Team:Potsdam Bioware/Labjournal/September part 1


Revision as of 17:04, 20 September 2011 by JessicaE (Talk | contribs)


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82th Labday 2011-09-01

Digest of pUP089 (vector)

Investigator: Niels, Katharina

Aim: generate vector for ligation and transformation to generate a libary


  • pub089 (A)
    • 5 µl DNA (~4000ng)
    • 0,5 µl Sfo I
    • 0,5 µl Aat II
    • 3 µl 10x Buffer 4 (Biolabs)
    • 21 µl water
      • total volume: 30µl


  • by NucleoSpin Extract II Kit, protocol for PCR purification
backseat driver asks: why do you use only 5 µl? what about gel purification?

Further tasks:

  • dephosphorylation
  • ligation
  • transformation

miniprep of overnight cultures - mdnDE, mdnABC

Investigator: Niels, Jessica

Aim: Isolate DNA from over night cultures from 31.08.2011 (Katharina)



  • over night culture
    • mdnABC
      • clone 3
      • clone 4
      • clone 5
      • clone 6
      • clone 7
    • mdnDE
      • clone 1
      • clone 2
      • clone 3
      • clone 4
      • clone 5
  • using Kit NucleoSpin® Plasmid (NoLid) (Macherey-Nagel)
  • elution in 50µl Elution buffer
backseat driver: almost there, but a real plasmid name would be better.

2. Preparation of glycerol stocks:

  • adding 300 µl glycerol to 700 µl culture


UP NW ND.png

Further tasks:

  • test-digest

Digest of miniprep - mdnDE, mdnABC

Investigator: Niels, Jessica

Aim: prove of isolated DNA from over night cultures from 2011-09-01 (Niels)


  • DNA (miniprep)
  • SpeI
  • EcoRI
  • Buffer 4
  • BSA
  • Water


  • DNA (µl) / Water (µl)
    • mdnABC
      • clone 3 -
      • clone 4 -
      • clone 5 -
      • clone 6 -
      • clone 7 -
    • mdnDE
      • clone 1 -
      • clone 2 -
      • clone 3 -
      • clone 4 -
      • clone 5 -
  • 3µl Buffer 4 (Neblab)
  • 0,3µl BSA
  • 1 µl Spe I
  • 1 µl EcoRI
    • incubate 2h at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • analyze by gel

Testdigest of miniprep - mdnDE, mdnABC

Investigator: Niels, Katharina

Aim: prove of plasmid


  • DNA (miniprep)
  • SpeI
  • EcoRI
  • Buffer 4
  • BSA
  • Water


  • mdnABC
    • 1µl DNA
    • 2 µl Buffer 2 (Neblab)
    • 0,5 µl HindIII
    • 0,5 µl AvaI
    • 16 µl Water
    • incubate 2h at 37°C
  • mdnDE
    • 1µl DNA
    • 2 µl 10x Buffer 4 (Neblab)
    • 0,5µl HpaI
    • 16,5 µl Water
    • incubate 2h at 37°C

Further tasks:

Ligation of pUP089 and Lib-2

Investigators: Steffi, Niels, Katharina


  • purified pUP089 (vector)
  • purified Lib-2 (insert)
backseat driver: do these poor pieces of DNA have no date or other referral?


  • 1 µl 10x Buffer
  • 1 µl T4 Ligase
  • 6 µl vector
  • 2 µl insert
  • 1h @ RT

Further tasks:

  • transformation

Transformation of library2

Investigators:Katharina, Steffi

Aim: Transformation of Ligation


  • competent E. coli cells (XL1-Blue, 2011-08-29)
  • ligation products: Lib2 + ligation control (2011-09-01, Nie, Kat, Ste)


  • addition of 2 µl ligation reaction to cells (XL1-blue) in 1.5 ml Eppi,
  • incubation 30 min on ice,
  • heat shock 45 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 3 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation at 37 °C shaking for 60 min,
  • plating on LB medium with appropriate antibiotic (Kan)
  • storage over night at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • Picking clones for overnight culture
  • Producing glycerol stocks


  • 2 plates w/ Kan: mdn-lib2 + control

Picking clones for overnight cultures of pSB1C3 + mdnABC and DE, respectively

Investigators:Steffi, Katharina

Aim: check colonies for correct plasmid


  • agar plates from 2011-08-31, (fridge):
    • pSB1C3+mdnABC
    • pSB1C3+mdnDE
  • LB medium
  • chloramphenicol (25 mg/ml)


  • 6 x: 5 ml LB medium + 5 µl chloramphenicol
  • pick colony from plate (from each plate 3 colonies)
  • transfer to LB medium
  • incubate over night in 37°C shaker (200 rpm)


  • over night cultures:
    • pSB1C3+mdnABC
      • clone 1
      • clone 2
      • clone 3
    • pSB1C3+mdnDE
      • clone 1
      • clone 2
      • clone 3

Further tasks:

  • miniprep
  • test digest

Digestion of NgoMIV_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI, NgoMIV PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI, HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV fragments and pUP189-pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 and pUP189-pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators:Paul, Sascha, Stefan, Sebastian

backseat driver: be more precise with your spelling of PreScission.


4 samples NgoMIV_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI:

  • TEV 3: 71,7 ng/µl
  • TEV 7: 65,3 ng/µl
  • TEV 10: 58,6 ng/µl
  • TEV 16: 62,0 ng/µl

2 samples NgoMIV_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI

  • P1: 91,5 ng/µl
  • P2: 82,5 ng/µl

2 samples HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV

  • A1: 103,7 ng/µl
  • A2: 127,4 ng/µl

pUP189-pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (contains TEV cleavage site): 470 ng/µl

pUP189-pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (contains PRE cleavage site): 270,2 ng/µl

backseat driver: nice list, but dates would be really cool.

Digestion protocol:

1: NgoMIV_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI (4x, each sample 1x):

  • 10µl NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI
  • 1µl NgoMIV
  • 1µl BamHI-HF
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB 4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 32.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

2: NgoMIV_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI (2x, each sample 1x):

  • 10µl NgoMIV_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI
  • 1µl NgoMIV
  • 1µl BamHI-HF
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB 4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 32.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

3: HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV (2x, each sample 1x):

  • 10µl HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV
  • 1µl HindIII
  • 1µl NgoMIV
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 32.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

4: pUP189-pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5:

  • 3µl pUP189-pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5
  • 1µl HindIII
  • 1µl BamHI-HF
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB 4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 39.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

5: pUP189-pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5:

  • 5µl pUP189-pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5
  • 1µl HindIII
  • 1µl BamHI-HF
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB 4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 37.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

-->The reaction was allowed to proceed for 2h at 37°C!

Ligation of NgoMIV_iGEM_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI or NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI, HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV into pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 or pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Paul, Sebastian, Sascha, Stefan


  • 1. Triple-ligation of NgoMIV_iGEM_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI (573bp), HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV (1273bp) and pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (~4700bp) to create pUP_SG2_TorA_CS-PreScission_bla_AraC-PreSciss


  • 2.Triple-ligation of NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV_iGEM_BamHI (760bp), HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV (1273bp) and pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (~4700bp)to create pUP_SG1_TorA_CS-TEV_bla_AraC-TEV

Calculation of volumes to be used with: [ ligation calculator] with 1:1 molar ratio


PreScission: 2 reaction batches (we have two digested Pre-fractions)


  • 2,9 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment (573bp, 5,4ng/µl)
  • 2 µL AraC fragment (12.6 ng/µl)
  • 3,1 µL pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (30.8 ng/µl)
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl


  • 2,5 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI (573bp, 6,6 ng/µl) fragment
  • 2,2 µL AraC fragment
  • 3,3 µL pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (30.8 ng/µl)
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl
  • 1 controls: As 2 but with water instead of fragment

TEV: 4 reaction batches (we have three digested NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment fractions)


  • 1.8 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment (760bp, 5,8 ng/µl)
  • 1.4 µL AraC fragment (12,6 ng/µl)
  • 4.9 µL pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (12,9 ng/µl)
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl


  • 2.4 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment (760bp, 3,7 ng/µl)
  • 1.2 µL AraC fragment (12,6 ng/µl)
  • 4.3 µL pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (12,9 ng/µl)
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl


  • 3.2 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment (760bp, 2.5 ng/µl)
  • 1.1 µL AraC fragment (12,6 ng/µl)
  • 3.8 µL pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (12,9 ng/µl)
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl


  • 2.4 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment (760bp, 3,9 ng/µl)
  • 1.2 µL AraC fragment (12,6 ng/µl)
  • 4.4 µL pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (12,9 ng/µl)
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl
backseat driver: are you doing the same thing four times? why do you fractionate your DNA?
  • 1 control: As 4 but with water instead of fragment

Used method:

ligation at room temperatur for 1h

Further task: Transformation of XL1blue cells with ligation products


Competent cells were transformed with the complete ligation batches and plated on Cm containing plates!


1: PreScission containing colnes, 10 colonies picked

UP A Cm Pre1-10 20110901.jpg

2: TEV containing clones, 10 colonies picked

UP A Cm Tev1-10 Nr1 20110901.jpg UP A Cm Tev1-10 Nr2 20110901.jpg

Note: "Rest" means, that after plating 100µl on a plate remaining cells in a tube were centrifugated, resuspended and plated again on a new plate.

plasmid pereperation and test digestion pPDV089 to control deletion of kanamycin gene, pARW089 containing only geneIII (no mdnA), pSB1C3 containing mdnA, geneIII or mdnA/geneIII

Investigators: Sandrina, Laura

Aim: control deletion of kanamycin gene in created pPDV089, control ligation of geneIII into PARW089, control ligation of mdnA, geneIII and mdnA/geneIII into pSB1C3


plasmid preperation:

protocol 5.1 of the NucleoSpin Plasmid Kit

test digestion:

  • 5 clones from pPDV089_2S14 (ampicillin):
  • 4 µl (132-256 ng/µl) vector DNA
  • 0.5 µl NsiI
  • 0.5 µl SpHI
  • 2 µl buffer 2
  • 13 µl water

incubate for 1 h at 37°C

  • 5 clones from pARW089 with geneIII (kanamycin):

test digestion could not be done, because cells did not grow over night

  • 5 clones from pSB1C3 with mdnA (chloramphenicol), 5 clones from pSB1C3 with geneIII (chloramphenicol), 5 clones from pSB1C3 with mdnA/geneIII (chloramphenicol):
  • 4 µl vector DNA (58- 120 ng/µl)
  • 2 µl buffer 3
  • 0,2 µl BSA
  • 0.5 µl XbaI
  • 0.5 µl PstI

12.8 µl water

incubate for 1 h at 37°C


Loading of gels

lane Sample Volume in µl Expected insert size in bp
M marker, DNA ladder mix Fermentas
1 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 1 10 ca. 500
2 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 2 10 ca. 500
3 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 3 10 ca. 500
4 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 4 10 ca. 500
5 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 5 10 ca. 500
6 free
7 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 1 12 ca. 180
8 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 2 12 ca. 180
9 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 3 12 ca. 180
10 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 4 12 ca. 180
11 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 5 12 ca. 180
12 pPDV089, clone 1 12 ca. 1400
13 pPDV089, clone 2 12 ca. 1400
14 pPDV089, clone 3 12 ca. 1400
15 pPDV089, clone 4 12 ca. 1400
16 pPDV089, clone 5 12 ca. 1400
17 free
18 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 1 12 ca. 700
19 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 2 12 ca. 700
20 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 3 12 ca. 700
21 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 4 12 ca. 700
22 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 5 12 ca. 700

UP MdnA + genIII in pSB.jpg

Further tasks:

  • sequncing of geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 3, mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 4 and mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 4
  • phage display with pPDV089
  • repeat ligation of geneIII in pARW089

overnight culture of picked E. coli clones transformed with pARW089 containing only geneIII (no mdnA)

Investigators: Sandrina, Laura

Aim: control ligation of geneIII into PARW089


  • 4 clones from pARW089 with geneIII (kanamycin)
  • 5 ml LB medium per clone
  • storage over night at 37°C and 750 rpm

Further tasks:

  • test digestion

Production of phages containing pPDV089

Investigators: Sandrina, Laura

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • first: amplification of cells containing pPDV089
  • 50 ml DYT medium will be inoculated with the cells, so that OD600 = 0.1
  • antibiotics tetracyclin and ampicillin should be geiven to the medium
  • cells should be incubated 37 °C till OD600 = 0.3-0.5 is reached
  • upcomming problem: cells died

Further tasks:

  • repeat this procedure

83th Labday 2011-09-02

Miniprep of overnight cultures from ligation of pSB1C3 + mdnABC and mdnDE, respectively

Investigators: Vanessa, Katharina

Time: 2011-09-02

Aim: DNA for sequencing and confirmation of insert


  • 6 overnight cultures
  • NucleoSpin® Plasmid (NoLid) (Macherey-Nagel)
    • Protocol for high-copy plasmids
    • elution with 50 µl H2O
  • measuring concentration with NanoDrop:
Sample concentration in ng/µl
mdnABC clone 1 745.7
mdnABC clone 2 1121.8
mdnABC clone 3 974.6
mdnDE clone 1 873.2
mdnDE clone 2 665.5
mdnDE clone 3 665.7

test digest of pSB1C3 + mdnABC and DE, respectively

Time: 2011-09-02

Investigators: Steffi, Katharina

Aim: prove of Insert (mdnABC or mdnDE)


Digestion protocol for pSB1C3+mdnABC

  • 1 µl DNA
  • 0.3 µl BSA
  • 1 µl HincII
  • 3 µl 10x buffer = NEB 3
  • 24.7 µl pure water
  • 37°C for 1h

Digestion protocol pSB1C3+mdnDE

  • 1 µl DNA
  • 1 µl HpaI
  • 3 µl 10x buffer = NEB 4
  • 25 µl pure water
  • 37°C for 1h

Production of one 1 %

  • 1 % gel: 0.5 g agarose in 50 ml 1x TAE buffer
  • Adding 2 µl gel red to each gel

Loading gels and running

Loading of gels

lane Sample Volume in µl Expected size in bp
M marker
1 mndABC clone 1 12 486, 1482, 2884
2 mdnABC clone 2 12 486, 1482, 2884
3 mdnABC clone 3 12 486, 1482, 2884
4 mdnDE clone 1 12 1329, 3825
5 mdnDE clone 2 12 1329, 3825
6 mdnDE clone 3 12 1329, 3825


UP AG Testverdau mdnABC mdnDE Katharina 2011-09-02.jpg


  • test digest seems to be correct for:
    • lane 2, 5 and 6

Further task:

  • send positive plasmids for sequencing

Colony PCR of plated cells from 01.09.2011 (see entry from 01.09.2011 for picked colonies)

Investigators: Sascha, Paul, Sebastian


Proove whether triple ligation of TEV and PreScission into backbone was succesful.

Used Primer:


f_AraC_HindIII_iGEM, r_TEV_iGEM_BamHI


f_AraC_HindIII_iGEM, r_Pre_iGem:BamHI


  • 2,5µl of each primer (10µM) = 5µl
  • 5µl 10y polymerase buffer
  • 2µl 25mM MgCl2
  • 1µl dNTP mix
  • 0,5µl Taq-Polymerase (GenAxxon)
  • 36,5 µl H2O


Colonies were picked with a 20µl tip, dipped into PCR batch, and then plunged into 1ml LB to grew cells from picked colony (from these 1ml batches overnight cultures will be inoculated in case of positive clones).

  • 10 colonies were picked for TEV and 10 colonies for PreScission protease (see entry from 01.09.2011) = 20 PCR batches.

PCR Program:

Initial denat = 3min 94°C


denat: 2min 10sec 94°C

anneal: 2min 10sec 70°C

extend: 2min 10sec 72°C

final extend: 10min 72°C

  • The PCR products were resolved on a 1% analytical agarose gel

Expected fragments:

Tev+AraC ~ 2033 bp

Pre+AraC ~ 1846 bp



  • Based on the results from the agarose gel overnight precultures from the 1 ml batches were prepared.

