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A defining characteristic of humanity is the constantly evolving sophistication with which human beings communicate and store information. Biologically, data communication networks exist too. The transfer of data occurs via signalling molecules incorporated into highly regulated and integrated networks. Our goal is to construct a bacterial communication network that will allow a group of engineered bacteria to transport messages in a directed manner, with the final aim of completing location-based functional tasks.

We have focused on one aspect of this network: the directed transport of the message-carrying “communication modules” within our biological network. These communication modules will take the form of bacteria, which can move over physical distances carrying information. We have achieved this through engineering the exogenously controlled chemotactic behaviour of bacteria using synthetic riboswitches to regulate the expression of the CheZ protein required for bacterial motility.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras porttitor lacus sollicitudin ligula sagittis a ultricies nulla ultricies. Ut odio nisi, posuere sed blandit at, bibendum non dolor.

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    Meet the team

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras in condimentum sem. Aenean faucibus dignissim auctor. In ut libero vitae augue laoreet iaculis at a tellus.

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    Parts submitted

    Duis viverra velit orci. Sed vestibulum mi nec est imperdiet sed ullamcorper augue molestie. Donec ultrices facilisis erat at porttitor.

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    Phasellus sed lectus nisl, eget cursus eros. Suspendisse posuere orci eu lorem luctus et porta nunc posuere. Cras sed lectus vitae leo accumsan adipiscing.

  • Example Slide Image 4

    Phasellus sed lectus nisl, eget cursus eros. Suspendisse posuere orci eu lorem luctus et porta nunc posuere. Cras sed lectus vitae leo accumsan adipiscing.