Team:UANL Mty-Mexico


Revision as of 06:13, 26 September 2011 by Quintero (Talk | contribs)

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Team: UANL_Mty-Mexico Team: UANL_Mty-Mexico
Welcome to iGEM-UANL Wiki Page
Have you ever met smart bacteria? How about light responsive bacteria? Have you ever wondered how living things process information?
Well, perhaps this community will surprise you. Not only it can see light, but it can interpret it. There is no trick, no magic, only pure synthetic biology.
If you think this is an interesting concept, why not reading a bit more? Meet HuBac, our S.C.I.E.N.C.E. project for this iGEM 2011.
About us
iGEM-UANL is the representative team from Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León, at Monterrey, México. This team is composed of ten students who spent their summer in the lab, having fun with transformations, constructions and plasmidic DNA extractions. This wiki is all about the work we made. Please be welcome to explore this site. (Read more about us here)
Project Outlines
The Code
It is meant to be simple, reporter genes are to prove the concept. Five Fluorescent proteins, two lights.
You can surely tell the difference between five messages, however it is not that easy to bacteria. Wanna know how they manage?
Biphasic switch
Find out why brilliant scientists have been attracted to phages and bring Lambda back to life! (even Watson likes’em)
Light machine
Interested in working with light induction? Check out our Light Machine, build one of your own. Satisfaction guaranteed!
iGEM Lighters
Slide content
Bio! Project
Science news, outstanding iGEM projects, surveys, Bio!
Locations of visitors to this page


Team: UANL_Mty-Mexico