Gel melted -- unsuccessful TAE suspected to be the issue
- J04500 and P04400-K331033 were restricted with EcoRI and SpeI, Lumazine synthase-Dt-pBAD and K331035 were restricted with EcoR1 and SpeI
Ran Restrictions on 1X TAE agarose gel
- 8 samples ran total, 2 of each restriction were done, and run in separate lanes, P0440-k331033 showed not bands on Gel
Performed a successful Gel extraction
August 7th, 2011
- J04500 and lumazine synthase- dt- pBAD in pSB1A2
- Controls ran using lumazine- dt- pBAD and 2microlitres H20
August 8th, 2011
Performed a miniprep of August 4th transformation, pBAD+p0440 and Lumazine Synthase-Dt + pBAD
Ran a 1% TBE agarose Gel Results of Gel look good
Transformation of Enhanced Lumazine Synthase in pSB1C3 and plated
Picked colonies
- J04500 Lumazine synthase Dt in pSB1AK
- Lumazine synthase - Dt- pBAD in pSB1A2
- P0440 - K331033 in pSB1A2 August 9th, 2011
Religated Enhansed Lumazine synthase into pSB1C3
Miniprep of overnight cultures from august 8th
Transformation of enhanced lumazine synthase into competent Dh5alpha E. coli cells
Restriction of J04500 - Lumazine-Dt out of pSB1AK3 and P0440 K331033 out of pSB1A2 With EcoR1 and PstI
- Ran 1X TAE Agarose Gel for Restriction
- Gel ran at 80Volts for 60 minutes
- Results of gel analysis show peices at wrong sizes, potential restriction issues.
Picked Colonies for overnight culture, from August 8th plating of Enhansed Lumazine synthase
August 10th, 2011
Miniprep'd Enhansed Lumazine from over night culture on August 9th.
Made 1% TAE Agarose Gel set in fridge for use next day.
Ligated together
- K331033 - K331035 + pBAD - P0440 in pSB1C3
- I13453- P0440 + Lumazine synthase Construct in pSB1A2
- Note: Ligation used 1.0 Micro liters of T4 Ligase in each ligation instead of 0.5 Micro liters
Transformed ligation mix into DH5Alpha E.coli Cells
August 11th, 2011
Ran Gel from August 10th, fridge keeps gel well.
Picked Colonies from Gylserol stocks
- P0440 - K331033 in pSB1A2
- pBAD - P0440 in pSB1A2
- Lumazine synthase - Dt - pBAD in pSB1A2
- J04500 - Agn 43 in pSB1AK3
Gel Extraction of J04500 - Lumazine synthase - Dt and P0440 - K331033
Parts Liagated into pSB1C3 and Control Ligation performed with restricted pSB1C3 and ddH20
Ligations were transformed into competent DH5alpha E.coli Cells and Plated
- No Colonies grew
August 16th, 2011
Repeated August 11th, Ligations and Transformations of of J04500 - Lumazine synthase - Dt and P0440 - K331033
August 28th, 2011
DH5α Cells containing BBa_K542008 as well as controls containing only plasmid pSB1C3 were grown overnight at 37°C.
August 29th, 2011
Approximately 400μL of the cells that were picked Aug. 28th were resuspended in 5mL SOC media, and induced with 5μL or 10μL of 1M IPTG. Cells were again incubated at 37°C for approximately 4 hours. Cells were then spun down at 6000xg for 2 minutes.
Cells were resuspended in 500μL gluteraldehyde/formaldehyde fixative and incubated at room temperature for 2 hours. The solution was then spun at 6000xg for 2 minutes.
Cell pellet was resuspended in 0.1 sodium cacodylate buffer and incubated for 10 minutes. Solution was centrifuged for 2 minutes at 6000xg. This step was repeated an additional 2 times. Cells were then resuspended in 1% osmium tetroxide fixative in 0.1M CaC buffer and incubated at room temperature for 1 hour. Solution was centrifuged at 6000xg for 2 minutes. Cells were then resuspended in Milli-Q H2O.
The cells were spun down at 10000xg for 5 minutes, and resuspended in 4% BIO-RAD standard low melting temperature agarose at 60°C. A drop of this cell-agarose mixture was then added to slides in order to harden, and incubated in Milli-Q H2O overnight.
August 30th, 2011
Agarose-cell mixtures were cut into cubes of approximately 1mm x 1mm x 1mm. They were incubated in increasing alcohol concentrations up to 100% anhydrous elthyl alcohol. The cubes were then incubated in decreasing concentrations of alcohol and increasing concentrations of resin, up to 100% resin. The cubes were then left in 100% resin overnight.
August 31st, 2011
The cubes from the 100% resin were then placed in tubes with fresh resin and left in the oven for 24 hours to harden.
September 1st, 2011
The resin-embedded cubes of cells were then thin sectioned and placed on a carbon grid. They were stained with uranyl acetate and then positively stained with lead citrate then viewed under TEM.
September 8th, 2011
Restriction Restricted parts with respective restiction enzymes
- J04500 in pSB1AK3 SpeI and PstI
- Enhansed Lumazine synthase-Dt in pSB1C3 XbaI and PstI
- J04500-Enhansed Lumazine Synthase in pSB1AK3 EcoRI and SpeI
- Dt in psb1AK3 EcoRI and XbaI
- Enhansed Lumazine Synthase in pSB1C3 EcoRI and SpeI
- Dt in pSB1A2 EcoRI and SpeI
- Restriction mixture into freezer overnight after 1 hour at 37 Degrees C
Made a 1X TAE Agarose Gel stored in fridge overnight.
