Team:Paris Bettencourt/GFPLac diffusion


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Team IGEM Paris 2011

The YFP Concentration design

YFP:tetR is a recombinant fusion protein composed by 1357 bp Their origin come from François-Xavier Barre, Andrew Wright and Dave Lane (

Making the YFP:tetR diffuse through the tube

In the Ben-Yehuda paper, GFP has been proved to pass though the nanotubes. We start to build the same experiment but improved by the tetR:YFP - tetO Array system.

span style="color:blue"In the emittor cell/span, we have to over express the T7 polymerase for them to have a chance to pass through the tube. As we said in the general overview the production of T7 polymsease is over the control of an IPTG inducible promoter design to have a slow response by the over-expression of LacI in the cell. The RFP, placed on the same mRNA, is behaving like a reporter of the quantity of the produced T7 polymerase.

span style="color:blue"In the receiver cell/span, a system, sensitive to the T7 polymerase will be activated if one T7 polymerase reach on of its promoter, present in a few plasmids of the receiver cell (low copy). The system is self amplifying and the GFP is produced as a monitor of the signal. The principle of the design is summed up in the image below

the YFP:tetR design

Model and experiments