Following clones were used:


T2, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10


P1, P3, P4, P6; P8, P9, P10

over night cultures of pSB1C3+mdnABC clone 2 and P1 for screening team

time: 2011-9-2, 18:00

Investigators: Nadine, Jessica

Aim: preparation of gycerol stock from pSB1C3+mdnABC transformed cells (cultures were placed instable in the incubator)


  • over night culture from Katharina (2011-9-1)
    • pSB1C3+mdnABC clone 2
  • over night culture from Paul (2011-9-2):
    • P1
  • LB medium
  • chloramphenicol (25 mg/ml)


  • 2 x: 10 ml LB medium + 10 µl chloramphenicol
  • use left cell suspension for inoculation
  • transfer to LB medium
  • incubate over night in 37°C shaker (200 rpm)


  • over night cultures:
    • pSB1C3+mdnABC
      • clone 3
    • P1 for screening team

Further tasks:

  • mdnABC: glycerol stocks

plate transformation of pUP089A and B (XL1-blue)

time: 2011-9-2, 17:00

Investigators: Nadine, Jessica

Aim: get new pUP089 vector that is not contaminated, check new plasmid for antibiotic resistance


  • Trafo from Jessica (2011-9-2)
    • pUP089 A
    • pUP089 B
  • Agar plates w/:
    • 100 µg/ml Cm (2x)
    • 100 µg/ml Amp (1x)
    • 100 µg/ml Kan (2x)


  • centrifuge incubated cells
  • resuspend in 16 µl LB
  • plate 50 µl
  • incubate over night in 37°C


  • Agar plates:
    • Cm pUP089 A
    • Cm pUP089 B
    • Kan pUP089 A
    • Kan pUP089 B
    • Amp pUP089 A

Further tasks:

  • check plates
  • over night cultures

PCR of mdnA with N-terminal myc tag (mcyN)

Investigators: Jessica

Time: 2011-09-02, 14:00


  • pARW089 (~8 ng/µl)
  • dNTPs
  • primer 23, 24
  • HF Phusion Buffer 5x
  • Phusion Polymerase


  • 1 µl pARW089
  • 1 µl dNTPs (10 mM each)
  • 2.5 µl forward primer (10µM)
  • 2.5 µl reverse primer (10µM)
  • 10 µl HF Phusion Buffer 5x
  • 0.5 µl Phusion Polymerase
  • 32.5 µl water
  • total 50 µl
  • edited programm IGBIO2
Step Temperature Time
Hot Start 98°C Hold
Initial denaturation 98°C 30 sec
Denaturation 98°C 10 s 10x
Annealing 58°C 20 s
Extension 72°C 20 s
Denaturation 98°C 10 s 20x
Annealing 72°C 20 s
Extension 72°C 20 s
Final extension 72°C 10 min
4°C Hold


  • PCR product mycN (stored in fridge, violett reck)

NOTE: PCR mycC done in july is stored at -20°C in blue PCR box (gel purified)

Further Tasks:

  • gel electrophoresis
  • PCR clean up
  • restriction enzyme digestion
  • ligation
  • transformation

Transformation of XL1blue-cells with pPDV089

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • addition of 0,3 µl ligated vector pPDV089 from clone 2S14 (after plasmid preperation) to competent XL1-blue cells
  • incubation 25 min on ice,
  • heat shock 45 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 2 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation 60 min at 37 °C and 750 rpm
  • plating on agar plates containing 100 µg/ml tetracyclin and 100 µg/ml ampicillin
  • storage over night at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • over night culture, amplification of cells for phage display, test digestion

Send pSB1C3 vectors, containing geneIII, mdnA and geneIII/mdnA fusion gene, for sequencing

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if mdnA, geneIII and mdnA/geneIII fusion gene were fully ligated in pSB1C3 to generate biobricks


  • sending clones geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 3, mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 4 and mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 4 to GATC
  • 20 µl, 50-100 ng/µl
  • primer:

Further tasks:

  • sequence alignment

Plasmid preperation and test digestion of pARW089 containing only geneIII (no mdnA)

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if ligation of geneIII in pARW089 worked


plasmid preperation:

  • protocol 5.1 of the NucleoSpin Plasmid Kit
  • test digestion:
  • 4 clones from pARW089 with geneIII:
  • 4 µl (132-256 ng/µl) vector DNA
  • 0.5 µl SfoI
  • 0.5 µl AatII
  • 2 µl buffer 4
  • 13 µl water
  • incubate for 1 h at 37°C
  • glycerol stocks of clone 1, 2 and 4 (stored at -80°C)


Loading of gels

lane Sample Volume in µl Expected size in bp
M marker, DNA ladder mix Fermentas
1 geneIII in pARW089, clone 1 10 ca. 10000 and 550
2 geneIII in pARW089, clone 2 10 ca. 10000 and 550
3 geneIII in pARW089, clone 3 10 ca. 10000 and 550
4 geneIII in pARW089, clone 4 10 ca. 10000 and 550

UP GenIII in pARW089.png

Further tasks:

  • sequence vector

84th Labday 2011-09-03

PCR-clean up of mdnA with N-terminal myc tag (mcyN) (Jessica 2011-09-02)

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina

Time: 2011-09-03, 9:00


  • PCR product of mycN
  • NucleoSpin Extract II Kit from Macherey-Nagel
  • elution in 50 µl


  • concentration of product:
    • 40.0 ng/µl

Restriction enzyme digestion of mycN, mycC and pSB1C3

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina

Time: 2011-09-03, 10:00


  • purified PCR products
    • mycC (4.8 ng/µl (2011-07-05 Jessica))
    • mycN (40.0 ng/µl)
  • NEB Buffer 4
  • XbaI
  • PstI
  • BSA
    • digestion of mycN and mycC
      • 30 µl DNA
      • 5 µl Buffer 4
      • 1.5 µl XbaI
      • 2.0 µl PstI
      • 0.5 µl BSA
      • 12 µl water
    • digestion of pSB1C3
      • 6 µl DNA (235.0 ng/µl (2011-06-22))
      • 3 µl Buffer 4
      • 1.5 µl XbaI
      • 2.0 µl PstI
      • 0.5 µl BSA
      • 11.5 µl water
  • concentration after digestion
    • mycC: 4.2 ng/µl
    • mycN: 15.2 ng/µl
    • pSB1C3: 16.4 ng/µl

Ligation of mycC and mycN, respectively, and pSB1C3

Time: 2011-09-03, 17:30

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • T4 DNA Ligase Buffer (Fermentas)
  • T4 DNA Ligase
  • purified samples of Lib2 and pUP089

Method mycC

  • 1µl T4 DNA Ligase Buffer
  • 1µl T4 DNA Ligase
  • 5µl pSB1C3
  • 3µl purified mycC
  • also preparing ligation control (3µl water instead of mycC)
  • incubation for 1h at roomtemperature

Method mycN

  • 1µl T4 DNA Ligase Buffer
  • 1µl T4 DNA Ligase
  • 7µl pSB1C3
  • 1µl purified mycN
  • incubation for 1h at roomtemperature

Transformation of XL1 with mycC/mycN in pSB1C3

Time: 2011-09-03, 19:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • XL1-Blue
  • ligation products: pSB1C3+mycC and pSB1C3+mycN


  • addition of 2 µl ligation reaction to cells (XL1-blue) in 1.5 ml Eppi,
  • incubation 25 min on ice,
  • heat shock 90 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 5 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation at 37 °C shaking for 60 min,
  • plating on LB medium with appropriate antibiotic (Kan)
  • storage over night at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • Picking clones for overnight culture
  • Producing glycerol stocks


  • 2 plates with Cm: mycC, mycN
  • 1 plate with Cm: control myc

Oligo-Fillin for mdnA-Library 2 (repetition)

Time: 2011-09-03, 11:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • Primer, 25 µM :
    • # 74: o_foc_library_2
  • Klenow-Buffer 10X
  • Klenow Fragment
  • dNTPs
  • water


  • Reaction mix 1
    • 1 µl fw-Oligonucleotide (#76)
    • 1 µl rev-Oligonucleotide (#74)
    • 2 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
    • 2 µl Klenow-Buffer
    • 0.5 µl Klenow Fragment
    • 14 µl water
    • total volume: 20.5 µl
  • Reaction mix 2
    • 2 µl fw-Oligonucleotide (#76)
    • 2 µl rev-Oligonucleotide (#74)
    • 2 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
    • 2 µl Klenow-Buffer
    • 0.5 µl Klenow Fragment
    • 12 µl water
    • total volume: 20.5 µl
  • reaction mix 3
    • 3 µl fw-Oligonucleotide (#76)
    • 3 µl rev-Oligonucleotide (#74)
    • 2 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
    • 2 µl Klenow-Buffer
    • 0.5 µl Klenow Fragment
    • 10 µl water
    • total volume: 20.5 µl

2. PCR program

  • name: Fillin
  • 3 min 94 °C
  • 0.3°C per s (94°C-37°C)
  • addition of 0.5 µl Klenow Fragment
  • press enter
  • 1hr 37°C

Agarose gel:

1 %: 0.5 g in 50 ml TAE


  • Output:
      • mdnA-Lib2 1µl
      • mdnA-Lib2 2µl
      • mdnA-Lib2 3µl

UP AG 2011-09-03 Katharina Lib2.jpg

Further tasks:

  • Gel purification

Gel purification of Oligo-Fillin for mdnA-Library 2 (repetition)

Time: 2011-09-03, 13:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • Macherey Nagel - NucleoSpin Extract II, protocol for DNA extraction from agarose gels
  • Eluation with 50µl NE-Buffer

NanoDrop: Concentrations

  • Lib2 (1 µl) purified: 13.8 ng/µl
  • Lib2 (2 µl) purified: 14.9 ng/µl
  • Lib2 (3 µl) purified: 9.0 ng/µl

Restriction enzyme digestion of Oligo-Fillin for mdnA-Library 2 (repetition) and pUP089

Time: 2011-09-03, 13:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • purified Lib2 samples
  • pUP089 (2011-06-22)
  • AatII
  • NEB Buffer 4


Digestion protocol for Lib2

  • 50 µl purified Lib2 sample
  • 2.0 µl AatII
  • 6 µl Buffer 4
  • 2.0 µl water
  • 37°C for 1 h

Digestion protocol for pUP089:

  • pUP089
  • NEB Buffer 4
  • SfoI
  • AatII
    • digestion protocol
      • 4 µl DNA
      • 3µl Buffer 4
      • 1.5 µl AatII
      • 1.5 SfoI
      • 20 µl water
      • incubation @ 37°C for 4 h
    • control digestion 1
      • 2 µl DNA
      • 3 µl Buffer 4
      • 1.5 µl AatII
      • 23.5 µl water
      • incubation @ 37°C for 4 h
    • control digestion 2
      • 2 µl DNA
      • 3 µl Buffer 4
      • 1.5 µl SfoI
      • 23.5 µl water
      • incubation @ 37°C for 1h

Loading of gels

lane Sample
M marker, DNA ladder mix Fermentas
1 Lib2 (1µl) digested
2 Lib2 (2µl) digested
3 Lib2 (3µl) digested
4 pUP SfoI/AatII
5 pUP AatII (control)
6 pUP SfoI (control)

UP AG 2011-09-03 Katharina Digestion Lib2 pUP.jpg

  • fragments were excised and purified using Macherey-Nagel Nucleo SpinII Extract Kit
  • concentrations after purification
    • Lib2 (1µl): 6.8 ng/µl
    • Lib2 (2µl): 4.7 ng/µl
    • Lib2 (3µl): 4.9 ng/µl
    • pUP089: 14.9 ng/µl

Ligation of Lib2 (repetition) and pUP089

Time: 2011-09-03, 17:30

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • T4 DNA Ligase Buffer (Fermentas)
  • T4 DNA Ligase
  • purified samples of Lib2 and pUP089


  • 1µl T4 DNA Ligase Buffer
  • 1µl T4 DNA Ligase
  • 7µl pUP089
  • 1µl Lib2 (1µl)
  • also preparing ligation control (1µl water instead of Lib2)
  • incubation for 1h at roomtemperature

Transformation of XL1 with Lib2 in pUP089

Time: 2011-09-03, 19:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • XL1-Blue
  • ligation products: pUP089+Lib2


  • addition of 2 µl ligation reaction to cells (XL1-blue) in 1.5 ml Eppi,
  • incubation 25 min on ice,
  • heat shock 90 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 5 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation at 37 °C shaking for 60 min,
  • plating on LB medium with appropriate antibiotic (Kan)
  • storage over night at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • Picking clones for overnight culture
  • Producing glycerol stocks


  • 10 plates with Kan: Lib2
  • 1 plate with Kan: control Lib2

Transformation of XL1 with K3 and A3 expression backbones

Time: 2011-09-03, 19:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • XL1-Blue
  • DNA of:
    • pSB1A3_YFP_Ara clone A
    • pSB1A3_YFP_IPTG clone B
    • pSB1K3_CFP_Ara clone A
    • pSB1K3_CFP_IPTG clone B
    • pSB1K3_YFP_IPTG clone C


  • addition of 2 µl DNA to cells (XL1-blue) in 1.5 ml Eppi,
  • incubation 25 min on ice,
  • heat shock 45 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 2 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation at 37 °C shaking for 60 min,
  • plating on LB medium with appropriate antibiotic (Kan/Amp)
  • storage over night at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • Picking clones for overnight culture
  • Producing glycerol stocks

Picking clones for overnight cultures of pSB1C3 + DE clone 2 and clone 3

Investigators:Sebastian, Katharina

Time: 2011-09-04, 16:00


  • liquid cultures of mdnDE clone 2 and mdnDE clone 3
  • LB medium
  • chloramphenicol (25 mg/ml)


  • inoculate 1 ml of liquid culture to 4 ml LB medium+ Cm
  • incubate over night in 37°C shaker (200 rpm)

Further tasks:

  • miniprep
  • sending for sequencing

overnight culture of picked E. coli clones transformed with of XL1blue-cells with pPDV089

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • 3 clones from pPDV089, clone 2S14, (ampicillin and tetracyclin)
  • 5 ml LB medium per clone
  • storage over night at 37°C and 750 rpm

Further tasks:

  • amplification for phage display and test digestion

85th Labday 2011-09-04

Production of phages containing pPDV089 in XL1 blue cells

Investigators: Sandrina, Katharina, Nadine

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • first step: amplification of cells containing pPDV089( clone: 2S14):
  • 50 ml DYT medium will be inoculated with the cells, so that OD600 = 0.1
  • add antibiotics tetracyclin and ampicillin to the medium
  • cells should be incubated 37 °C till OD600 = 0.3-0.5 (here: 0.332) is reached
  • second step: infection with helper phages
  • add helper phages 10^11 phages/50 ml (...)
  • incubate for 10 min at 37°C (without shaking!)
  • add 0,5 mM IPTG
  • incubate 50 min at 28°C and rpm
  • add 70 µg/ml kanamycin and incubate for 5 h at 28°C (...)
  • third step: phage purification
  • centrifuge cell culture at 5000 x g/ 15 min
  • fill supernatant in a new 50 ml falcon and centrifuge again (5000 g/15 min)
  • 40 ml of the supernatant with 8 ml PEG-NaCl (20% (w/v) PEG-8000, 2,5 M NaCl)
  • incubate over night at 4°C

Further tasks:

  • go on with phage purification

Miniprep of cells picked from plates on 02.09.2011 and inoculated into ON precultures

Investigators: Sandrina, Katharina

Time: 2011-09-04, 11:00

1. Miniprep:

  • 15 overnight cultures (pUP SG3- pUP SG17)
  • NucleoSpin® Plasmid (NoLid) (Macherey-Nagel)
    • Protocol for high-copy plasmids
    • elution with 50 µl H2O
  • measuring concentration with NanoDrop:
Sample concentration in ng/µl
pUP SG3 1410.2
pUP SG4 1146.2
pUP SG5 1289.7
pUP SG6 940.1
pUP SG7 1418.5
pUP SG8 1244.4
pUP SG9 1287.6
pUP SG10 1188.7
pUP SG11 1276.1
pUP SG12 1193.9
pUP SG13 1255.1
pUP SG14 1474.7
pUP SG15 1143.5
pUP SG16 1268.0
pUP SG17 1218.7

Miniprep of overnight cultures from ligation of pSB1C3+mdnDE clone 2 and clone3

Investigators: Sandrina, Katharina

Time: 2011-09-04, 11:00


  • 2 overnight cultures (mdnDE clone 2 and mdnDE clone 3)
  • NucleoSpin® Plasmid (NoLid) (Macherey-Nagel)
    • Protocol for high-copy plasmids
    • elution with 50 µl H2O


  • measuring concentration with NanoDrop:
Sample concentration in ng/µl
mdnDE clone 2 601.9
mdnDE clone 3 571.7

Further Tasks:

  • sending for sequencing

Transformation of XL1 with mdnBC in pSB1C3

Time: 2011-09-04, 14:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • XL1-Blue
  • ligation products: pSB1C3+mdnBC (Niels 2011-08-24)


  • addition of 2 µl ligation reaction to cells (XL1-blue) in 1.5 ml Eppi,
  • incubation 25 min on ice,
  • heat shock 45 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 2 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation at 37 °C shaking for 60 min,
  • plating on LB medium with appropriate antibiotic (Cm)
  • storage over night at 37°C
  • no ligation control available

Further tasks:

  • Picking clones for overnight culture
  • Producing glycerol stocks

Control experiment: Transformation of XL1 with pARW089 and pARW071, respectively

Time: 2011-09-04, 14:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina


  • XL1-Blue
  • DNA of pARW089 and pARW071 (2011-05-24)


  • addition of 2 µl ligation reaction to cells (XL1-blue) in 1.5 ml Eppi,
  • incubation 25 min on ice,
  • heat shock 45 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 2 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation at 37 °C shaking for 60 min,
  • plating on LB medium with appropriate antibiotic (Cm)
  • storage over night at 37°C
  • no ligation control available

Picking clones for overnight cultures of pSB1C3+mycC and pSB1C3+mycN


Time: 2011-09-04, 16:00


  • agar plates of pSB1C3+mycC and pSB1C3+mycN
  • LB medium
  • chloramphenicol (25 mg/ml)


  • picking 5 clones for each construct
  • incubate over night in 37°C shaker (200 rpm)


  • 5 liquid cultures of mycC (1-5)
  • 5 liquid cultures of mycN (1-5)

Further tasks:

  • miniprep
  • sending for sequencing

Picking clones for overnight cultures of pARW089 and pARW071


Time: 2011-09-04, 16:00


  • Glycerolstocks of pARW089 and pARW071
  • LB medium
  • Kan


  • preparing one liquid culture for each construct
  • incubate over night in 37°C shaker (200 rpm)

Further tasks:

  • preparation of 400ml culture for HPLC analysis on 2011-09-05

86th Labday 2011-09-05

Test digest of isolated plasmids (4.9.2011) from clones that were positive in colony PCR (2.09.2011)

Investigators: Paul, Stefan, Sebastian

Aim: Prove whether plasmids contain all expected inserts.

