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TUDelft Logo1 iGEM 2011 TUDelft Logo2


About Us

The 2011 TU Delft iGEM team is made up of seven students that will work throughout the summer in the Enzymology Lab of the Kluyver Laboratory at the Technical University of Delft. With three years of experience in iGEM and after last years' gold medals and awards the TU Delft team is highly motivated to deliver an even better project.

Our Goal

Our goal is of course to take home the prize, but at the same time we would like to increase the awareness of Synthetic Biology among the general public and the academic community. We discuss this extensively on our communication plan, education and safety pages.

The team members


Carsten Blom

I am a 23 year old Cell Factory student and fascinated by how life, and specifically microbial life, functions. Therefore I dedicate my time and effort to find out. After having expanded and improved my skills in management and sales, I have set my path toward science.
In my master Cell Factory I focus on how we could harness or cooperate with nature's ingenuity for the use in industry. Outside of my study I enjoy reading, running and making trips with my motorcycle.

Tania Chroumpi

I am twenty-four years old and I was born and raised in Alexandroupolis of Greece. I completed my bachelor studies on Biology, in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and at the moment I am doing the master of Life Science and Technology in TU Delft, following the track of Cell Factory. In between, I was working, doing my internship, for CEFAS in UK.
Beside my studies, I enjoy diving, horse riding, dancing and playing volleyball.

Janneke Noorlag

After studying architecture for one year I found my way to the world of the life sciences. 
The last years I explored this field as a student of the BSc program Life Science & Technology at the Delft University of Technology. Besides the natural sciences, I am interested in how we can best communicate scientific discoveries and applications to society. I developed skills in this direction by doing my electives in science communication and science journalism.
At this moment I am finishing my bachelor and figuring out what I want to do after that. I see taking part in the iGEM competition as a great opportunity to discover the field of synthetic biology, besides having a lot of experiences and fun with the team.

Janneke van Renterghem

I am a twenty-four year old Life Science and Technology student. I was born in Eindhoven and I was raised in Veldhoven en Middelburg. After my VWO diploma I studied for two years veterinary science in Gent, Belgium. In 2007 I started Life Science and technology on the TU Delft and University of Leiden. At the moment I’m doing my first year of my master in Delft. I’m doing two tracks: Biochemical Engineering and Cell Factory.
Further I love playing field hockey, sailing, diving and cooking.

Conrad de Jong

I’m twenty-two years old.  Currently I am studying Molecular Science & Technology and the Delft University of Technology. Alongside my study I also did numerous commissions and projects at my student association. When not studying or working I enjoy traveling or doing sports.

Esmee Joosten

I’m the youngest of the team with my twenty years of life experience. I’m in my third year of the bachelor Life Science and Technology. In my first year I was a member of the study trip committee of Study Association LIFE. I’m currently a member of the Symposium committee which organizes a symposium in the spring of 2012. Besides my study I like to skate and dance salsa. I also enjoy playing the guitar and going to concerts and festivals.

Krijn Warringa

I am twenty-two years of age and I was born and raised in Tilburg. After my VWO diploma I went to Australia for a year of exploration and travel. In 2008 I started with studying Molecular Science & Technology and I settled in Delft. Beside my study I like taking part in commissions and projects. My hobbies are field hockey, golf and I am also interested in philosophy.


Aljoscha Wahl

Since 2008 I am teaching at TU Delft in the Biotechnology department. In our research we focus on in-vivo metabolism of yeast, penicillium chrysogenum and to less extend E.coli. Quantitative analysis of metabolic fluxes and concentrations is challenging and only by using tracer experiments and extensive modeling can elucidate intracellular processes with sufficient precision.

iGEM has a close connection to my teaching and research, experiments, assay development and modeling. For me iGEM is the way to go in education – challenge yourself with a design and make it work, plus the fun iGEM is as a growing, motivated community.
Looking forward to the Jamborees and see all the amazing work done at iGEM!

Esengül Yildirim

For several years, I, Esengül Yildirim, have been employed at Kluyver laboratory for Biotechnology at the Enzymology section as a supporting staff member on education and research. My research focusses on expression of membrane associated oxidoreductases. In addition, I supervise several Bachelor and Master students that are doing their internship at our department. As soon as I learned about the iGEM competition, I was immediately enthusiastic and made my molecular laboratory available for the summer period. Now iGEM is a recurring event at our department. Together with two colleagues, Aljoscha and Alessandro, I will supervise this year's iGEM team. Hopefully, this year's multidisciplinary team will perform well and will make it trough to the World Championship Jamboree in Boston. 

Alessandro Abate

I'm a system theorist and control engineer who has been charmed by the fundamental questions that biology tries to give an answer to, and yet who believes in formal and engineering approaches to tackle such questions. My research interests are in the analysis, control, and verification of probabilistic and hybrid systems, and in their general application over a number of domains, particularly in systems biology.

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