September 9th, 2011
Ran Agarose Gel from September 8th.
- Note: more issues with the Gels, Volts too low, Amp too high, Assistance from Weiden lab PhD student, explains in depth how gel rigs, power packs and agarose all work, Helped trouble shoot each area, which lead to Changing the 1X TAE from weiden lab stock. This gave constant Voltage and lowered the amps, Since the agarose gel was made from off TAE Gel had to be run at constant amps for several hours to prevent from melting.
Gel extraction went well all pieces showed up with the exception of J04500-Enhansed Lumazine in pSB1AK3
Set up ligations of
- J04500 and Enhansed Lumazine synthase-Dt in pSB1C3
- Enhansed Lumazine Synthase and Dt in pSB1AK3
- Enhansed Lumazine Synthase and Dt in pSB1A2
September 10th, 2011
Assembly of Ptet-Rbs in pSB1A2 to have XylE- ATag-Dt Did a restriction Digest, Cutting pTet-rbs with SpeI and PstI Restricted XylE Atag- dt with XbaI and PstI While the Restricted at 37 degrees Celcus for 1 hour made a 1% TAE Agarose Using TAE from Weiden stocks for both Gel and buffer. Loaded gel with samples and ran at 80Volts for 60 minutes. Was very happy to see the gel running at normal Amps and reaching regular Volts, No more melting Gels!! Gel analysis by UV indicated Restrictions did not work for XylE
September 11th, 2011
3 days back and nothing has worked, Persistence is the only way Were going to get through this!! Build a new copy of Xyle + S04261 Since the stock copy is unaccounted for/Incognito. Found Prerestricted Xyle and S04261 in team ones book, and located in freezer, Performed a ligation, left overnight. Restricted Enhansed Lumazine Synthase-Dt in pSB1C3 cut at EcoRI and XbaI to later ligate with previously restricted J04500 cut at EcoRI and SpeI Also Restricted, J04500 out of pSB1AK3 by cutting at EcoRI and SpeI to be ligated with the Enhansed Lunazine synthase-dt in pSB1C3 Also Restricted Enhansed Lumazine Synthase in pSB1C3 at sites SpeI and PstI and Dt D6 was restricted at XbaI and PstI. ( later to learn should have left Dt in plasmid and removed the enhansed Lumazine synthase, Dt was too small and ran off gel.
Ran all parts on a 1% TAE agarose Gel,
- Enhanced Lumazine synthase-dt restricted well, J04500 restricted well, and Enhansed Lumazine synthase in pSB1C3 restricted well, but Dt D6 did not as it was too small and ran off the gel.
Ligated each of the Enhansed Lumazine Synthase-Dt with The Gel restricted J04500 and the previously restricted J04500
September 12th, 2011
Transformed and plated cells left in incubator overnight
September 13th,2011
End of the first Week worth of classes, and still nothing grows/ works Why?? I am informed I am using the wrong enzymes, a type that wont heat kill, ( later questioned, but im running a gel for extraction, Does this still matter? Since I was informed the heat kill process doesn’t need to be done when running a gel for extraction, When I was introduced to the gel extractions, I asked why are we doing it this way, the answer was ‘It’s more efficient!’ apparently in theory only) Ok one More Kick at it, New enzymes check, Proper TAE check, advice from Phd students Check, Objective: Get something to work, Feeling I have it all figured now, I set forth once more.
- Assemble: J04500 in pSB1AK3 Cutting at SpeI and PstI with Enhansed Lumazine Synthase- Dt Cutting at EcoR1 and PstI
- J04500-Enhansed Lumazine synthase Cutting at EcoRI and SpeI with Dt D7 in pSB1AK3 Cutting at EcoRI and XbaI
- Enhansed Lumazine Synthase Cutting at EcoRI and SpeI with Dt D6 in pSB1A2 Cutting at EcoRI and XbaI
- pTet-Rbs in pSB1A2 Cutting at SpeI and PstI with XylE-ATag-Dt Cutting at XbaI and PstI
Made Gel while Restrictions incubated,
- 1% TAE Agarose Gel then stored in fridge overnight, Note: don’t store on top shelf, Gel will freeze
Stored restricted DNA in Freezer overnight to be used in gel in the morning,
September 14th, 2011
Gel froze overnight in fridge, so Made two new gels 1 small one large both 1% TAE Agarose ( so much for loading a gel and going to class) Added loading dye to samples and ran on gel, Ran gels at 80Volts for 90 minutes Enhansed Lumazine Synthase –dt did not work restriction issue J04500 –Enhansed Lumazine synthase did not work restriction issues XylE –ATag-Dt was not run on gel, portion too small for successful gel extraction/ not enough lanes, Only Enhansed Lumazine and Dt D6 in pSB1A2 were available to proceed to gel extraction, Limited number of Spin columns available, Gel Extraction Failed Wrong product poured into wrong spin column Pack up go Home Try again in a few days
September 21st, 2011
Cells containing the BBa_K542008 construct as well as controls containing pSB1C3 were grown overnight at 37°C.
September 22nd
Cells grown on September 21st, 2011 were spun down at 10,000rpm and then resuspended in 1X phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The solution was centrifuged at 10,000rpm, decanted and resuspended in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) and left overnight.
September 23rd
The 4%PFA-cell solution was then centrifuged at 10,000rpm and cells were resuspended in glycerol. The glycerol-cell mixtures were then placed on slides, coverslipped and sealed.
The slides were viewed with an Olympus FV1000 spectral confocal at 60X magnification.