Method: Digestion of plasmids with HincII. Produces 3 fragments from both, the PreScission and the TEV containing plasmids.

  • Expected fragments:
    • Tev: 550 bp, 2700 bp, 3400 bp
    • Pre: 550 bp, 2300 bp, 3600 bp
  • 5µl 10x buffer 4 (NEB)
  • 0,5µl 100x BSA
  • 1µl Sample
  • 0,5µl HincII Enzyme (NEB)
  • 43µl water
    • 15 reaction batches, 7 for PreScission, 8 for TEV:

following colnes were used:

2 pUP_SG3_ssTorA_CS-Pre_blaFL_AraC-Pre1

3 pUP_SG4_ssTorA_CS-Pre_blaFL_AraC-Pre3

4 pUP_SG5_ssTorA_CS-Pre_blaFL_AraC-Pre4

5 pUP_SG6_ssTorA_CS-Pre_blaFL_AraC-Pre6

6 pUP_SG7_ssTorA_CS-Pre_blaFL_AraC-Pre8

7 pUP_SG8_ssTorA_CS-Pre_blaFL_AraC-Pre9

8 pUP_SG9_ssTorA_CS-Pre_blaFL_AraC-Pre10

11 pUP_SG10_ssTorA_CS-TEV_blaFL_AraC-TEV2

12 pUP_SG11_ssTorA_CS-TEV_blaFL_AraC-TEV4

13 pUP_SG12_ssTorA_CS-TEV_blaFL_AraC-TEV5

14 pUP_SG13_ssTorA_CS-TEV_blaFL_AraC-TEV6

15 pUP_SG14_ssTorA_CS-TEV_blaFL_AraC-TEV7

16 pUP_SG15_ssTorA_CS-TEV_blaFL_AraC-TEV8

17 pUP_SG16_ssTorA_CS-TEV_blaFL_AraC-TEV9

18 pUP_SG17_ssTorA_CS-TEV_blaFL_AraC-TEV10



competent cells - ER2738

Investigator: Katharina, Niels, Sandrina, Steffi

Aim: produce competent cells


TFB I 1000ml 200ml
100mM Rubidium Chloride 12.1 2.42g
30mM Potassium Acetate 2.944 0.59g
10mM Calcium Chloride 1.47 0.29g
15% w/v Glycerol (87%) 150 34.5g

Adjust pH to 5.8 with acetic acid

Filter sterilize the solution

TFB II 500ml 100ml
50mM Rubidium Chloride 0.6 0.121g
10mM MOPS 1.05 0.210g
75mM Calcium Chloride 5.51 1.100g
15% w/v Glycerol (87%) 75 17.24g

Adjust pH to 7.0 with KOH

Filter sterilize the solution

Work always sterile and cold and speedy!

  • All volumes deal with the common cellline!
  • Prepare 80 Eppis (1,5?l)
  • get liquid nitrogen
  • prepare 5 ml LB-Medium with the specific antibiotic (for ER2738: Tet), inoculate and incubate over night
  • prepare 200 ml LB-Medium with the specific antibiotic, inoculate with 2 ml of the over-night-culture
  • grow while shaking at 37°C, 190 rpm to an OD600 at 0,4-0,6
  • keep cell suspension in sterile falcons (50 ml) 10 min on ice, then centrifuge for 5 min, 4°C, 4000 rpm
  • discard supernatant, carefully resuspend on ice with 40 ml icecold TFB I and keep 10 min on ice
  • centrifuge for 5 min, 4°C, 4000 rpm
  • discard supernatant, carefully resuspend pellet in 8 ml TFB II
  • aliquot in Eppis: 50?l per tube and store immediately at liquid nitrogen and afterwards at -80 °C


  • 80 tubes ER2738 for transformation(50 µl competent cells at -80°C)

Further tasks:
check by transformation and check the resistance on agar plates with different antibiotics

check resistance of competent cells - E.coli ER2738

Investigator: Niels, Katharina, Sandrina, Steffi

Aim: check resistance of competent ER2738-cells on agar plates with different antibiotics


    • competent ER2738-cells from 2011-09-05 (Niels, Katharina, Sandrina, Steffi)
    • LB-plates with Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol, Kanamycine, Ampicillin, without antibiotics
    • plating 50 µl on agar plates
    • incubate at 37°C over night

Further tasks:
control agar plates

Miniprep of overnight cultures of pSB1C3+mycC and pSB1C3+mycN

Investigators:Nadine, Nicole, Katharina

Time: 2011-09-04, 9:00


  • liquid culture of pSB1C3+mycC and pSB1C3+mycN
  • NucleoSpin® Plasmid (NoLid) (Macherey-Nagel)
    • Protocol for high-copy plasmids
    • elution with 50 µl H2O
  • measuring concentration with NanoDrop:
Sample concentration in ng/µl
mycN clone 1 400.6
mycN clone 2 343.0
mycN clone 3 395.4
mycN clone 4 618.0
mycN clone 5 551.1
mycC clone 1 519.7
mycC clone 2 453.3
mycC clone 3 631.5
mycC clone 4 689.5
mycC clone 5 897.3

Further tasks:

  • test digestion for confirmation
  • sending for sequencing

Cultures of pARW089 and pARW071 for HPLC-Analysis

Investigators:Katharina, Nadine, Nicole, Steffi


  • overnight cultures of pARW089 and pARW071 from 2011-09-04 (Katharina)
  • LB medium
  • Kan


  • preparing one liquid culture for each construct with Kanamycine
  • incubate for 6 hrs in 37°C shaker (190 rpm)

Further tasks:

  • HPLC analysis

Oligo-Fillin for mdnA-Library 2 (repetition)

Time: 2011-09-05, 10:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina, Jessica, Nicole, Steffi

Aim: Repetition of fillin reaction for library with new fillin program


  • Primer, 25 µM :
    • # 76
    • # 74
  • Klenow-Buffer 10X
  • Klenow Fragment
  • dNTPs
  • water


  • Reaction mix (50 µl)
    • 3 µl fw-Oligonucleotide (#76)
    • 3 µl rev-Oligonucleotide (#74)
    • 5 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
    • 5 µl Klenow-Buffer
    • 34 µl water
    • total volume: 50 µl

(2. Fillin program

  • name: Fillin
  • 3 min 94 °C
  • 0.3°C per s (94°C-37°C)
  • addition of 0.5 µl Klenow Fragment
  • press enter
  • 1hr 37°C)


  • Output:
  • mdnA-Lib2, Nad, 2011-9-5

Further tasks:

  • digest w/ AatII
  • ligation w/ pUP089 (digested w/ AatII and SfoI)
  • transformation

Control restriction enzyme digestion of pSB1C3_mdnA_mycC and pSB1C3_mdnA_mycN

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole, Katharina, Steffi

Aim: Confirmation of the insertion of mdnA with myc-tag (N-terminal and C-terminal) in pSB1C3 vector

Time: 2011-09-05, 10:00-11:30


  • clones:
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycC, clone 1, Katharina, 2011-09-05
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycC, clone 2, Katharina, 2011-09-05
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycC, clone 3, Katharina, 2011-09-05
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycC, clone 4, Katharina, 2011-09-05
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycC, clone 5, Katharina, 2011-09-05
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycN, clone 1, Katharina, 2011-09-05
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycN, clone 2, Katharina, 2011-09-05
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycN, clone 3, Katharina, 2011-09-05
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycN, clone 4, Katharina, 2011-09-05
    • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycN, clone 5, Katharina, 2011-09-05
  • DraI (Fermentas)
  • Tango buffer (Fermentas)


Reaction mix

  • 2 µl DNA
  • 2 µl Tango buffer
  • 2 µl DraI (cuts three times)
  • 14 µl H2O

Reaction conditions

  • 37°C, 2 hours

Expected results:

  • four fragments for each plasmid
    • fragment 1: 771 bases
    • fragment 2: 692 bases
    • fragment 3: 19 bases
    • fragment 4: 1114 bases
  • pSB1C3_mdnA_mycC (four fragments)
    • fragment 1: 804 bases
    • fragment 2: 692 bases
    • fragment 3: 19 bases
    • fragment 4: 1082 bases


Output: clone_name, cell type, stored fridge/freezer/-80°C; model saved as name in folder

PCR: mdnB, mdnABCDE

Time: 2011-09-05

Investigators: Nicole, Nadja


  • vector: pARW089 (8,6 ng/µl), pARW071 (6,3 ng/µl), pARW089_T7 (8,6 ng/µl),
  • 1-Phusion HF Polymerase, NEB
  • 1-Phusion HF Buffer
  • 2-PFU- Ultra HF Polymerase, NEB
  • 2-PFU- Ultra HF Buffer, NEB
  • dNTPs
  • water
  • Primer:
# Primer
58 pf_mdnB_EcoRI_NotI_XbaI 12.08.
81 pr_mdnB_SpeI_NotI_PstI_30.08.
84 pf_mdnABCDE89_EcoRI_NotI_XbaI
82 r_mdnABCDE_iGEM


  • mdnB
    • 1 µl pARW089 (diluted 1:100)
    • 1 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
    • 2.5 µl Primer forward (10 µM)- 81
    • 2.5 µl Primer backward (10 µM)- 58
    • 10 µl Phusion buffer HF
    • 0.5 µl Phusion HF Ploymerase (2U/µl)
    • 32.5 µl water
    • total volume: 50 µl
  • mdnABCDE
    • 1 µl pARW089, 1 µl pARW089_T7, 1,3 µl pARW071
    • 1 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
    • 1 µl 2-PFU- Ultra HF Polymerase, NEB
    • 5 µl 2-PFU- Ultra HF Buffer, NEB
    • 40 µl (pARW089 pARW089_T7) water, 39,7 µl (pARW071) water
    • 1 µl Primer forward (10 mM) - 84
    • 1 µl Primer backward (10 mM)- 82

2. PCR programs

  • IGMDNBB for mdnB
  • first steps: 10x
  • second steps: 20x
Step Temperature Time
Hot Start 98°C Hold
Initial denaturation 98°C 30 sec
Denaturation 98°C 10 s
Annealing 64°C 20 s
Elongation 72°C 25 s
DenaturationII 98°C 10 s
AnnealingII 72°C 20 s
ElongationII 72°C 30 s
Final Elongation 72°C 10 min

  • first steps: 10x
  • second steps: 20x
Step Temperature Time
Hot Start 98°C Hold
Initial denaturation 98°C 30 sec
Denaturation 98°C 10 s
Annealing 69°C 20 s
Elongation 72°C 2 min 10 s
DenaturationII 98°C 30 s
AnnealingII 72°C 10 s
ElongationII 72°C 2min 30 s
Final extension 72°C 10 min


UP AG PCR mdnABCDE mdnB Nic Jes 2011-09-06.jpg

  • M: DNA ladder mix (Fermentas)
  • 1: mdnABCDE from pARW089, exp. size: ~ 6500 bp
  • 2: mdnABCDE+T7 from pARW089, exp. size: ~ 6500 bp
  • 3: mdnABCDE from pARW071, exp. size: ~ 6500 bp
  • 4: -
  • 5: mdnB, exp. size: ~1000 bp
  • Output:
      • mdnB worked out
      • mdnABCDE did not work out

Different overnight cultures

Investigators: Jessica, Nadja

Time: 2011-09-04, 18:00


  • glycerol stocks of pARW089 and pARW071
  • plates of pSB1C3 + mdnBC (from 2011-09-04), pUP089 A and B, pSB1A3_Ara_YFP, pSB1A3_IPTG_YFP, pSB1K3_Ara_CFP, pSB1K3_IPTG_CFP, pSB1K3_IPTG_YFP (from 2011-09-03)
  • LB medium
  • Kan, Amp, Cm


  • number of tubes: 5x mdnBC, 4x pUP089, 1x for the others
  • incubate over night in 37°C shaker (200 rpm)

Further tasks:

  • pSB1C3 + mdnBC: test digest
  • pUP089: miniprep and glycerol stocks?
  • expression backbones: glycerol stocks, preculture for expression test
  • pARW089 and pARW071: cultures for HPLC

Purification of phages containing pPDV089

Investigators: Sandrina, Sabine

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • after over night incubation:
  • centrifuge precipitaed phages: 5000 x g/ 45 min
  • discard supernatant
  • centrifuge again, 5000 x g/ 5 min
  • remove supernatant carefully
  • take pellet in 1 ml TBS
  • move in 1.5 ml Eppi
  • centrifuge again: 17000 x g/10 min
  • supernatant in a new Eppi with 200 µl PEG-NaCl (mix!)
  • incubate on ice for 60 min
  • centrifuge precipitated phages: 17.000 x g/ 10 min (4°C)
  • resuspend pellet in 300 µl TBS
  • centrifuge:17 000 x g/ 10 min (4°C)
  • supernatant in a fresh eppi= purified phages

Further tasks:

  • measure concentration of phages

Glycerol stocks of phages containing pPDV089

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • 300 µl phages in TBS
  • 750 µl 86 % glycerol
  • store at -80°C

Further tasks:

  • measure concentration of phages

Concentration of phages containing pPDV089 measured by nanodrop

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • OD 269: 0,095
  • OD 320: 0,003
  • phages per ml:

Ph/ml = (Abs 269- Abs 320) * 6*10^16/ bp (phagemid)

  • bp (phagemid) = 10945

Ph/ml= 5*10^11

Further tasks:

  • measure concentration of phages by serial dilution

87th Labday 2011-09-06

Glycerol stocks of pSB1C3_mdnBC and pUP089

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole, Niels

Aim: Preparing of glycerol stocks of pSB1C3_mdnBC and pUP089 for further use

Time: 2011-09-06, 8:30-9:15



    • pSB1C3_mdnBC, clone A, source, date
    • pSB1C3_mdnBC, clone B, source, date
    • pSB1C3_mdnBC, clone C
    • pSB1C3_mdnBC, clone D
    • pSB1C3_mdnBC, clone E

    • pUP089 A clone A
    • pUP089 A clone B
    • pUP089 B clone A
    • pUP089 B clone B



  • adding of each 700 µl over night culture to 300 µl glycerol
  • gently inverting


  • glycerol stocks


stored in freezer (-21°C); glycerolstock box

Number Description Strain Resistance
G34 pSB1C3_mdnBC clone A XL1-blue cm
G35 pSB1C3_mdnBC clone B XL1-blue cm
G36 pSB1C3_mdnBC clone C XL1-blue cm
G37 pSB1C3_mdnBC clone D XL1-blue cm
G38 pSB1C3_mdnBC clone E XL1-blue cm
G39 pUP089 A clone A XL1-blue kana
G40 pUP089 A clone B XL1-blue kana
G41 pUP089 B clone A XL1-blue kana
G42 pUP089 B clone B XL1-blue kana

Miniprep of overnight cultures of pUP089 & psB1C3 + mdnBC

Investigators: Niels, Steffi


  • liquid culture of pSB1C3+ mdnBC & puP089
  • NucleoSpin® Plasmid (NoLid) (Macherey-Nagel)
    • Protocol for high-copy plasmids
    • elution with 50 µl H2O
  • measuring concentration with NanoDrop:
Sample concentration in ng/µl
puP089 A a 508 ng/µl
puP089 A b 504 ng/µl
puP089 B a 305 ng/µl
puP089 B b 602 ng/µl
psB1C3 + mdnBC a 444 ng/µl
psB1C3 + mdnBC b 665 ng/µl
psB1C3 + mdnBC c 661 ng/µl
psB1C3 + mdnBC d 625 ng/µl
psB1C3 + mdnBC e 609 ng/µl

Further tasks:

  • test digestion for confirmation
  • sending for sequencing

check plates - resistance of competent E.coli ER2738 cells

Investigators: Niels, Katharina, Sandrina, Steffi

Aim: check resistance of competent cells – ER2738 (from 2011-09-05, Niels, Katharina, Sandrina, Steffi)


  • agar plates from competent cells - E.coli ER2738 from 2011-09-05 (San/ Ste)


  • all competent cells - E.coli ER2738 grow on agar plates with Tetracycline and without antibiotics
  • no E.coli ER2738 clones on agar plates with Ampicillin, Kanamycine, Chloramphenicol

UP ER2738 comp cells.jpg


  • competent cells - E.coli ER2738 work and can be used for transformation

PCR mdnABCDE w/ Long PCR Enzyme mix from Fermentas

Time: 2011-09-06

Investigators: Nicole, Nadine

Aim: generate BioBrick of mdnABCDE, amplify mdnABCDE for ligation in pSB1C3


  • vector: pARW089 (8,6 ng/µl), pARW071 (6,3 ng/µl)


