Team:Peking R/Team/ZMQ/zmq


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Zhang Mengqi is one of the Peking University 2011 iGEMers. She participates in part of the selection work and the work of human practice with her partner Xiao Qingyang. She is also responsible for the major design and construction of our team’s wiki.

Name: Zhang Mengqi
Hobbies: rock climbing, painting, traveling




Research interest: Ecology, Genetics and Evolution, Synthetic Biology, Anthropology(Culture Diversity)

Education: 2010.9-now College of Life Science, Peking University

Academic Experience:
2011.1-now Peking_R team for iGEM 2010

Statement:Synthetic Biology is interesting for me because this make it possible for us to engineer something living, which is useful for us. The whole summer for me is fantastic, for not only do l learn many experimental skills but also some knowledge on web design, and I am happy that I can get many good friends there.



==click here to see her notebook==

==click here to return==