Team:KAIST-Korea/Human Practices/Safety


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Q. Would any of your project ideas raise safety issues in terms of:
      Researcher safety, public safety, or environmental safety?

  Researcher safety
  All of our protocols and experiments were conducted in the laboratory under standard laboratory safety guidelines. Not only are researchers aware of the dangers of accidents that may occur in the laboratory but they are also trained to take standard safety procedures to prevent them and to handle them if they may occur.

  Public safety
  Our project utilizes the random expression of four inducers and four subsequent reporter fluorescent proteins. These genes are not dangerous to the public. The cells used for engineering are harmless strains of E. coli. Thus, the engineered cells pose no evident danger to the public safety.

  Environmental safety
  To prevent the spread of our engineered E. coli and potential chemical leaks, chemicals, bacteria, and other potential biohazards were disposed as biohazard waste. Bacteria and media containing bacteria were bleached before disposal.