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L'histoire de la Radioactivité

Beaucoup de découvertes scientifiques en physique, en biologie et en informatique ont eu lieu durant le 19éme et le 20éme siècles

La compréhension de la structure de la matière et en particulier de l'atome a permis la découverte et l'explication de la radioactivité (observée par H. Becquerel et les Curie). Cette propriété naturelle ou artificielle de certains éléments a été utilisée dans plusieurs domaines comme la médecine et la production d'énergie électrique. La seconde moitié du 20ème siècle verra son industrialisation.

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Histoire des sciences de la vie

En sciences du vivant, les progrès se sont fais lentement. La première découverte significative date du 16ème siècle.
La microbiologie quant à elle a fait son apparition durant la deuxième moitié du 19ème siècle avec L. Pasteur et le travail d'autres scientifiques. Pendant le 20ème siècle, les découvertes sur l'ADN (structure, régulation de l'expression génique, séquençage) ont permis la naissance d'un nouveau domaine:. la biologie moléculaire
Les travaux sur les enzymes de restriction et la Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) ont permis par la suite la construction de nouvelles molécules d'ADN.
Les progrès dans les sciences informatiques, l'augmentation de la puissance du calcul informatique, la modélisation et les nouveaux logiciels d'alignement de séquences a ouvert la voie à la biologie synthétique.

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Qu'en est-il du futur ?

Toute phase d'industrialisation a un impact social et économique globalement favorable, mais aussi un impact environnemental, malheureusement souvent négatif.

La technologie nucléaire a permis d'énormes progrès, mais au prix de plusieurs conséquences: l'utiliser de cette dernière comme arme, les accidents nucléaires (Tchernobyl (1986), Fukushima (2011) ...), les déchets nucléaires, et les risques de pollution qui y sont liés

. Nous devons examiner ces mêmes questions avec la biologie synthétique, mais nous pouvons aussi aller plus loin: en apprenant du passé, nous pouvons limiter notre impact en respectant certaines règles de«bonnes pratiques», et ainsi proposer des solutions novatrices aux problèmes intervenus au cours du siècle précédent

Après les grandes découvertes en physique nucléaire (fin du 19ème s.), après la phase industrialiation (20ème s.), nous espérons que le 21ème siècle sera un siècle de solutions grâce à la biologie synthétique, l'iGEM et, peut-être, notre projet Cobalt Buster.

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What is Radioactivity ?

Certains noyaux atomiques d'atomes instables perdent de l'énergie en émettant des particules ionisantes(α, β+ or β-). L'émission is spontané. C'est la radioactivité naturelle.
Des chercheurs ont utilisé des particules α pour réagir avec un autre atome comme le Beryllium. Le résultat obtenu est un noyau de carbone et un neutron. C'est de la radioactivité artificielle ou de la radioactivité induite.
Researchers then used neutrons to react with atoms (for example 235 Uranium). The result is a bigger nucleus with an exces of neutron leading to an increase of the unstability and the new nucleus can split into 2 smaller nuclei. This phenomenon is the neutronic fission.

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Neutronic nuclear fission for energy production

Nuclear Power Plants use neutronic fission to produce energy. In France, reactors are pressurized water reactors (PWR). 235 U, the most desirable isotope of uranium absorbs neutron and then split into 2 smaller nuclei and release a lot of energy + new neutrons able to react with other 235U (nuclear chain reaction).
A nuclear reactor coolant (water in PWR) is circulated past the reactor core to absorb the heat that it generates. The reactor, pipes and steam generator are in steel that contains Carbon, Iron but also Nickel and Cobalt. These atoms (C, Fe, Ni, Co…) are submitted to neutronic activation leading to activation products.

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59Co is a stable isotope. It can absorb a neutron and become 60Co. This isotope is unstable (half life : 5.272 years). Its disintegration leads to the emission of β particle and γ radiations.

These electromagnetic radiations pass through the matter very easily. To attenuate these rays, lead/concrete shields are necessary. Protective clothing and respirators can protect from internal contact with or ingestion of α or β particles, but provide no protection from γ radiation. To allow human intervention in the Nuclear Power Plant for maintenance, control…, water is filtered continually to remove radioactive atoms.

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To remove cobalt…

At present, all waters on nuclear sites (Nuclear Power Plant of course but also all the other industries related to nuclear (nuclear fuel production, radioactive waste treatment…) are filtered on Ion-exchange resins.

The resins are effective but not selective and after use, the resins are a voluminous waste (no possibility of incineration or other treatment). Nowadays, the main challenge in nuclear waste management is the reduction of the quantity (volume).

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Cobalt Buster

Cobaltbuster is a biofiltre using modified bacteria able to adsorb more cobalt than wild strain and with the ability to stick on surfaces in the presence of Cobalt.
  • the pollution is concentrated on the bacterial biofilm (volume reduction)

  • the pollution could be screened, using different modified bacteria (for Co, for Ni …) and radioactive element could be separated depending the type of radiations. It could be interesting to separate α-generating or γ-rays generating atoms from the others to better answer ANDRA specifications (ANDRA is the agency in charge of nuclear waste storage in France)

  • the biofilm, removed after use, could also be incinerated (volume reduction).

  • Bacteria cultures are less expensive than ion-exchange resins

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Why using a biofilm rather than free cells ?

But what is a BIOFILM ??

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (XVII century) was the first to observe animacules (as he named them) present in his own dental plaque. These animacules are micro-organisms but more precisely a biofilm of micro-organisms . This discovery was outshine by other important researches. Louis Pasteur (XIX century) was the first to realize a pure culture in liquid medium. This culture method became the reference method for all microbiologists and help them to understand physiologic and genetic mechanisms.

A biofilm is a consortium of different species/genus of micro-organisms (bacteria, algae…) fixed onto a surface.

W. J Costerton described in the 80’s the biofilm as a microbial community developing specific structures (proteins, polysaccharides…) to stick on surfaces or on other micro-organisms. Nowadays, biofilm concept is accepted by a large community of scientists which considers that most of micro-organisms live in biofilm in the environment.

Biofilm vs free-cell

Biofilm can be considered as a cell organization more resistant to environmental “stress” (nutrient depletion, pollutants…).
In case of pollutants, the extra-cellular matrix, synthesized by the biofilm, can play the role of a pollution-trap by adsorption. By this way, taking into account that pollutant are less bio-available ( i.e less toxic), cells can live in presence of higher concentrations. And if bacteria have new functions (Co accumulation for example) given by genetic manipulations, the biofilm is more effective.

The dissemination of modified micro-organisms into the environment is not expected especially if their function is removing pollution. If the modified micro-organism is in a biofilm, pollution and modified micro-organisms are confined. And in the case of radioactive substances, it is essential.

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ENS assystem Biomérieux INSA INSA