  • DNA polymerases: Long PCR Enzyme Mix (Fermentas)
  • Template DNA: pARW071 (vector)
  • dNTPs
  • water
  • Primer:
# Primer
84 pf_mdnABCDE89_EcoRI_NotI_XbaI (froward for pARW071 and pARW089)
82 r_mdnABCDE_iGEM (reverse for all)
83 pf_mdnABCDE89+T7_EcoRI_NotI_XbaI (froward for pARW089, generating mdnABCDE+T7)


  • mdnABCDE
    • 2 µl vector
    • 1 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
    • 3 µl forward Primer
    • 3 µl reverse Primer
    • 0.3 µl Polymerase
    • 5 µl Buffer Fermentas Long Enzyme Mix (+MgCl2)
    • 35.3 µl water
    • total volume: 50 µl

2. PCR program

  • IGMDNBB for mdnB
  • first steps: 10x
  • second steps: 20x
Step Temperature Time
Hot Start 94°C Hold
Initial denaturation 94°C 180 sec
Denaturation 94°C 15 s
Annealing 59 30 s
Elongation 68°C 300 s
DenaturationII 94°C 15 s
AnnealingII 72°C 30 s
ElongationII 72°C 300 s + 2 s per each cycle s
Final Elongation 68°C 600 s


UP AG PCR71 T7 89 2011-09-06.jpg

  • Output:
    • mdnABCDE from pARW071, Nad/Nic, 6.9.11 (lane 2)
    • mdnABCDE from pARW089, Nad/Nic, 6.9.11 (lane 3)
    • mdnABCDE+T7 from pARW089, Nad/Nic, 6.9.11 (lane 4)

Further tasks:

  • PCR purification
  • digest
  • ligation

PCR purification of mdnB

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole

Aim: Purification of mdnB (PCR product)

Time: 2011-09-06, 9:30-10:30


  • PCR product of mdnB, PCR 2011-09-06, Nadja, Nicole, Jessica
  • Machery-Nagel Nucleo Spin Extract II, PCR purification protocol


  • done as described by manufacturer's protocol
  • elution buffer
  • elution volume 50 µl


  • purified PCR product of mdnB
  • cDNA = 44.6 ng/ µl


  • stored in fridge, named: PCR product mdnB, pur., 2011-09-06

Further tasks:

  • restriction enzyme digestion using SpeI and EcoRI
  • Ligation in pSB1C3 (also digested with SpeI and EcoRI)
  • Transformation in XL1-blue

Digest of purified PCR product mdnB and pSB1C3

Investigators: Niels


  • PCR product mdnB from 2011-9-5, Nad
  • pSB1C3+mdnBC (a, b, c, d, e)
backseat driver asks: why do you digest our almost finished biobricks (pSB1C3 carrying mdnBC)? Why don't you use the vector pSB1C3 from the plasmid box?
  • EcoRI, SpeI
  • Buffer 4
  • BSA
  • H2O


  • PCR product:
    • 48 µl PCR product mdnB
    • 1 µl EcoRI
    • 1 µl SpeI
    • 6 µl Buffer 4
    • 0.6 µl BSA
    • 3.4 µl H2O
    • total volume: 60µl
  • pSB1C3+mdnBC:
    • 25 µl H2O and DNA (see below)
    • 1 µl EcoRI
    • 1 µl SpeI
    • 3 µl Buffer 4
    • 0.3 µl BSA
    • total volume: 30µl
  • pSB1C3+mdnBC dilutions
    • a: 9 µl vector + 16 water
    • b: 6 µl vector + 19 water
    • c: 6 µl vector + 19 water
    • d: 6.5 µl vector + 18.5 water
    • e: ´6.5 µl vector + 18.5 water
  • incubation 5 hrs at 37°C


  • PCR mdnB, pur., dig., Nie, 6.9.11
  • pSB1C3+mdnBC a, dig., Nie, 6.9.11
  • pSB1C3+mdnBC b, dig., Nie, 6.9.11
  • pSB1C3+mdnBC c, dig., Nie, 6.9.11
  • pSB1C3+mdnBC d, dig., Nie, 6.9.11
  • pSB1C3+mdnBC e, dig., Nie, 6.9.11

Further tasks:

  • purification
  • ligation

PCR: Agarose Gel: mdnB digest verification; pSBIC3_B digest verification and PCR mdnABCDE with Long Enzyme Mix verification

Time: 2011-09-06



  • digested mdnB
  • digested pSBIC3_B
  • PCR outcome of mdnABCDE (89, T7, 71)

Production of one 0,8 % agarose gel

  • 0,8 % gel: 0.4 g agarose in 50 ml 1x TAE buffer
  • Adding 2 µl gel red to the gel

Loading gels and running

Loading of gels

lane Sample Volume in µl Expected size in bp
M Gene Ruler DNA Ladder Mix 10µl (1:100)
1 71 2+ 3H2O+ 1 6x loading dye 6600
2 T7 2+ 3H2O+ 1 6x loading dye 6600
3 89 2+ 3H2O+ 1 6x loading dye 6600
4 mdnB 10+1 6x loading dye 1031
5 pSB1C3_B 30+ 6µl loading dye 2390, 243


Photos are already assigned to their appropriate experiments


  • test digest seems to be correct for mdnb (line 4), also the PCR was successful (line 1,2,3), only the pSB1C3_B digest did not worked out (line 5)

Further task:

  • pSB1C3_A, C,D,E digest verification

PCR purification of PCR fragment mdnABCDE (T7, 89) and digested mdnB

Time: 2011-09-06

Investigators: Jessica, Nicole


  • mdnABCDE+T7 from pARW089, Nad/Nic, 6.9.11
  • mdnABCDE from pARW089, Nad/Nic, 6.9.11
  • PCR mdnB, pur., dig., Nie, 6.9.11
  • Macherey-Nagel Nucleo Spin Extract II kit


  • Protocol for PCR clean-up
    • elution with 35 µl NE buffer (incubation for 2 min at 70°C before centrifuging)


  • mdnABCDE+T7 from pARW089, pur., Nadja/Jessica, 6.9.11
  • mdnABCDE from pARW089, pur., Nadja/Jessica, 6.9.11
  • PCR mdnB, pur., dig., pur., Nadja, 6.9.11 (concentration: 65.7 ng/µl)

NOTE: mdnABCDE from pARW071, Nad/Nic, 6.9.11 and the library were mixed up, so PCR and fillin reaction were repeated

Further task:

  • digest of mdnABCDE+T7 from pARW089, pur., Nadja/Jessica, 6.9.11 and mdnABCDE from pARW089, pur., Nadja/Jessica, 6.9.11 for ligation with pSB1C3
  • ligation of PCR mdnB, pur., dig., pur., Nadja, 6.9.11 with pSB1C3

PCR: Agarose Gel: pSBIC3_A, C, D, E

Time: 2011-09-06



  • digested pSBIC3_ACDE
do you mean pSB1C3+mdnBC clone a to e? please use the same label names

Production of one 0,8 % agarose gel

  • 0,8 % gel: 0.4 g agarose in 50 ml 1x TAE buffer
  • Adding 2 µl gel red to the gel

Loading gels and running

Loading of gels

lane Sample Volume in µl Expected size in bp
M Gene Ruler DNA Ladder Mix 10µl (1:100)
1 pSB1C3_A 30+ 6x loading dye 2390, 243
2 pSB1C3_C 30+ 6x loading dye 2390, 243
3 pSB1C3_D 30+ 6x loading dye 2390, 243
4 pSB1C3_E 30+ 6x loading dye 2390, 243




  • worked out

Further task:

  • take pSB1C3_E for gel extraction and ligate it with mdnB

Gel Extraction of pSB1C3_E

Time: 2011-09-06

Investigators: Jessica, Nadja


  • pSBIC3_E
  • use of Macherey Nagel Nucleo Spin Extrac II kit


  • 100mg gel – 200µl NT buffer ---- incubate for 5-10min at 50 C
  • load sample on colum and spin for 1min at 11000 x g
  • add 700µl NT3 and spin for 1min at 11000 x g
  • spin again for 2 min at 11000 x g
  • eluate DNA with 35µl NE by incubating 2 min at 50 C and spinning down for 1 min at 11000 x g


  • measured concentration: 24,8 ng/ µl

Further task:

  • ligation with mdnB

Ligation of pSB1C3_E and mdnB

Time: 2011-09-06

Investigators: Jessica, Nadja


  • pSBIC3_E
  • mdnB
  • use Ligation Calculator



Component Molar Ratio Concentration in ng/ µl Length in bp Max volume
Backbone 1 24,8 2390 7
Insert 3 1031 65,7 7

Ligation mix

  • 1µl Buffer
  • 1µl Enzyme
  • 2,6 µl Insert
  • 5,4 µl Backbone
  • 0 µl water
    • total volume 10 µl
    • at 14 C over night

Further task:

  • Transformation

prepare samples for sequencing (created pARWIII)

Investigators: Sandrina, Sabine

Aim: sequencing to control ligation of geneIII into pARW089(GATC)


  • purified plasmids of clones 1, 2 and 4) (70 ng/µl, 20 µl total volume)
  • primer mdnA_6 (10 pmol/µl, 30 µl total volume)

Further tasks: control sequence

Digestion of pSB1C3

Investigators: Sandrina, Sabine


  • cloning of biobricks mdnA, geneIII and mdna/geneIII (fusion gene) into pSB1C3


  • 8 µl pSB1C3 (ca 2 µg)
  • 2 µl NEB 10x buffer 2
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme XbaI
  • 1 µ restriction enzyme PstI
  • 0,2 µl BSA
  • 7,8 µl water
  • 3 h at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • gel electrophoresis for purification
  • ligation of mdnA, geneIII and mdna/geneIII (fusion gene) into pSB1C3

digestion of vector pARWIII

Investigators: Sandrina, Sabine

Aim: deletion of kanamycin gene in pARWIII (pARW089 containing geneIII


  • 2 µg sample (3 clones of pARWIII)
  • 2 µl NEB 10x buffer 3
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme NsiI
  • add water: total volume 20 µl

  • 3 h at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • gel electrophoresis for purification
  • re-ligation

Digestion of PCR products geneIII and mdnA for cloning into pSB1C3

Investigator: Sandrina, Sabine

Aim: cloning of mdnA, geneIII and mdnA/geneIII into pSB1C3


  • 30 µl PCR product mdnA
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme XbaI
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme PstI
  • 4 µl NEB 10x buffer 2
  • 0,4 µl BSA
  • 3,6 µl water
  • 1,5 h, 37°C

  • 20 µl PCR product geneIII
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme XbaI
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme PstI
  • 3 µl NEB 10x buffer 2
  • 4,7 µl water
  • 0,3 µl BSA
  • 1,5 h, 37°C

  • 20 µl PCR product geneIII
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme NgoMIV
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme PstI
  • 3 µl NEB 10x buffer 1
  • 0,3 µl BSA
  • 4,7 µl water
  • 1,5 h, 37°C

  • 20 µl PCR product mdnA
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme XbaI
  • 1 µl restriction enzyme AgeI
  • 3 µl NEB 10x buffer 1
  • 4,7 µl water
  • 0,3 µl BSA
  • 1,5 h, 37°C

Further Tasks:

  • gel electrophoresis for purification
  • ligation of mdnA and geneIII into pSB1C3

Agarose gel electrophoresis for purification of digested PCR products and vectors

Investigator: Sandrina, Sabine

Aim: control and purification of digested PCR products mdnA and geneIII


  • digested PCR products (mdnA and geneIII)
  • digested vectors (pSB1C3 and pARWIII)
  • 1 % agarose gel
  • 1x TAE buffer
  • Gel Red
  • DNA Ladder Mix (1:10) (Fermentas)
  • 6x Loading Dye (Fermentas)
  • Gel Red

Ligation of geneIII and mdnA into pSB1C3

Investigator: Sabine

Aim: pSB1C3 containing mdnA, geneIII and mdnA/geneIII


  • 4,5 µl insert mdnA (7 ng/µ)
  • 10 µl pSB1C3 (10 ng/µl)
  • 2 µl T4 ligase buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µl T4 Ligase (Fermentas)
  • 2,5 µl water
  • 1 h at room temperature

  • 6,3 µl insert geneIII (10 µg/µl)
  • 10 µl pSB1C3 (10 ng/µl)
  • 1 µl T4 ligase buffer (Fermentas)
  • 2 µl T4 Ligase (Fermentas)
  • 0,8 µl water
  • 1 h at room temperature

  • 3,2 µl insert mdnA (7,6 µ/µl)
  • 6,5 µl insert geneIII (7 µg/µl)
  • 7,3 µl pSB1C3 (10 ng/µl)
  • 2 µl T4 ligase buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µl T4 Ligase (Fermentas)
  • 1 h at room temperature

Further task: transformation

Re-ligation of NsiI-digested pARWIII

Investigator: Sabine

Aim: create pARW089 containing geneIII without kanamycin resistence (for library)


  • 17 µl NsiI-digested pARWIII (clones 1, 2 and 3)
  • 1 µl T4 ligase buffer (Fermentas)
  • 2 µl T4 Ligase (Fermentas)
  • 1 h at room temperature

Further task: transformation

Transformation of created vectors in E. coli

Investigator: Sabine

Aim:amplification of vectors


  • pARWIII without kanamycin resistence (clones 1, 2 and 3)
  • pSB1C3 containing mdnA, geneIII or mdnA/geneIII
  • agar plates containing chloramphenicol (pSB1C3)
  • agar plates containing kanamycin, ampicillin(pPDV)
  • agar plates containing kanamycin (pARW089)


  • addition of 4 µl ligation reaction to XL1-blue cells
  • incubation 25 min on ice,
  • heat shock 45 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 2 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation 60 min at 37 °C and 750 rpm
  • plating on agar plates containing 100 µg/ml tetracyclin and 100 µg/µl ampicillin
  • storage over night at 37°C

Further tasks:
control cell clones

PCR of TorA-bla with clevage site of PreScission and TEV for BioBricks

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Sascha, Stefan, Sebastian

Aim: get PCR fragment of TOR bla sequence for BioBricks


Primer TEV:





  • Template: 1 µL (pJC354 <10ng)
  • Nucleotides: 1 µL of 10 mM ready to use dNTP mix
  • 5 µL 10 x Amplification buffer S
  • 2 µL 25 mM MgCl2
  • 2,5 µL primers = 25 pmol absolute (2,5 µL of each primer)
  • 35,5 µL of pure water
  • 0,5 µL TaqPol


  • Denat: 4 min 94°C
  • 5x:

Denat: 1 min 94°C

Anneal: 1 min 51°C

Extend: 1 min 72°C

  • 25x:

Denat: 1 min 94°C

Anneal: 1 min 61°C

Extend: 1 min 72°C

  • Final Extend: 10min 72°C

Further Tasks:

PCR purification

UP AG 20110906 TorA-bla cs(Tev) cs(pre) stefan 002.JPG


Time: 2011-09-06

Investigators: Nicole, Nadja


  • vector: pARW089 (2*)
  • Long Enzyme Mix (+MgCl2) Buffer Fermentas
  • Long Enzyme Polymerase Fermentas
  • dNTPs (NEB)
  • water
  • Primer:
# Primer
x pf_mdnABCDE089_NotI_SpeI_30.08.
x r_mdnABCDE_iGEM


    • 2 µl pARW089 (diluted 1:100)
    • 1 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
    • 3 µl Primer forward (10 µM)
    • 3 µl Primer backward (10 µM)
    • 5 µl buffer
    • 0.3 µl Ploymerase
    • 35,7 µl water
    • total volume: 50 µl
  • mdnABCDE

2. PCR programs



  • PCR worked out

Cultures of pARW071 and pARW089 for HPLC

Time: 2011-09-06

Investigators: Nicole, Nadine, Jessica


  • overnight cultures of pARW089 and pARW071
  • 500mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4

Protocol: (following protocol from Elke)

  • inoculation of 400 ml LB medium with antibiotic
  • at 37°C for about 7 h
  • centrifuged 4x at 6000 g for 10 min in 50 ml falcons
  • washed with Tris-HCl


  • 4 falcons stored in -20°C (71 1, 71 2, 89 1, 89 2)

Overnight cultures of expression backbones

Time: 2011-09-06

Investigators: Jessica

Aim: Precultures for test of expression backbones


  • plate of pSB1A3_Ara_YFP (from 2011-09-03)
  • test cultures of pSB1A3_IPTG_YFP, pSB1K3_Ara_CFP, pSB1K3_IPTG_CFP (from 2011-09-06)
  • LB medium, Kan, Amp


  • inoculation of 10 ml LB medium with antibiotic
  • overnight at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • testing expression

88th Labday 2011-09-07

Digestion and Ligation of TorA-bla with cleavage site of PreScission and TEV for BioBricks and TEV / PreScission biobricks

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Sascha, Paul

Aim: purification and digestion PCR fragment (produced: 06.09.2011) of TOR bla sequence for BioBricks


PCR-Products were purificated using Nucleospin Extract II KIT.

  • The torA-bla construct was digested with AgeI and XbaI
    • The vector (BBa_K404304_pSB1C3) for torA-bla was digested with AgeI and XbaI
  • PreScission and Tev proteases were digested with EcoRI and SpeI
    • The vector (BBa_K404304_pSB1C3) for proteases was digested with EcoRI and SpeI

The digestion was allowed to proceed for 2h at 37°C.

