RecA: Week 4, June 6-10


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RecAI Extraction Take 2, Day 3

All of the colonies that grew on the plates were purple, meaning that RecAI did not successfully insert into the C3 vector. Thus, a third attempt at RecAI extraction began with extracting the RecAI gene from the Escherichia coli genome and created a culture to let grow over night.

RecAI Mutagenesis Test, Day 4

According to the sequencing, instead of B0015+I763007 and J23118+K081007, the RecA group made B0015+J23118 and I763007+K081007.


RecAI Extraction Take 3, Day 1

The RecA group performed a third amplified insert assembly to insert RecAI into the C3 vector.

RecAI Mutagenesis Test Take 2, Day 1

The RecA group sent the parts from the registry (B0015, I763007, J23118, K081007)to sequencing to make sure that these parts are correct. RecA carried out amplified insert assembly to create the B0015+I763007 and J23118+K081007 constructs. A mistake labelling resulted in the following possible constructs:



RecAI Extraction Take 3, Day 2

The RecAI colonies were purple again, but the sensor group had similar problems. The RecAI digest from 6/7/11 was ligated with the K3 digest created by the sensor group. The ligation was transformed into Escherichia cells and plated onto Kan resistant plates.

RecAI Mutagenesis Test Take 2, Day 2

Colonies for B0015+I763007, B0015+K081007, J23118+I763007 grew, but no colonies for J23118+K081007 grew overnight. The proposed reason that J23118+K081007 did not grow is poor transformation, as shown by the poor time constant measured when transforming. This ligation was redone using the digests from 6/7/11, and was transformed and plated to let colonies grow overnight.

The B0015+I763007, B0015+K081007, J23118+I763007 colonies were amplified through colony PCR, but did not show up in the agarose gel electrophoresis. Even after both the colony PCR and gel electrophoresis were repeated, the colonies did not show up. The colonies were cultured overnight anyway. The possible reason the colony PCR did not work is the DNTP's were mislabelled, preventing amplification.


RecAI Extraction Take 3, Day 3

The RecAI+K3 colonies were run through colony PCR.

RecaI Mutagenesis Test Take 2, Day 3

The B0015+I763007, B0015+K081007, J23118+I763007 constructs were miniprepped and sent to sequencing. The J23118+K081007 construct did not grow again.

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