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Overview of the system

System overview 670.png

Data For Our Favorite New Parts

1. Main Page ( - amilCP, a blue chromoprotein, BBa_K592009. This chromoprotein from the coral Acropora millepora, amilCP, naturally exhibits strong color when expressed. The color is blue/purple and is visible to naked eye, thereby requiring no instruments to observe. The strong color is readily observed in both LB or agar culture, in less than 24 hours of incubation.

2. Main Page ( - Blue Fluorescent Protein (mTagBFP), BBa_K592100. This part codes for the bright blue fluorescent protein mTagBFP. mTagBFP is a monomeric protein with a narrow fluorescence emission spectrum with a maximum at 456 nm.

3. Main Page ( - Low to medium copy BioBrick standard vector, BBa_K592200. A BioBrick standard vector with low to medium copy p15A replication origin (BBa_I50032) and spectinomycin antibiotic resistance marker, usable for Lambda Red recombineering in E coli.

Data For Pre-existing Parts

1. Main page - PLlacO – promoter, BBa_R0011: the promoter show the highest RPU-value of all characterized promoters and had the highest with IPTG.

2. Main Page ( - constitutive promoter family member, BBa_J23113 Parts J23100 through J23119 are a family of constitutive promoter parts isolated from a small combinatorial library. As expected J23113 showed a low promoter strength.

3. Main page J23101-B0032-BFP, BBa_K592026: the constitutive promoter was used as the reference in the characterization measurement.

Characterized Parts

Our measurement with the FACS AriaII shown the following Relative Promoter Units with the Blue Fluorescent Protein (mTagBFP) as reporter, assembled with B0032 in pSB3K3-backbone transformed in TOP10 E.coli-strain.

Promoter characterization.PNG

1. Main page - PcpcG2 promoter, BBa_K592003: measurement shows a RPU-value of 0,1.

2. Main page - PFixK2 promoter, BBa_K592006 is tightly regulated by the blue sensor and showed no significant expression in absence of the YF1-sensor (BBa_K592004)

3. Main page - PT5-lac Promoter, BBa_K592008: showed higher expression in the presence of IPTG than without it.