  • Digested products were resolved on 1% agarose gel, the corresponding bands were excissed and extracted from the gel using Nucleospin gel extraction KIT
    • Expected bands:
    • Tev: 760 bp (bands: Tev=2,Tev2=3,Tev4=4, Tev7=5)
    • Pre: 570 bp (bands: Pre1=15, Pre2=16)
    • TorA-bla: 1001 bp (bands: Cs_TevI=6, Cs_TevII=7, Cs_TevIII=8, Cs_PreI=10, Cs_PreII=11)
    • Vector: ~2632 bp (bands: Vector for proteases=14, vector for Tor_bla=17)

400px 400px

  • The excised fragments were ligated into corresponding digested and excised vectors: Tev2, Tev3, Tev4, Tev7 and Pre1 and Pre2 into vector for proteases; the torA-bla fragments were ligated into vector for TorA-bla)
  • ligation was calculated with gibthon ligation calculator ([ Klick]) with a molar ration of 1:3 of plasmid to insert.


  • 1 µl T4-ligation (Fermentas)
  • 1 µl Ligase Buffer

1.4 µl vector - 6.6 µl Tev

1.2 µl vector - 6.8 µl Tev2

0.7 µl vector - 7.3 µl Tev4

1.5 µl vector - 6.5 µl Tev7

0.3 µl vector - 7.7 µl Pre1

0.4 µl vector - 7.6 µl Pre2

  • = 6x10 µl ligation batches


  • 1 µl T4-ligation (Fermentas)
  • 1 µl Ligase Buffer

2.2 µl vector - 5.8 µl Cs_PreI

2.4 µl vector - 2.6 µl Cs_PreII

1.5 µl vector - 6.5 µl Cs_TevI

1.7 µl vector - 6.3 µl Cs_TevII

2.1 µl vector - 5.9 µl Cs_TevIII

  • = 5x10 µl ligation batches
  • ligation was allowed to proceed for 1h at room temperature.
  • 2µl of each ligation batch was transformed into competent Xl1-blue cells.
    • Cells were plated in Cm containing agar plates

Oligo-Fillin for mdnA-Library (repetition)2

Time: 2011-09-07, 7:20-8:40

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole

Aim: Production of a library carrying mutated mdnA ß-lactamase-screening (carrying AatII restriction site)


  • oligos (25 mM, HPLC purified, ordered by Sigma Aldrich):
    • o_mdnA_library, 76
    • o_focused_library_2, 74
  • 10x Klenow buffer
  • dNTPs (10 mM)
  • H2O


  • Reaction mix (total volume: 50 µl)
    • 3 µl o_mdnA-library, 76
    • 3 µl o_focused_library_2, 74
    • 5 µl dNTPs
    • 5 µl Klenow buffer
    • 34 µl H2O
  • Reaction conditions
    • Program: ORIGAMI1
  • after finishing program ORIGAMI1:
    • addition of 1 µl Klenow-fragment
    • incubation 1 hour, 37°C


  • hybridized oligo for production of mdnA-library


  • hybridization product, named foc 2
  • stored in thermocycler

Further tasks:

  • PCR purification
  • restriction enzyme digestion using SfoI and AatII, also of pUP089

Preparing samples mdnC, mdnD, mdnE and mdnABC for sequencing

Time: 2011-09-07,

Investigators: Katharina, Nadine, Nicole

Purification of Fillin mdnA-Lib2

Time: 2011-9-7,

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole

Aim: Purification of oligos for focused library 2


  • product of filled-in reaction, 2011-09-07, Nadine, Nicole
  • Machery-Nagel Nucleo Spin Extract II kit


  • application based on manufacturer’s protocol for PCR product purification
  • exceptions for elution procedure:
    • H2O used for elution
    • elution volume V=25 µl
    • before centrifugation (for 1 min) incubation 5 min at 70°C
  • DNA concentration measured by Nanotrop


  • cDNA: 113.3 ng/ µl


  • purified oligos (focused library 2)

Further tasks:

  • digestion using SfoI and AatII
  • digestion of pUP089 using SfoI and AatII
  • Purification of both
  • Ligation of pUP089 and oligos (focused library 2)

digest of purified Fillin mdnA-Lib2 and pUP089

Time: 2011-9-7,

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole

purification of digested pSB1C3 and pUP089

Time: 2011-09-07,

Investigators: Niels, Jessica, Katharina

Ligation of Fillin mdnA-Lib2 and pUP089

Time: 2011-9-7,

Investigators: Nadja


  • product of digested and purified Fillin mdnA Lib2 (2011-9-7, Nicole, Nadine) = 123,0 ng/ µl
  • pUP089 = 14,9 ng/ µl
  • Quick Ligase Buffer

Protocol:total volume of 20µl+

backseat driver asks: where is the ligation control? we talked about this several times!!!!!!!!! now we have to repeat this -.- and time designation would be also nice
  • 10 µl Quick ligase buffer
  • 1µl Enzyme
  • 1µl Insert
  • 8µl backbone
    • at 16 °C in PCR machine

Further tasks:

  • transformation

Ligation of mdnABCDE in pSB1C3

Time: 2011-9-7,

Digest of purified PCR product mdnABCDE and pSB1C3

Time: 2011-9-7, 8:30-12:15

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole

Aim: generate a BioBrick of mdnABCDE, digest for ligation in pSB1C3


  • PCR products:
    • mdnABCDE from pARW089 from 2011-9-6, Nad/Nic
    • mdnABCDE+T7 pARW089 from 2011-9-6, Nad/Nic
    • mdnABCDE from pARW089 or pARW071 from 2011-9-6, Nadj
  • BBa_K404304_pSB1C3 (#3), 284.6 ng/µl
  • EcoRI, SpeI
  • Buffer 4
  • BSA
  • H2O


  • PCR product:
    • 30 µl PCR product
    • 1 µl EcoRI
    • 1 µl SpeI
    • 5 µl Buffer 4
    • 0.6 µl BSA
    • 12.5 µl H2O
    • total volume: 50µl
  • vector:
    • 5 µl vector
    • 1 µl EcoRI
    • 1 µl SpeI
    • 2 µl Buffer 4
    • 0.2 µl BSA
    • 10.8 µl H2O
    • total volume: 20µl
  • incubation 3 hrs at 37°C (start: 9:15)


  • mdnABCDE from pARW089, Eco, Spe, from 2011-9-7, Nad/Nic
  • mdnABCDE+T7 pARW089, Eco, Spe from 2011-9-7, Nad/Nic
  • mdnABCDE from pARW089, Eco, Spe or pARW071 from 2011-9-7, Nad/Nic
  • BBa_K404304_pSB1C3, Eco, Spe, from 2011-9-7, Nad/Nic

Further tasks:

  • agarose gel
  • purification
  • ligation

test digest of mdnBC

Time: 2011-9-7,10:30-

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole

Aim: prove of Insert (mdnBC)


  • mdnBC klon a-e, Nie, 6.9.11
  • HindIII, AvaI, (NEB)
  • Buffer 2 (NEB, 10x)
  • water


insert plasmid size in bp enzymes buffer Expected size in bp
mdnBC 4419 HindIII, AvaI 2 363, 836, 3220
 Digestion protocol 
  • 1 µl DNA
  • 0.5 µl HinIII
  • 0.5 µl AvaI
  • 2 µl 10x buffer
  • 16 µl pure water
  • total: 20µl
  • 37°C for 2 hrs


Further tasks:

  • agarose gel
  • sequencing

test pSB1A3_Ara_YFP and pSB1A3_IPTG_YFP (expression backbones)

Time: 2011-9-7,12

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole, Jessica


  • pSB1A3_IPTG_YFP:
    • ODs at 16:45: 0.095 (1) and 0.082 (2, control)
    • no induction
  • pSB1A3_Ara_YFP:
    • ODs at 17:30 : 0.657 (1) and 0.713 (2, control)
    • induction with arabinose, end concentration 5 mM


  • fluorescence didn't increase, curve flattened


Time: 2011-09-06

Investigators: Nadja


  • vector: pARW071 (1)
  • Long Enzyme Mix (+MgCl2) Buffer Fermentas
  • Long Enzyme Mix Polymerase Fermentas
  • dNTPs (NEB)
  • water
  • Primer:
# Primer
84 pf_mdnABCDE089_NotI_SpeI_30.08.
82 r_mdnABCDE_iGEM


  • 2,6 µl pARW08 (diluted 1:100)
  • 1 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
  • 3 µl Primer forward (10 µM)
  • 3 µl Primer backward (10 µM)
  • 5 µl buffer
  • 0.3 µl Ploymerase
  • 35,4 µl water
    • total volume: 50 µl
  • mdnABCDE

2. PCR programs


Further task

  • gel verification
  • purification

Overnight cultures of expression backbones and pUP089

Time: 2011-09-07, 18:00

Investigators: Niels

Aim: Precultures for test of expression backbones and glycerol stocks


  • plates of pSB1A3_Ara_YFP, pSB1A3_IPTG_YFP, pSB1K3_Ara_CFP, pSB1K3_IPTG_CFP (from 2011-09-03)
  • plates of pUP089 A and B
  • LB medium, Kan, Amp


  • inoculation of 10/5 ml LB medium with antibiotic
  • overnight at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • testing expression
  • glycerol stocks !!!!!!!

Repeated test digest of mdnBC

Time: 2011-9-7, 20:00

Investigators: Jessica, Niels, Nadja

Aim: prove of Insert (mdnBC)


  • mdnBC clone b, Nie, 6.9.11
  • HindIII, AvaI, PstI-HF, XmaI (NEB)
  • Buffer 2 and 4 (NEB, 10x)
  • water


insert plasmid size in bp enzymes buffer Expected size in bp
mdnBC 4419 HindIII, AvaI 2 363, 836, 3220
mdnBC 4419 PstI-HF, XmaI 4 1559, 2868

Digestion protocol

  • 1 µl DNA
  • 0.5 µl per enzyme
  • 2 µl 10x buffer
  • 16 µl pure water
  • total: 20µl
  • 37°C for overnight (on thermomixer in iGEM lab)

Agarose gel:

UP AG testdigest pSB1C3 mdnBC Jes 2011-09-08.jpg


Further tasks:

  • sequencing

Production of phages containing pPDV089 in ER2738 cells

Investigators: Sabine, Sandrina, Steffi

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • first step: amplification of cells containing pPDV089 (clone: 2S14):
  • 50 ml DYT medium will be inoculated with the cells, so that OD600 = 0.1
  • add antibiotics tetracyclin and ampicillin to the medium
  • cells should be incubated 37 °C till OD600 = 0.3-0.5 (here: 0.356) is reached
  • second step: infection with helper phages
  • add helper phages 10^11 phages/50 ml (3,5 µl)
  • incubate for 10 min at 37°C (without shaking!)
  • add 0,5 mM IPTG
  • incubate 50 min at 28°C and rpm
  • add 70 µg/ml kanamycin and incubate for 5 h at 28°C (...)
  • third step: phage purification
  • centrifuge cell culture at 5000 x g/ 15 min
  • fill supernatant in a new 50 ml falcon and centrifuge again (5000 g/15 min)
  • 40 ml of the supernatant with 8 ml PEG-NaCl (20% (w/v) PEG-8000, 2,5 M NaCl)
  • incubate over night at 4°C

Further tasks:

  • go on with phage purification

SDS- PAGE for Western Blotting and coomassie staining of purified phages

Investigators: Sabine, Sandrina, Sebastian

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA is expressed on the phages produced in XL1-blue cells


Further tasks:

  • Western Blot and coomassie staining

Western Blot

Investigators: Sabine, Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA is expressed on the phages produced in XL1-blue cells


  • membrane impregnated in methanol
  • whatman paper
  • blotting buffer
  • blotting chamber
  • 1 h at 200 mA
  • blocking over night in TBS with 5% milk powder

Further tasks:

  • antibody detection

Coomassie staining

Investigators: Sabine, Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA is expressed on the phages produced in XL1-blue cells


  • 20 ml water
  • 20 ml methanol
  • 60 ml coomassie stock solution
  • gel storage over night in coomassie solution shaking

Further tasks:

  • destaining of the gel

overnight culture of picked E. coli clones transformed with pARWIII (pARW089 containing geneIII) to control deletion of kanamycin gene, pSB1C3 containing mdnA, geneIII or mdnA/geneIII

Investigators: Sandrina, Sabine

Aim: control deletion of kanamycin gene in created pARWIII, control ligation of mdnA, geneIII and mdnA/geneIII into pSB1C3


  • 5 clones from pARW089 with geneIII (kanamycin)
  • 5 clones from pSB1C3 with mdnA (chloramphenicol)
  • 5 clones from pSB1C3 with geneIII (chloramphenicol)
  • 5 clones from pSB1C3 with mdnA/geneIII (chloramphenicol)
  • 5 ml LB medium per clone
  • storage over night at 37°C and 800 rpm

Further tasks:

  • test digestion

89th Labday 2011-09-08

Oligo-Fillin for mdnA-library 2 (repetition) and for Phage-display-mdnA-library (carrying AgeI restriction site)

Investigators: Nicole, Nadine

Time: 2011-09-08, 11:00-12:30

Aim: Production of libraries carrying mutated mdnA, one for phage-display (carrying ageI restriction site) and one for ß-lactamase-screening (carrying AatII restriction site)


  • oligos (25 mM, HPLC purified, ordered by Sigma Aldrich):
    • o_mdnA_library, 76 à for both libraries
    • o_focused_library_2, 74 à for AatII carrying library
    • o_focused_library_AgeI, à for AgeI carrying library
  • 10x Klenow buffer
  • dNTPs (10 mM)
  • H2O


  • Reaction mix (total volume: 50 µl)
    • 3 µl fw-oligonucleotide (o_mdnA-library, 76)
    • 3 µl rev-oligonucleotide (either o_focused_library_2, 74 or o_focused_library_AgeI, )
    • 5 µl dNTPs
    • 5 µl Klenow buffer
    • 34 µl H2O
  • Reaction conditions
    • Program: ORIGAMI1
  • after finishing program ORIGAMI1:
    • addition of 1 µl Klenow-fragment
    • incubation 1 hour, 37°C


  • hybridized oligos for production of mdnA-library


  • two hybridization products
    • 1) AgeI-library, named AgeI
    • 2) AatII-library, named foc 2
  • stored in thermocycler

Further tasks:

  • PCR purification
  • restriction enzyme digestion using SfoI and either AatII or AgeI, also of either pUP089 or pARWIII

Transformation of XL1 with different constructs

Time: 2011-09-08, 12:30-15:00

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole


  • XL1-Blue
  • ligation products:
    • pSB1C3+mdnABCDE+T7, Niels, 7.9.11, resistance: cm
    • pSB1C3+mdnABCDE from pARW089, Niels, 7.9.11, resistance: cm
    • pSB1C3+mdnB, Jes/Nadja, 6.9.11, resistance: cm
    • pSB1C3+H20 (control), Jes/Nadja, 6.9.11, resistance: cm
    • pUP089+lib2, Nadja, 7.9.11, resistance: kan
  • plasmids from miniprep (Kat, 2011-8-20):
    • pSB1A3_Ara_YFP clone A (#1), resistance: amp
    • pSB1A3_IPTG_YFP clone B (#4), resistance: amp
    • pSB1K3_Ara_CFP clone A (#25), resistance: kan
    • pSB1K3_IPTG_CFP clone B (#21), resistance: kan
    • pSB1K3_IPTG_YFP clone C (#18), resistance: kan
  • antibiotics from stock:
    • kanamycin
    • ampiciline
    • chloramphenicol
  • LB-Agar


  • ligation products:
    • addition of 2 µl ligation reaction to cells (XL1-blue) in 1.5 ml Eppi,
  • incubation 30 min on ice,
  • heat shock 60 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 5 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation at 37 °C shaking for 60 min,
  • plating on LB medium with appropriate antibiotic (20 ml Agar and 20 µl antibiotic (see above) per plate)
  • storage over night at 37°C (start: 15:00)

Further tasks:

  • Picking clones for overnight culture (except for library 2)
  • Producing glycerol stocks
  • count colonies of pUP089_lib2 and collect them w/ LB


  • Plates w/ XL1 blue:
    • pSB1C3+mdnABCDE+T7, Niels, 7.9.11, resistance: cm
    • pSB1C3+mdnABCDE from pARW089, Niels, 7.9.11, resistance: cm
    • pSB1C3+mdnB, Jes/Nadja, 6.9.11, resistance: cm
    • pSB1C3+H20 (control), Jes/Nadja, 6.9.11, resistance: cm
    • 10x pUP089+lib2, Nadja, 7.9.11, resistance: kan
    • pSB1A3_Ara_YFP clone A (#1), resistance: amp
    • pSB1A3_IPTG_YFP clone B (#4), resistance: amp
    • pSB1K3_Ara_CFP clone A (#25), resistance: kan
    • pSB1K3_IPTG_CFP clone B (#21), resistance: kan
    • pSB1K3_IPTG_YFP clone C (#18), resistance: kan
  • Ligation products stored in freezer, green box, mdn-BioBricks
    • pSB1C3+mdnABCDE+T7, pARW089, 7.9.11
    • pSB1C3+mdnABCDE, pARW089, 7.9.11
    • pSB1C3+mdnB, Nadja/Jes, 6.9.11
    • pSB1C3+H20, Nadja/Jes, 6.9.11
  • Expresion backbones stored in white/colorless box w/ label: Expression Backbones 2

