Team:St Andrews/collaboration
Revision as of 14:41, 20 September 2011 by Max.nicosia (Talk | contribs)

University of Glasgow iGEM Team
A special thank you to the Glasgow 2011 iGEM team, who provided us with 5 μL PSB1C3 (Biobrick backbone), so we could PCR some more ourselves!

University of Dundee iGEM Team
Kindly provided: A 10% discount on base pairs for gene synthesis on all our orders. Kindly provided: A 10% discount on base pairs for gene synthesis on all our orders. Kindly provided: A 10% discount on base pairs for gene synthesis on all our orders. Kindly provided: A 10% discount on base pairs for gene synthesis on all our orders. Kindly provided: A 10% discount on base pairs for gene synthesis on all our orders.Kindly provided: A 6 months free license of Geneious Student Pro for each member of the team.