

Revision as of 19:47, 26 October 2011 by ChrisM (Talk | contribs)

KULeuven iGEM 2011



The list of all the biobricks that we used are on the iGEM registry which can be found here.

Below you can see two short videos in which we added different kinds of E.D Frosti to supercooled (-6°C) ultrapure “milli-Q” water (Millipore Corporation). The first video (GFP-control), is a control: when E.D. Frosti constitutively expressing a GFP construct is added to the supercooled water, it does not freeze. In the second video (INP), E.D. Frosti contains a constitutively active Ice-Nucleating Protein producing biobrick ( BBa_K584027). When we added this to the supercooled water, it froze immediately.