Purification of Fillin mdnA-Library_2 (carrying either AgeI or AatII restriction site) and PCR product of mdnABCDE from pARW071

Time: 2011-9-8,

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole

Aim: Purification of oligos for focused library 2 for phage display and ß-lactamase screening and purification of PCR product mdnABCDE from pARW071 for further use


  • product of filled-in reaction, 2011-09-08, Nadine, Nicole
    • Age (mdnA library for phage display)
    • foc 2 (mdnA library for ß-lactamase screening)
  • PCR product of mdnABCDE from pARW071 (named mdnA71), 2011-09-07, Nadja
  • Machery-Nagel Nucleo Spin Extract II kit


  • application based on manufacturer’s protocol for PCR product purification
  • exceptions for elution procedure:
    • H2O used for elution
    • elution volume V=25 µl
    • before centrifugation (for 1 min) incubation 5 min at 70°C

  • DNA concentration measured by Nanotrop


  • purified oligos
    • mdnA focused library 2 (carrying AatII restriction site), named Age, stored in freezer
    • mdnA focused library 2 (carrying AgeI restriction site), named foc 2, stored in freezer
    • mdnABCDE from pARW071, named mdnA71, stored in freezer

Further tasks:

  • digestion of foc 2 using SfoI and AatII
  • digestion of pUP089 using SfoI and AatII

  • digestion of Age using SfoI and AgeI
  • digestion of pARWIII using SfoI and AgeI

  • digestion of mdnA71 using EcoRI and SpeI
  • digestion of pSB1C3 using EcoRI and SpeI

Restriction enzyme digestion of mdnA focused library 2 carrying AatII restriction site and pUP089

Investigators: Nicole, Nadine

Time: 2011-09-08,

Aim: Digest of hybridized oligos for further production of mdnA focused library


  • clones
    • purified mdnA oligos carrying AatII restriction site, named foc 2, 2011-09-08, Nicole/Nadine
    • pUP089, clone A I, Nadine
  • NEB buffer 4
  • AatII
  • SfoI


  • Mix for digestion of foc 2
    • 23 µl PCR purification product foc 2 (mdnA oligos)
    • 2 µl AatII
    • 2 µl SfoI
    • 3 µl NEB buffer 4
  • Mix for digestion of pUP089
    • 4 µl DNA pUP089
    • 2 µl AatII
    • 2 µl SfoI
    • 2 µl NEB buffer 4
    • 10 µl H2O
  • Incubation for 2 hours, 37 °C


  • digested oligos for library
  • digested pUP089


  • digested oligos for mdnA library (carrying AatII restriction site), named foc 2, stored in ice box
  • digested pUP089, named pUP089, stored in ice box

Further tasks:

  • PCR purification (foc 2) resp. agrose gel and gel extraction (pUP089)
  • ligation of both

Restriction enzyme digestion of mdnABCDE71 and pSB1C3

Investigators: Nicole, Nadine

Time: 2011-09-08,

Aim: Digest of PCR product mdnABCDE from pARW071 and pSB1C3 to prepare a biobrick


  • clones
    • purified PCR product mdnABCDE, named mdnABCDE71, 2011-09-08, Nicole/Nadine
    • pSB1C3,
  • NEB buffer 4
  • EcoRI-HF
  • SpeI
  • BSA


  • Mix for digestion of mdnABCDE from pARW071 (total volume 50 µl)
    • 23 µl PCR purification product foc 2 (mdnA oligos)
    • 1 µl EcoRI-HF
    • 1 µl SpeI
    • 5 µl NEB buffer 4
    • 0.6 µl BSA
    • 19.5 H2O

  • Mix for digestion of pSB1C3 (total volume 20 µl)
    • 5.8 µl DNA pSB1C3
    • 1 µl EcoRI-HF
    • 1 µl SpeI
    • 2 µl NEB buffer 4
    • 10 µl H2O
    • 0.2 µl BSA

  • Incubation for 2 hours, 37 °C


  • digested oligos for library
  • digested pARWIII


  • digested mdnABCDE from pARW071, named digested mdnABCDE71, stored in ice box
  • digested pSB1C3, named digested pSB1C3, stored in ice box

Further tasks:

  • PCR purification (mdnABCDE71) resp. agrose gel and gel extraction (pSB1C3)
  • ligation of both

Restriction enzyme digestion of mdnA focused library 2 carrying AgeI restriction site and pARWIII

Investigators: Nicole, Nadine

Time: 2011-09-08,

Aim: Digest of hybridized oligos for further production of mdnA focused library for phage-display


  • clones
    • purified mdnA oligos carrying AgeI restriction site, named Age, 2011-09-08, Nicole/Nadine
    • pARWIII, clone 1_1, Sandrina, 2011-09-08
  • NEB buffer 4
  • AgeI
  • SfoI


  • Mix for digestion of Age
    • 22.5 µl PCR purification product foc 2 (mdnA oligos)
    • 2.5 µl AgeI
    • 2 µl SfoI
    • 3 µl NEB buffer 4
  • Mix for digestion of pARWIII
    • 6.5 µl DNA pARWIII
    • 2.5 µl AgeI
    • 2 µl SfoI
    • 3 µl NEB buffer 4
    • 6 µl H2O

  • Incubation for 2 hours, 37 °C


  • digested oligos for library
  • digested pARWIII


  • digested oligos for mdnA library (carrying AgeI restriction site), named Age, stored in ice box
  • digested pARWIII, named digested-pARWIII, stored in ice box

Further tasks:

  • PCR purification (Age) resp. agrose gel and gel extraction (pARWIII)
  • ligation of both

PCR of TorA-bla with clevage site of PreScission and TEV for BioBricks

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Sascha, Stefan, Sebastian

Aim: get PCR fragment of TOR bla sequence for BioBricks


Primer TEV:





  • Template: 1 µL (pJC354 <10ng)
  • Nucleotides: 1 µL of 10 mM ready to use dNTP mix
  • 10 µL 5 x Amplification buffer
  • 2,5 µL primers = 25 pmol absolute (2,5 µL of each primer)
  • 35 µL of pure water
  • 0,5 µL Fusion


  • Denat: 4 min 94°C
  • 30x:

Denat: 30 sec 94°C

Anneal: 30 sec 72°C

Extend: 1 min 72°C

  • Final Extend: 10min 72°C

Further Tasks:

PCR purification

Test digest of pSB1C3+mdnDE

Time: 2011-9-08, 17:30-20:30

Investigators: Jessica

Aim: prove of Insert (mdnDE)


  • pSB1C3+mdnBC clones K1-K6, Kat, 8.9.11
    • concentrations:
Sample Concentration in ng/µl
clone K1 835.1
clone K2 775.6
clone K3 488.1
clone K4 639.3
clone K5 554.3
clone K6 551.5
  • HpaI (NEB)
  • Buffer 4 (NEB, 10x)
  • water


insert plasmid size in bp enzymes buffer Expected size in bp
mdnDE 5154 HpaI 4 1329, 3825

Digestion protocol

  • 1 µl DNA
  • 0.5 µl HpaI
  • 2 µl 10x buffer
  • 16 µl pure water
  • total: 20µl
  • 37°C for

Agarose gel

lane Sample Volume in µl
M Gene Ruler DNA Ladder Mix (1:10) 20µl
1 -
2 clone K1 20 + 4x loading dye
3 clone K2 20 + 4x loading dye
4 clone K3 20 + 4x loading dye
5 clone K4 20 + 4x loading dye
6 clone K5 20 + 4x loading dye
7 clone K6 20 + 4x loading dye



  • clones K1, K2 and K5 are ok

Further tasks:

  • sequencing

Overnight cultures of pSB1C3+myc

Time: 2011-09-08, 18:30

Investigators: Jessica


  • plates of pSB1C3+mycN and pSB1C3+mycC
  • LB medium, Cm


  • inoculation of 5 ml LB medium with Cm
  • overnight at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • test digest
  • sequencing

Sidedirected mutagenesis of TEV protease and PreSciccion protease

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Sascha, Paul, Sebastian

Aim: Sidedirected mutagenesis of TEV and PreSciccion protease


  • TEV protease vector (P9 by Gunther Stier)
  • PreSciccion protease vector (P10 by Gunther Stier)
  • different Primers
  • Phusion polymerase kit by NEB



  • Template: 1 µL (pJC354 <10ng)
  • Nucleotides: 1 µL of 10 mM ready to use dNTP mix
  • 10 µL 5 x Phusion HF Buffer
  • 2,5 µL primers = 25 pmol absolute (2,5 µL of each primer, see list below)
  • 32,5 µL of pure water
  • 0,5 µL Phusion HF polymerase


  • Denat: 30 sec 98°C
  • 30x

Denat: 10 sec 98°C

Anneal: 15 sec 69°C (with gradient of +/- 4°C)

Extend: 15 sec 72°C

  • Final Extend: 10min 72°C

Used Primers:

Fragment 1 of TEV protease (T1):

  • f_TEV_AraFusion_NgoMIV

Fragment 2 of TEV protease (T2):

  • r_TEV_iGEM_BamHI

Fragment 1 of PreSciccion protease (P1):

  • f_Pre_AraFusion_NgoMIV
  • r_Pre_ACCAGC

Fragment 2 of PreSciccion protease (P2):

  • f_Pre_ACCAGC
  • r_Pre_tm_Xba208_A-T

Fragment 3 of PreSciccion protease (P3):

  • f_Pre_tm_Xba208_A-T
  • r_Pre_tm_Xba280_A-T

Fragment 4 of PreSciccion protease (P4):

  • f_Pre_tm_Xba280_A-T
  • r_Pre_iGEM_BamHI

Further Tasks:

PCR purification, analytical Gel to check sizes of the amplified fragments, assembly PCR of Fragment

Analytical gelelctrophoresis and PCR clean up of sidedirected mutated fragments T1, T2, P1, P2, P3 and P4

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Sascha, Paul, Sebastian

Aim: Check the size of amplified fragments and clean them up after PCR


  • PCR fragments P1 to P4 and T1 and T2
  • Fermentas 6x loading dye
  • 100bp ladder (Gene Ruler by Fermentas)
  • Macherey-Nagel Nucleo Spin II Kit for clean up


  • Clean up after manual for PCR purification of the used Kit
  • gel electophoresis (2% agarose gel with analytical gel pockets): 30 min at 110 V


The sizes of the fragments of the PCR products are matching the fragment sizes extracted with Geneious:

  • T1
    • sizes in Geneious: 411 bp
    • estimated sizes in gel: 410 bp
  • T2
    • sizes in Geneious: 389 bp
    • estimated sizes in gel: 400 bp
  • P1
    • sizes in Geneious: 167 bp
    • estimated sizes in gel: 170 bp
  • P2
    • sizes in Geneious: 96 bp
    • estimated sizes in gel: 100 bp
  • P3
    • sizes in Geneious: 99 bp
    • estimated sizes in gel: 100 bp
  • P4
    • sizes in Geneious: 311 bp
    • estimated sizes in gel 310 bp

File:UP AG 2011-09-08-0140 muta TEV-Pre.JPG

DNA-Fragments after sidedirected mutagenesis:

  • TEV fragment 1 (T1) c=
  • TEV fragment 2 (T2) c=
  • PreSciccion fragment 1 (P1) c=
  • PreSciccion fragment 2 (P2) c=
  • PreSciccion fragment 3 (P3) c=
  • PreSciccion fragment 4 (P4) c=


Fragments T1 and T2, P1-P4 with expected sizes.

Further Tasks:

Merge of PCR fragments P1 and P2 into P5, P3 and P4 into P6, T1 and T2 into TEV-protease.

Assembly PCR of mutated TEV protease and PreSciccion protease fragments

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Sascha, Stefan, Sebastian

Aim: Assembly of mutated TEV and PreSciccion protease fragments


  • TEV protease fragments T1 and T2 --> TEV protease (total mutated)
  • PreSciccion protease fragments P1 and P2 --> P5
  • PreSciccion protease fragments P3 and P4 --> P6
  • different Primers
  • Phusion polymerase kit by NEB



  • Template: 2 µL (1µl of each fragment after sizes were checked and fragments got cleaned up with PCR clean up kit from Macherey-Nagel (Nucleo Spin Kit))
  • Nucleotides: 1 µL of 10 mM ready to use dNTP mix
  • 10 µL 5 x Phusion HF Buffer
  • 2,5 µL primers = 25 pmol absolute (2,5 µL of each primer, see list below)
  • 31,5 µL of pure water
  • 0,5 µL Phusion HF polymerase


  • Denat: 30 sec 98°C
  • 30x

Denat: 10 sec 98°C

Anneal: 15 sec 70°C (with gradient of +/- 2°C)

Extend: 20 sec 72°C

  • Final Extend: 10min 72°C

Used Primers:

Assembly of fragment 1 and fragment 2 of TEV protease (T1+T2) --> mutated TEV protease:

  • f_TEV_AraFusion_NgoMIV
  • r_TEV_iGEM_BamHI

Assembly of fragment 1 and fragment 2 of PreSciccion protease (P1+P2)--> mutated PreSciccion portease fragment 5 (P5):

  • f_Pre_AraFusion_NgoMIV
  • r_Pre_tm_Xba208_A-T

Assembly of fragment 3 and fragment 4 of PreSciccion protease (P3+P4)--> mutated PreSciccion portease fragment 6 (P6):

  • f_Pre_tm_Xba208_A-T
  • r_Pre_iGEM_BamHI

Further Tasks:

PCR purification, analytical Gel to check sizes of the amplified fragments, assembly PCR of Fragment

Analytical gelelctrophoresis and PCR clean up of sidedirected mutated fragments TEV protease, P5 and P6

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Sascha, Paul, Sebastian

Aim: Check the size of amplified fragments and clean them up after PCR


  • PCR fragments P5, P6 and TEV protease
  • Fermentas 6x loading dye
  • 100bp ladder (Gene Ruler by Fermentas)
  • Macherey-Nagel Nucleo Spin II Kit for clean up


  • Clean up after manual for PCR purification of the used Kit
  • gel electophoresis (1.5 % agarose gel with analytical gel pockets): 30 min at 110 V


The sizes of the fragments of the PCR products are matching the fragment sizes extracted with Geneious:

  • TEV
    • sizes in Geneious:
    • estimated sizes in gel
  • P5
    • sizes in Geneious:
    • estimated sizes in gel
  • P6
    • sizes in Geneious:
    • estimated sizes in gel

(Picture from GelDoc and sizes will be added as soon as possible)

DNA-Fragments after sidedirected mutagenesis:

  • TEV protease c=
  • PreSciccion fragment 5 (P5) c=
  • PreSciccion fragment 6 (P6) c=

Further Tasks: Merge of PCR fragments P5 and P6 into PreSciccion protease, digestion of TEV protease with NgoMIV and BamHI, Ligation of TEV protease with digested AraC induction system (NgoMIV and HindIII) and digested pJC354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_BlaFL (HindIII and BamHI)

Preparing glycerol stocks of pUP089

Time: 2011-09-08

Investigators: Jessica


  • overnight cultures of pUP089
  • glycerol


  • 700 µl culture
  • 300 µl glycerol
  • stored in -80°C blue iGEM box


  • pUP089 Aa, Jes, 08.09.11
  • pUP089 Ab, Jes, 08.09.11
  • pUP089 Ba, Jes, 08.09.11
  • pUP089 Bb, Jes, 08.09.11

Ligation of mdnA-lib2 and mdnA-Age

Time: 2011-09-08

Investigators: Nicole

Purification of phages containing pPDV089

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • after over night incubation:
  • centrifuge precipitaed phages: 5000 x g/ 45 min
  • discard supernatant
  • centrifuge again, 5000 x g/ 5 min
  • remove supernatant carefully
  • take pellet in 1 ml TBS
  • move in 1.5 ml Eppi
  • centrifuge again: 17000 x g/10 min
  • supernatant in a new Eppi with 200 µl PEG-NaCl (mix!)
  • incubate on ice for 60 min
  • centrifuge precipitated phages: 17.000 x g/ 10 min (4°C)
  • resuspend pellet in 300 µl TBS
  • centrifuge:17 000 x g/ 10 min (4°C)
  • supernatant in a fresh eppi= purified phages

Further tasks:

  • measure concentration of phages

Glycerol stocks of phages containing pPDV089

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • 300 µl phages in TBS
  • 750 µl 86 % glycerol
  • store at -80°C

Further tasks:

  • measure concentration of phages

Concentration of phages containing pPDV089 measured by nanodrop

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-mdnA will be expressed on the phage


  • OD 269: 0,235
  • OD 320: 0,010
  • phages per ml:

Ph/ml = (Abs 269- Abs 320) * 6*10^16/ bp (phagemid)

  • bp (phagemid) = 10945

Ph/ml= 1,23*10^12

Further tasks:

  • measure concentration of phages by serial dilution

plasmid pereperation of pARWIII to control deletion of kanamycin gene, pSB1C3 containing mdnA, geneIII or mdnA/geneIII

