

Revision as of 18:43, 19 September 2011 by Jara (Talk | contribs)

Our Sponsors:


<a href=""> <img src="Gbo_logo.png" width="150" height="60" border=0 /> </a> <a href="">Greiner bio one - Your power for health</a>

<a href=""> <img src="Logo-metabion.png" width="180" height="70" border=0 /> </a> <a href="">metabion</a>

<a href=""> <img src="Promega.gif" width="160" height="95" border=0 /></a>

<a href="">Promega</a>  

<a href=""> <img src="Logo_Roth.jpg" width="157" height="132" border=0 /> </a>
<a href="">Carl Roth</a>

Our Project:
We develop a set of bacterial strains that are able to detect the different metals. Via our reporters we also measure their concentration. Our aim is a kit for fast and easy metal detection.
Our team, from top to bottom:
Christopher, Sabine, Benny, (Nikolas), Prof. Mascher, Tobias, Alexej, Laura, Corinna, Jara, Julia, Prof. Jung, Franziska

Primer-Designer - Totally magnificent!
As the name says, a tool for designing primers.

Picture of the LMU Biocenter taken from: