

Revision as of 01:50, 26 September 2011 by Lin.xinxin (Talk | contribs)

# of parts submitted:
  • 35 Regulatory promoters
  • 2 Ribosome Binding Sites
  • 1 Reporter device
  • 3 Composite expression modules
  • 2 Coding proteins
Total: 43 Parts

Assembly Standard: BglBricks



Stress promoters respond differently to various types of stress that is placed on the cell. We wanted a promoter that would be downregulated in the presence of membrane stress caused by the overexpression of ToxR fusion proteins. The design principle was to express ToxR fusion proteins under this promoter such that the stress it caused would downregulate its production.


The 34 stress promoters were PCRed from E. coli MC1061 Genomic DNA. Basic parts were made in plasmids with pUC origins. A constitutive promoter (Pcon) was also cloned into a basic part as a control for characterization.


The pool of 34 stress promoters, identified from microarray data (Moen, 2009), was assembled in front of a GFP reporter gene, and the construct was transformed into E. coli MC1061. The cells were subjected to generalized stresses (heat, cold, acid, base, salt) overnight, and their resulting fluorescence was measured. Downregulation in response to stress, resulting in decreased fluorescence, was desired. Tecan plate measurements showed initial downregulation in some of the stress promoeters, with the cold condition yielding the best results. Further flow cytometry experiments confirmed the stress-responsive downregulation shown by the Tecan.



The expression plasmid consists of a stress promoter regulating the production of ToxR. This construct allows us to express enough ToxR to allow for the functionality we desire and at the same time have minimal affect on bacterial growth rate.


The ToxR was PCR amplified out of V. Cholerae genomic DNA, digested, and ligated in front of the leucine zipper (Iilk.) A library of potential stress promoters and an RBS library were put in front of the ToxR fusion protein and the library was screened for healthy and transcriptionally active clones. This construct was then used as our template for our other ToxR fusion proteins.





The reporter construct will give us a fluorescent output that will correlate to the amount of transcriptional activity ToxR promotes on pctx. Since transcriptional activity by ToxR dimers depends on the strength of dimerization, the fluorescence can be correlated to how tight the ToxR monomers bind together.


ToxR’s native target promoter ctx was PCRed out of V. Cholerae genomic DNA and made into a basic part. The promoter was then placed upstream of an rbs.ffGFP part using 2AB assembly.


By cotransforming this reporter plasmid and the expression plasmid (see above) we were able to measure the strength of Pctx induction by ToxR.




The human estrogen receptor is known to dimerize around estradiol. By fusing the human estrogen receptor to ToxR, we can create an estradiol biosensor and potentially an estradiol-inducible system.


The estrogen receptor was refactored to optimally express in E. Coli and assembled using designed oligos and PCA (polymerase cycling assembly). The final protein was made into a basic part. Various sections of the estrogen receptor were PCRed into separate basic parts to create truncations that might give different behaviors to estradiol (see figure). The estrogen receptor was fused to ToxR’s C-terminus with Gly-Ser linkers and thus exposed to the periplasm when expressed in the cell.