Investigators: Sandrina, Sabine

Aim: control deletion of kanamycin gene in created pARWIII, control ligation of mdnA, geneIII and mdnA/geneIII into pSB1C3


plasmid preperation:

protocol 5.1 of the NucleoSpin Plasmid Kit

Further tasks:

test digestion

Antibody detection with blotted membranes

Investigators: Sandrina

Aim: control if geneIII-myc-mdnA is presented on the phages


  • incubate blocked membrane for 1 h with primary antibody (anti -c-myc- antibody) in TBS with 5% milk powder
  • wash 3x 10 min with TBS buffer
  • incubate for 1 h with secondary antibody
  • wash 3x 10 min with TBS buffer
  • develop membranes with ECL- Kit


  • signals were only seen at positive controls and one negative control

Further tasks:

90th Labday 2011-09-09

Preparation of samples for HPLC analysis

Time: 2011-09-09

Investigators: Jessica, Katharina


  • pellets of pARW089 and pARW071 samples (from 2011-09-06)
  • 100% methanol
  • 5& methanol
  • sterile water
  • Sep-Pak Cartridges
  • speed vac


  • pellet was resuspended in 5 ml of sterile water
  • the resuspended sample was sonicated for 5 min (3 sec on, 3 sec off)
  • centrifugation for 10 min @ 11000 rpm
  • supernatant was transfered to Sep-Pak Plus C18 Cartridges, that were equilibrated with 2 ml of 100% methanol
  • cartridges were washed with 2 ml water
  • samples were load
  • cartridges were washed with 2 ml of 5% methanol
  • samples were eluted with 2 ml of 100% methanol
  • samples were put in a speedvac so that the methanol can evaporate

Counting of colonies on plates (pUP089+lib2)

Time: 2011-09-09,7:30

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole

Aim: count number of colonies on plates


  • agar plate (kan): 10x pUP089+lib2, Nadja, 7.9.11, resistance: kan, from 2011-9-8, Nad/Nic


plate # of colonies picked colonies
1 61 I clone E and F
2 38 II clone C and D
3 87 III clone A and B
4 47 IV clone G and H
5 33 IV clone I and J
6 55
7 37
8 70
9 28
10 36
sum 492
  • example plates

UP PL pUP089 lib2 Nad Nic 2011-9-9002.jpg


  • 492 colonies
  • some colonies will be picked for test sequencing (clone A-J)
  • repeat fillin, ligation and transformation for more mutants

Glycerol stocks of pSB1C3+mdnDE K1, K2 and K5

Time: 2011-09-09, 8:00

Investigators: Nadine

Sequencing of pSB1C3+mdnD/ABC

Time: 2011-09-09, 8:00

Investigators: Nicole

Transformation of XL1 with different constructs

Time: 2011-09-09,

Investigators: Nadine, Nicole


  • XL1-Blue
  • ligation products (2011-9-8):
    • mdnA-lib2
    • mdnA-Age
    • mdnABCDE from pARW071
  • antibiotics from stock:
    • chloramphenicol
    • kanamycin
    • ampiciline
  • LB-Agar


  • ligation products:
    • addition of 2 µl ligation reaction to cells (XL1-blue) in 1.5 ml Eppi,
  • incubation 30 min on ice,
  • heat shock 60 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 5 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation at 37 °C shaking for 60 min,
  • plating on LB medium with appropriate antibiotic (20 ml Agar and 20 µl antibiotic (see above) per plate)
  • storage over night at 37°C (start: 15:00)

Further tasks:

  • Picking clones for overnight culture (except for library 2)
  • Producing glycerol stocks
  • count colonies of pUP089_lib2 and collect them w/ LB


  • Plates w/ XL1 blue:
    • 10 x pUP089+mdnA-lib2 (on kan plates) + control
    • 10 x pARWIII+mdnA-Age (on amp plates) + control
    • pSB1C3+mdnABCDE from pARW071 (on cm plates) + control

Survival-Test of one PreScission clone( SG9-P10) and one Tev-clone (SG13-T6)

Investigators: Paul, Stefan, Sascha

Aim: Test whether TorA-detection device functions

  • SG13-T6 contains two silent mutations and one single amino-acid exchange (N-->D)
  • SG9-P10 contains different mutations:...


30x, 15x for each clone

  • 2x Cm (25 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM IPTG
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara
  • 2x Cm + Amp (50 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + Amp (200 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + Amp (50 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + Amp (100 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + Amp (200 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + Amp (400 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + Amp (800 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + 1mM IPTG + Amp (50 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + 1mM IPTG + Amp (100 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + 1mM IPTG + Amp (200 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + 1mM IPTG + Amp (400 µg/ml)
  • 2x Cm + 1mM Ara + 1mM IPTG + Amp (800 µg/ml)


  • cells from glycerolstocks (-80°C) were inoculated in 5 ml LB-Medium (Cm = 25µg/ml). Then diluted and incubated until OD=0.002
  • 100µl of cells with OD=0.002 were plated on prepared plates


Survival screening have to be repeated, because there is no way to compare numbers of clones on plates (dual induction of protease via AraC and ssTorA_CS_blaFL construct via IPTG) with number of clones on the right controll plates (singel induction with IPTG to check the export via TAT-pathway of beta lactamase.

No resistance against ampicillin without induction with IPTG. Dual-induction with arabinose and IPTG does not lead to a dramatical reduced number of clones.

Further Tasks:

  • Repeat the survival test with singel induction via IPTG as comparison for the cell death based on reduced export of beta lactamase into the periplasm of E.coli
  • repeat survival test at 37 °C for both protease to check influence of creation of inclusion body of TEV protease at 37°C and influence of export capacity of beta lactamase via TAT-pathway

Assembly PCR of mutated PreSciccon protease

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Sascha, Stefan, Sebastian

Aim: Assembly of mutated PreSciccion


  • PreSciccion protease fragments P5 and P6 --> PreSciccion protease (total mutated)
  • Primer 1: f_Pre_AraFusion_NgoMIV
  • Primer 2: r_Pre_iGEM_BamHI
  • Phusion polymerase kit by NEB



  • Template: 2 µL (1µl of each fragment after sizes were checked and fragments got cleaned up with PCR clean up kit from Macherey-Nagel (Nucleo Spin Kit))
  • Nucleotides: 1 µL of 10 mM ready to use dNTP mix
  • 10 µL 5 x Phusion HF Buffer
  • 2,5 µL primers = 25 pmol absolute (2,5 µL of each primer, see list below)
  • 31,5 µL of pure water
  • 0,5 µL Phusion HF polymerase


  • Denat: 30 sec 98°C
  • 30x

Denat: 10 sec 98°C

Anneal/extend: 30 sec 72°C

  • Final Extend: 10min 72°C

Further Tasks:

PCR purification, analytical Gel to check sizes of the amplified fragments. Digest and ligation.

Digestion of NgoMIV_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI, NgoMIV_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI, HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV fragments and pUP189-pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 and pUP189-pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators:Paul, Sascha, Stefan


NgoMIV_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI: 66,2 ng/µl

NgoMIV_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI: 91,7ng/µl

HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV: 48,3 ng/µl

pUP189-pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (contains TEV cleavage site): 470 ng/µl

pUP189-pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (contains PRE cleavage site): 270,2 ng/µl

Digestion protocol:

1: NgoMIV_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI:

  • 10µl NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI
  • 1µl NgoMIV
  • 1µl BamHI-HF
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB 4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 32.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

2: NgoMIV_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI:

  • 10µl NgoMIV_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI
  • 1µl NgoMIV
  • 1µl BamHI-HF
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB 4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 32.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

3: HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV:

  • 10µl HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV
  • 1µl HindIII
  • 1µl NgoMIV
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 32.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

4: pUP189-pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5:

  • 4µl pUP189-pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5
  • 1µl HindIII
  • 1µl BamHI-HF
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB 4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 39.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

5: pUP189-pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5:

  • 8µl pUP189-pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5
  • 1µl HindIII
  • 1µl BamHI-HF
  • 5µl 10x buffer = NEB 4
  • 0.5µl 100x BSA
  • 37.5µl pure water
  • =50µl

-->The reaction was allowed to proceed for 2h at 37°C!

Ligation of NgoMIV_iGEM_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI or NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI, HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV into pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 or pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators:Sebastian, Sascha, Stefan


  • 1. Triple-ligation of NgoMIV_iGEM_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI (573bp), HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV (1273bp) and pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (~4700bp) to create pUP_SG2_TorA_CS-PreScission_bla_AraC-PreSciss


  • 2.Triple-ligation of NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV_iGEM_BamHI (760bp), HindIII_iGEM_AraC_NgoMIV (1273bp) and pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector (~4700bp)to create pUP_SG1_TorA_CS-TEV_bla_AraC-TEV

Calculation of volumes to be used with: [ ligation calculator] with 1:1 molar ratio




  • 1 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment
  • 1 µL AraC fragment
  • 6 µL pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl
  • 1 controls: As 1 but with water instead of fragment


  • 1 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment
  • 1 µL AraC fragment
  • 6 µL pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl
  • 1 control: As 4 but with water instead of fragment

TEV backbone with PreScission:

  • 1 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_PreScission-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment
  • 1 µL AraC fragment
  • 6 µL pJC354-NheI-TEV-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl

PreScission backbone with TEV:

  • 1 µL NgoMIV_iGEM_TEV-Protease_iGEM_BamHI fragment
  • 1 µL AraC fragment
  • 6 µL pJC354-NheI-143C-Xho_blaFL_GGH5 vector
  • 1 µL T4 liagtion buffer (Fermentas)
  • 1 µL T4 ligase (Fermentas)
  • =10µl

Used method:

ligation at room temperatur for 1h

Further task: Transformation of XL1blue cells with ligation products

Miniprep from overnight cultures T I/II, pre CS,PC, TEV-CS-1, P1

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Niels

Aim: isolate DNA & sequencing

Samples for miniprep

  • T I
  • T II
  • pre-CS
  • TEV-CS
  • P1
  • PC


miniprep by using Kit :

  • NucleoSpin Plasmid

Nanodrop measurement

Sample concentration [ng/µl] 260/280 260/230
T I 164,6 1,87 2,04
T II 182,7 1,88 2,07
pre-cs 263,1 1,86 2,13
TEV-cs 181,8 1,87 2,07
PC 150,5 1,85 2,05
P1 357,6 1,86 2,19

futher task :

  • sequencing

Sequencing of miniprep (09-09-2011) - T I/II, pre CS,PC, TEV-CS-1, P1

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators: Niels, Stefan

Samples: miniprep from 09-09-11

  • T I
  • T II
  • TEV-cs
  • pre-cs
  • P1
  • PC
  • each:
    • 1400 ng DNA
    • ad 20 µl steril water

sequenced by GATC

Transformation of TEV and PreScission

For better understanding of described experiment see also:

Investigators:Sebastian, Sascha, Stefan



Heat shock protocol

Used method:

picking clones

Test digest of pSB1C3+mycN/C

Time: 2011-09-09

Investigators: Jessica

Aim: prove of Insert (mdnAmycN/C)


  • pSB1C3+mycN clones J1-J5, Niels, 9.9.11
  • pSB1C3+mycC clones J1-J5, Niels, 9.9.11
  • AvaII, PstI-HF (NEB)
  • Buffer 4 (NEB, 10x)
  • water


insert plasmid size in bp enzymes buffer Expected size in bp
mdnAmycN 2596 AvaII, Pst-HF 4 225, 942, 1439
mdnAmycC 2597 AvaII, Pst-HF 4 225, 942, 1440

Digestion protocol

  • 2 µl DNA
  • 0.5 µl AvaII
  • 0.5 µl PstI-HF
  • 2 µl 10x buffer
  • 15 µl pure water
  • total: 20µl
  • 37°C overnight

Agarose gel

lane Sample Volume in µl
M Gene Ruler DNA Ladder Mix (1:10) 12
1 mycN clone 1 20 + 4x loading dye
2 mycN clone 2 20 + 4x loading dye
3 mycN clone 3 20 + 4x loading dye
4 mycN clone 4 20 + 4x loading dye
5 mycN clone 5 20 + 4x loading dye
6 mycC clone 1 20 + 4x loading dye
7 mycC clone 2 20 + 4x loading dye
8 mycC clone 3 20 + 4x loading dye
9 mycC clone 4 20 + 4x loading dye
10 mycC clone 5 20 + 4x loading dye
M Gene Ruler DNA Ladder Mix (1:10) 12

UP AG Katharina Digest mycN mycC.png


  • digestion did not work out in a satisfying way

Further tasks:

  • new restriction enzyme digestion
  • sequencing

Miniprep of overnight cultures + pSB1C3+mycN/mycC

Time: 2011-09-09, 14:30

Investigators: Niels

Samples for miniprep

  • pSB1C3+mycN J1
  • pSB1C3+mycN J2
  • pSB1C3+mycN J3
  • pSB1C3+mycN J4
  • pSB1C3+mycN J5
  • pSB1C3+mycC J1
  • pSB1C3+mycC J2
  • pSB1C3+mycC J3
  • pSB1C3+mycC J4
  • pSB1C3+mycC J5


miniprep by using Kit :

  • NucleoSpin Plasmid

Nanodrop measurement

Sample concentration [ng/µl] 260/280 260/230
mycN-1 189,7 1,87 2,46
mycN-2 95,3 1,86 1,58
mycN-3 132,0 1,85 2,57
mycN-4 130,6 1,84 2,17
mycN-5 152,8 1,86 2,46
mycC-1 143,0 1,86 2,57
mycC-2 92,5 1,88 2,11
mycC-3 105,3 1,84 1,78
mycC-4 109,5 1,84 1,98
mycC-5 124,5 1,84 2,15

futher task :

  • sequencing

Sequencing of pSB1C3+mdnDE/mycN/mycC

Time: 2011-09-09, 15:30

Investigators: Nicole, Niels, Jessica

Samples: miniprep from 09-09-11

  • pSB1C3+mdnDE K1 (primers: VR2, sf_mdne_1_n (# 9), sf_mdne_2_1 (# 10), sf_mdne_3_1 (# 11))
  • pSB1C3+mdnDE K2
  • pSB1C3+mdnDE K5
  • pSB1C3+mycN J1
  • pSB1C3+mycN J2
  • pSB1C3+mycN J3
  • pSB1C3+mycN J4
  • pSB1C3+mycN J5
  • pSB1C3+mycC J1
  • pSB1C3+mycC J2
  • pSB1C3+mycC J3
  • pSB1C3+mycC J4
  • pSB1C3+mycC J5
  • each:
    • 1400 ng DNA
    • ad 20 µl steril water

sequenced by GATC

Picking clones for overnight cultures of Lib 2 for confirmation


Time: 2011-09-09


  • agar plates with Lib2 clones
  • LB medium
  • kanamycin


  • picking 10 clones
    • Lib2 clone A-J
  • incubate over night in 37°C shaker (200 rpm)


  • 10 liquid cultures Lib2

Further tasks:

  • miniprep
  • sending for sequencing

Prepare liquid culture for mdnA foc2


Time: 2011-09-09


  • agar plates with Lib2 clones
  • LB medium
  • kanamycin


  • using 5 ml of LB media (without antibiotic) for sluicing down the colonies from the first plate
  • transferring the media to the next plate
  • procedure for all 10 plates
  • incubate over night in 37°C shaker (200 rpm)


  • 1 liquid cultures mdnA foc2

Further tasks:

  • miniprep

Picking clones for overnight cultures of pSB1C3+mdnABCDE with and without T7-promotor


Time: 2011-09-09


  • agar plates of pSB1C3+mndABCDE with T7 promotor and pSB1C3+mdnABCDE without T7-promotor
  • LB medium
  • chloramphenicol


  • picking 4 clones for pSB1C3+mdnABCDE without T7-promotor
  • picking 2 clones for pSB1C3+mdnABCDE with T7-promotor
  • incubate over night @ 37°C (200 rpm)


  • 4 liquid cultures of pSB1C3+mdnABCDE without T7-promotor
  • 2 liquid cultures of pSB1C3+mndABCDE with T7

Further tasks:

  • miniprep
  • sending for sequencing

Preparing overnight cultures of expression backbone-clones


Time: 2011-09-09


  • agar plates of expression backbones
    • pSB1A3_YFP_Ara
    • pSB1A3_YFP_IPTG
    • pSB1K3_CFP_Ara
    • pSB1K3_CFP_IPTG
    • pSB1K3_YFP_IPTG
  • LB medium
  • ampicillin, kanamycin


  • picking 1 clone for each construct into 10 ml LB media+antibiotic
  • incubation overnight @ 37°C (200 rpm)


  • 5 liquid cultures of different expression backbones


Time: 2011-09-09

Investigators: Nadja


  • vector: pARW071 (1); pARW089 (2*)
  • Long Enzyme Mix (+MgCl2) Buffer Fermentas
  • Long Enzyme Mix Polymerase Fermentas
  • dNTPs (NEB)
  • water
  • Primer:
# Primer
84 pf_mdnABCDE089_NotI_SpeI_30.08.
82 r_mdnABCDE_iGEM


1. General composition

  • 2 µl vector: pARW071 (1); pARW089 (2*) (diluted 1:100)
  • 1 µl dNTPs (10 mM)
  • 3 µl Primer forward (10 µM)
  • 3 µl Primer backward (10 µM)
  • 5 µl buffer
  • 0.3 µl Ploymerase
  • 35,7 µl water
    • total volume: 50 µl

