The project workload can be separated amongst its main elements:
Design of the project: All of the students partook in the choice of the subject; the wetlab team designed the project guided by the instructor and advisors.
Experiments: They were done by the wetlab team (Gérard Sébastien, Delvin François, Franchini Fanny, Hallaert Thibaut, Fanny Philippart, Brihaye Esther, Arnaud Selvais ) with some help from the modelling team (Maxime Lucas, Pierre Corvilain, Mitia Duerinckx, François Thilmany, Jonathan Frish). The host lab contributed with the work area and the advisors and instructor gave technical advice.
Data analyses: this was done by the wetlab team.
The modelling was done by the modelling team with inputs from the wetlab team for the biological relevance of the model and some data.
Human Practice:
Jacobs Virginie, Morgane Préat, Mathieu Peiffer were responsible of the human practice part of the project; they interacted with the wetlab team to define the societal problems that could be relevant to the project.
The wiki was the work of Sébastien Gérard and Maxime Lucas