

Revision as of 07:03, 26 September 2011 by Redsalmon (Talk | contribs)



Who we are


Fumitaka Hashiya(Team Leader, Project Predation Leader)

Tasuku Sugiura(Project Hunger Leader)

Naoki Okada

Hiroshi Mori(Project Digestion Leader)

He said "I can fly."

takahiro Shimosaka(Project Hunger)

Masaya Terada(Project Luminescence)

He is a sophomore of Faculty of Pharmacology and often enjoys playing by using a boomerang.
It is still difficult for him to throw a boomerang so that it can fly just as he intended.

Tomohiro Nobeyama(Project Digestion)

Kana Kaizuka

Takuya Okada

Tatsuya Hirose

Ryosuke Kida

Suguru Kato(Project Hunger)

He belongs to Project Hunger and he is editing this wiki.
This is because he likes programming!
So, he is looked as more of a programer than a experimenter :-D
By the way, he usually programs in Java.

Tomoko Suga

Sanae Izumi(Project Digestion)

Kaoru Richard Komatsu(Project Digestion)

Dichao Hu(Project Luminescence)

Akane Sato(Project Digestion)

Tetsuya Kawata

Satoshi Kusaba(Project Luminescence Leader)

He is a sophomore of Faculty of Science and studies mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
He also does kendo, which is one of Japan's traditional martial arts.

Daiki Hara(Project Luminescence)

He is a 3rd grade of department of chemical technology.
(Industrial chemistryではないですか?)

Kenji Okumura(Project Hunger)


Shin Yomehara

No image.
Naoyuki Fuse

No image.
Makoto Kashima
Igem9.7 055.jpg

Kyoto University

京大 正面.jpg

Kyoto University is the second oldest university in Japan, established in 1897. Kyoto is an ancient city, where there are a lot of historical features. We students are enjoying our university lives and studying in this quiet and calm atmosphere.
Hideki YUKAWA, the Japan's first Nobel laureate was a alumnus and a professor of Kyoto. Shinya YAMANAKA who developed iPS cells also researches in Kyoto Univ. ※要添削

場所は日本でも最も歴史の残る街、そして世界遺産にも指定されている古都京都にあります。学生たちは都会とはちがった喧騒や人ごみのない環境でのびのびと青春を謳歌し、勉学に励んでいます。また、研究活動も盛んで、最近とくに脚光を浴びているiPS細胞が発明された場所でもあり、一流の研究者が数多く活躍されています。 このようなすばらしい環境の中で、私たちiGEM Kyotoは日々活動しています。


Mission Statement