The iGEM community page is for getting in touch with other teams so you can get help or provide resources for others. If your team wants to survey, provide a resource, or collaborate with other iGEM teams, contact HQ and we'll add your project to this list. We encourage all iGEM participants to help out other teams as much as possible.
Note: It is iGEM policy not to share our email list with anyone, so unfortunately teams may not request a mailing list in order to contact other iGEM participants.
Team KULeuven - Social Media Overview
Team KULeuven has kindly put together a social media overview page on their wiki. Keep yourself updated on how teams are progressing through: Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Flickr. If you'd like to add yourself to their list, contact them through twitter ([ @KULeuven_iGEM]) or facebook ([ KULeuven_iGEM]).
iGEM Community Videos
Are you an iGEM team, lab, or sponsor? If you have a video that you would like to share with the community send us an email to hq (at) igem . org. We'll add it to our community videos page.
- Tell us who you would like the video to be attributed to: your iGEM team, your actors, etc.
- All videos should have a [ Creative Commons Attribution] license at the very least.
- Provide a description and any resources that would go well with your video
- We prefer that videos be uploaded to [ Vimeo] or [ Youtube] as quality tends to be good and embedding is easy.