2. Composition

  • pARW071 (1): 84, 82
  • pARW089 (2*)-T7: 83, 82
  • pARW089 (2*): 84. 82

3. PCR programs


Further task

  • gel verification
  • purification

test digestion to control if pSB1C3 is containing mdnA, geneIII or mdnA/geneIII

Investigators: Sandrina, Steffi

Aim:control ligation of mdnA, geneIII and mdnA/geneIII into pSB1C3


  • 5 clones from pSB1C3 with mdnA (chloramphenicol), 5 clones from pSB1C3 with geneIII (chloramphenicol), 5 clones from pSB1C3 with mdnA/geneIII (chloramphenicol):
  • 4 µl vector DNA (58- 120 ng/µl)
  • 2 µl buffer 3
  • 0,2 µl BSA
  • 0.5 µl XbaI
  • 0.5 µl PstI

12.8 µl water

incubate for 1 h at 37°C


Loading of gels

lane Sample Volume in µl Expected insert size in bp
M marker, DNA ladder mix Fermentas
1 free
2 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 1 12 ca. 700
3 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 2 12 ca. 700
4 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 3 12 ca. 700
5 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 4 12 ca. 700
6 mdnA-geneIII fusion gene in pSB1C3, clone 5 12 ca. 700
7 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 1 10 ca. 500
8 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 2 10 ca. 500
9 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 3 10 ca. 500
10 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 4 10 ca. 500
11 geneIII in pSB1C3, clone 5 10 ca. 500
12 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 1 12 ca. 180
13 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 2 12 ca. 180
14 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 3 12 ca. 180
15 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 4 12 ca. 180
16 mdnA in pSB1C3, clone 5 12 ca. 180

UP test digestion pSB.png

Further tasks:

sequencing of clones

Send clones 2-6 (geneIII-mdnA in pSB) for sequencing

Investigators: Sandrina, Steffi

Aim:control ligation of mdnA/geneIII into pSB1C3


  • Primer: VR
  • 20 µl with 70 ng/µl DNA

Further tasks:

check alignment

test digestion to control if kanamycin resistance gene is knocked out of pARWIII

Investigators: Sandrina, Steffi

Aim:control knock out of kanamycin on pARWIII


  • 5 clones:
  • 4 µl vector DNA (100- 300ng/µl)
  • 2 µl buffer 3
  • 0,2 µl BSA
  • 0.5 µl NsiI
  • 13.3 µl water

incubate for 1 h at 37°C


Loading of gels

lane Sample Volume in µl Expected insert size in bp
M marker, DNA ladder mix Fermentas
1 pARWIII, clone 1 10 no insert band
2 pARWIII, clone 2 10 no insert
3 pARWIII, clone 3 10 no insert
4 pARWIII, clone 4 10 no insert
5 | 10 no insert -

UP pARWIII kan k.o..png

Further tasks:

sequencing of clones

91th Labday 2011-09-10

miniprep of Lib2 clones for confirmation

Time: 2011-09-10,9:00

Investigators: Niels, Nadine, Katharina


  • 10 overnight cultures (Lib2 clone A-J)
  • NucleoSpin® Plasmid (NoLid) (Macherey-Nagel)
    • Protocol for high-copy plasmids
    • elution with 50 µl H2O
  • measuring concentration with NanoDrop:
Sample concentration in ng/µl
Lib2 clone A 886.7
Lib2 clone B 979.7
Lib2 clone C 823.5
Lib2 clone D 815.5
Lib2 clone E 824.8
Lib2 clone F 987.7
Lib2 clone G 682.4
Lib2 clone H 683.4
Lib2 clone I 5.3
Lib2 clone J 767.5

Further Tasks:

  • sending for sequencing

miniprep of mdnA foc2

Time: 2011-09-10,9:00

Investigators: Niels, Nadine, Katharina


  • 1 overnight culture
  • NucleoSpin® Plasmid (NoLid) (Macherey-Nagel)
    • Protocol for high-copy plasmids
    • elution with 50 µl H2O
  • measuring concentration with NanoDrop:
Sample concentration in ng/µl
mdnA foc2 610.0

Further Tasks:

  • give it to the screening group

miniprep of pSB1C3+mdnABCDE with and without T7 promotor

Time: 2011-09-10

Investigators: Niels, Nadine, Katharina


  • 6 overnight cultures
  • NucleoSpin® Plasmid (NoLid) (Macherey-Nagel)
    • Protocol for high-copy plasmids
    • elution with 50 µl H2O
  • measuring concentration with NanoDrop:
Sample concentration in ng/µl
mdnABCDE with T7-promotor clone 1 6.1
mdnABCDE with T7-promotor clone 2 2.7
mdnABCDE without T7-promotor clone 1 12.1
mdnABCDE without T7-promotor clone 2 6.7
mdnABCDE without T7-promotor clone 3 4.9
mdnABCDE without T7-promotor clone 4 2.9

Further Tasks:

  • doing new overnight culture and miniprep

Counting of colonies on plates (pUP089+lib2)

Time: 2011-09-09,10:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina, Niels

Aim: count number of colonies on plates


  • agar plate (kan): 10x pUP089+lib2, Nic/Nad, 8.9.11, resistance: kan, from 2011-9-9, Nad/Kat


plate # of colonies
1 78
2 92
3 65
4 55
5 67
6 80
7 116
8 87
9 66
10 35
sum 741
control 11


  • 741 colonies
  • wash colonies from plates
  • o.n. cultures and miniprep
  • combine w/ preps from 2011-9-10 (Kat)

New test digest of pSB1C3+mycN/C

Time: 2011-09-10

Investigators: Niels, Nadine, Katharina

Aim: prove of Insert (mdnAmycN/C)


  • pSB1C3+mycN clones J1-J5, Niels, 9.9.11
  • pSB1C3+mycC clones J1-J5, Niels, 9.9.11
  • ScaI, XbaI (NEB)
  • Buffer 3 (NEB, 10x)
  • BSA
  • water


insert plasmid size in bp enzymes buffer Expected size in bp
mdnAmycN 2596 ScaI, XbaI 3 1024, 1570
mdnAmycC 2597 ScaI, XbaI 3 1024, 1570

Digestion protocol

  • 1 µl DNA
  • 0.5 µl ScaI
  • 0.5 µl XbaI
  • 2 µl 10x buffer
  • 0.3 µl BSA
  • 15.7 µl pure water
  • total: 20µl
  • 37°C for 1h

Agarose gel

lane Sample Volume in µl
M Gene Ruler DNA Ladder Mix (1:10) 12
1 mycN clone 1 20 + 4x loading dye
2 mycN clone 2 20 + 4x loading dye
3 mycN clone 3 20 + 4x loading dye
4 mycN clone 4 20 + 4x loading dye
5 mycN clone 5 20 + 4x loading dye
6 mycC clone 1 20 + 4x loading dye
7 mycC clone 2 20 + 4x loading dye
8 mycC clone 3 20 + 4x loading dye
9 mycC clone 4 20 + 4x loading dye
10 mycC clone 5 20 + 4x loading dye
M Gene Ruler DNA Ladder Mix (1:10) 12

UP AG Katharina new Digestion mycN mycC.jpg


  • digestion did not work out in a satisfying way

Test Expression Backbones: pSB1K3_Ara/IPTG_CFP

Time: 2011-09-10,11:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina, Niels


prove of promotors (IPTG/Ara)


  • start cell grow in fresh media
time time of grow [min] OD600 Ara_CFP OD600 Ara_CFP control OD600 IPTG_CFP OD600 IPTG_CFP control
11:00 0 0,147 0,147 0,121 0,130
11:30 30 0,156 0,160 0,132 0,139
12:00 60 0,182 0,183 0,149 0,152
12:30 90 0,212 0,203 0,172 0,174
13:00 120 0,260 0,257 0,210 0,207
13:30 150 0,323 0,331 0,259 0,260
14:00 180 0,406 0,416 0,326 0,370
14:30 210 ind. ind. 0,370 0,403
15:00 150 ind. ind. 0,446 0,466

  • after inducing by IPTG/ARA - samples where measured for 2h every 15 min
    • result negativ

further task

  • repeat experiment

Glycerol stocks: Expression Backbones

Time: 2011-09-10,11:00

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina, Niels


  • 300 µl DNA of the following expression backbones
    • pSB1A3_YFP_Ara
    • pSB1A3_YFP_IPTG
    • pSB1K3_CFP_Ara
    • pSB1K3_CFP_IPTG
    • pSB1K3_YFP_IPTG
    • mdnA Lib-foc2
  • 700 µl 86 % glycerol
  • store at -80°C

Oligo-Fillin for mdnA-library 2 (repetition) and for Phage-display-mdnA-library (carrying AgeI restriction site)

Investigators: Niels, Nadine, Katharina

Time: 2011-09-10

Aim: Production of libraries carrying mutated mdnA, one for phage-display (carrying ageI restriction site)


  • oligos (25 mM, HPLC purified, ordered by Sigma Aldrich):
    • o_mdnA_library, 76
    • o_focused_library_AgeI, 85
  • 10x Klenow buffer
  • dNTPs (10 mM)
  • H2O


  • Reaction mix (total volume: 50 µl)
    • 3 µl fw-oligonucleotide (o_mdnA-library, 76)
    • 3 µl rev-oligonucleotide (o_focused_library_AgeI, 85)
    • 5 µl dNTPs
    • 5 µl Klenow buffer
    • 34 µl H2O
  • Reaction conditions
    • Program: ORIGAMI1
  • after finishing program ORIGAMI1:
    • addition of 1 µl Klenow-fragment
    • incubation 1 hour, 37°C


  • hybridized oligos for production of mdnA-library


  • AgeI-library, named AgeI

Further tasks:

  • PCR purification
  • restriction enzyme digestion using SfoI and AgeI, also of pARWIII

Restriction enzyme digestion of ParWIII and fill-in-reaction of Libary 2

Investigators: Katharina, Niels, Nadine, Steffi

Time: 2011-09-10, 20:30


digest of Fill-in-Reaction of Libary 2 (2011-09-10) :

  • 22,5 µl DNA (fill-in-product
  • 2,5 µl Age I
  • 2,0 µl Sfo I
  • 3µl Buffer 3
    • 37°C over night

further task :

  • purification by Kit

digestion of ParWIII:

  • 6,5 µl template (pARWIII)
  • 3 µl Buffer 4
  • 2.5 µl Age I
  • 2.0 µl Sfo I
  • 16 µl water
    • 37°C over night

further task :

  • purification by gel

further tasks:

  • ligation
  • transformation

Restriction enzyme digestion of pSB1C3 for ligation with mycN/C

Investigators: Nadine, Katharina, Niels

Time: 2011-09-10, 20:00


purified PCR products (2011-09-03) :

  • mycC: 4.2 ng/µl
  • mycN: 15.2 ng/µl

digestion of pSB1C3:

  • 6 µl DNA (235.0 ng/µl (2011-06-22))
  • 3 µl Buffer 4
  • 1.5 µl XbaI
  • 2.0 µl PstI
  • 0.5 µl BSA
  • 11.5 µl water
    • 37°C over night

further tasks:

  • purification
    • ligation
    • transformation

Restriction enzyme digestion of pSB1C3 for control

Investigators: Niels, Nadine, Katharina, Steffi

Time: 2011-09-10, 20:30


pSB1C3(2011-06-22) :

  • concentration: 235,0 ng/µl

digestion of pSB1C3 with Bgl I:

  • 2 µl DNA (235.0 ng/µl (2011-06-22))
  • 1 µl Buffer 3
  • 0.5 µl BglI
  • 6.5 µl water
    • total volume 10 µl
  • 37°C over night
  • expected fragments[bp]:
    • 1169
    • 962
    • 314
    • 199

digestion of pSB1C3 with SacI, TaqI:

  • 2 µl DNA (235.0 ng/µl (2011-06-22))
  • 1 µl Buffer 4
  • 0.5 µl SacI
  • 0,5 µl TaqI
  • 0,3 µl BSA
  • 5,7 µl water
    • total volume 10 µl
  • 37°C over night
  • expected fragments [bg]:
    • 1446
    • 648
    • 548
lane Sample Volume in µl
M Gene Ruler DNA Ladder Mix (1:10) 12
1 pSB1C3 (BglI) 10 + 2 loading dye
2 pSB1C3 (SacI und TaqI) 10 + 2 loading dye

UP AG 2011-09-11 digestion pSB1C3 control.jpg

Picking clones for overnight cultures of pSB1C3+mdnABCDE

Investigators:Katharina, Steffi, Niels, Nadine

Time: 2011-09-10 20:45


  • agar plates of pSB1C3+mndABCDE (2011-09-09)
  • LB medium
  • chloramphenicol


  • picking 5 clones for pSB1C3+mdnABCDE (2011-09-09)
  • incubate over night @ 37°C (200 rpm)


  • 5 liquid cultures of pSB1C3+mdnABCDE without T7-promotor

Further tasks:

  • miniprep
  • sending for sequencing

Preparing overnight cultures of expression backbone-clones

Investigators:Katharina, Niels, Nadine, Steffi

Time: 2011-09-10 19:30


  • liquid culture :
    • pSB1K3_CFP_Ara
    • pSB1K3_CFP_IPTG
  • 10 ml LB medium
  • 10 µl kanamycin


  • 2 liquid cultures of expression CFP backbones with different promotors

Transformation of mdnABCDE + pSB1C3

Time: 2011-09-10 21:30

Investigators:Niels, Nadine, Katharina, Steffi

Aim: Transformation of E.coli cells with mdnABCDE + pSB1C3 (with and without T7) - ligation


  • competent E. coli cells (XL1-Blue, 2011-08-29)
  • ligation products: mdnABCDE + pSB1C3


  • addition of 2 µl ligation reaction to cells (XL1-blue) in 1.5 ml Eppi,
  • incubation 20 min on ice,
  • heat shock 90 sec at 42°C,
  • incubation 10 min on ice,
  • addition of 750 µl LB medium,
  • incubation at 37 °C shaking(750 rpm) for 60 min,
  • centrifuge 30 min at 2000 x g
  • discard the supernatant (till ~100µl media)
  • plating on LB plate with appropriate antibiotic (Cm)
  • storage over night at 37°C

Further tasks:

  • Picking clones for overnight culture
  • Producing glycerol stocks


to be continued....

Colony PCR of plated TEV and PreScission containing colonies

Investigators: Stefan, Paul, Sebastian


get dna for BioBricks

Used Primer:




f_Pre_iGEM, r_Pre_iGem:BamHI


  • 2,5µl of each primer (10µM) = 5µl
  • 5µl 10y polymerase buffer
  • 2µl 25mM MgCl2
  • 1µl dNTP mix
  • 0,5µl Taq-Polymerase (GenAxxon)
  • 36,5 µl H2O


Colonies were picked with a 20µl tip, dipped into PCR batch, and then plunged into 1ml LB to grew cells from picked colony (from these 1ml batches overnight cultures will be inoculated in case of positive clones).

  • 10 colonies were picked for TEV and 10 colonies for PreScission protease (see entry from 01.09.2011) = 20 PCR batches.

PCR Program:

Initial denat = 3min 94°C


denat: 2min 10sec 94°C

anneal: 2min 10sec 70°C

extend: 1min 72°C

final extend: 10min 72°C

  • The PCR products were resolved on a 1% analytical agarose gel


no bands!

Further Tasks:

repeat it!

Digest of TEV, PreSciccion, AraC and different Vectors (pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_blaFL, pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_blaFL and pSB1C3)

Investigator: Nadine, Sebastian


Enzymes: (all pruchased from NEB)

  • HindIII
  • BamHI
  • NgoMIV
  • XbaI
  • PstI


  • mutated TEV protease
  • mutated PreSciccion protease
  • AraC
  • pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_blaFL
  • pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_blaFL
  • pSB1C3

NEBuffer 4, 3 and 1

BSA from NEB


All digestion batches got a total volume of 10µl and were incubated for 2 h at 37°C:

  • 1µl Buffer
  • 1µl each Enzyme
  • 0,1 µl BSA if required
  • 7 or 6,9 µl DNA

Both protease (TEV and PreSciccion) got digested with BamHI+NgoMIV or NgoMIV+ PstI, AraC was digested with NgoMIV+HindIII or NgoMIV+XbaI. Both vector which containing the cleavage site for the Protease got digested with HindIII+BamHI, the vector pSB1C3 was digested with XbaI and PstI.


Digested fragements:

  • NgoMIV_TEV_BamHI
  • NgoMIV_TEV_PstI
  • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_BamHI
  • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_PstI
  • HindIII_AraC_NgoMIV
  • XbaI_AraC_NgoMIV
  • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-Pre_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • PstI_pSB1C3_XbaI

Further Tasks:

Clean up of all fragments via agarose gel and extraction of digested fragment from the agarose gel, ligation of fragments and teransformation into E.coli XL1 blue.

Gelextraction of digested fragements, ligation and transfomration of ligation products into E.coli XL1 blue


Sebastian, Sascha, Stefan


Getting digested fragments purified, to get lost of small DNA fragments, we don't need.


Digested fragements:

  • NgoMIV_TEV_BamHI
  • NgoMIV_TEV_PstI
  • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_BamHI
  • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_PstI
  • HindIII_AraC_NgoMIV
  • XbaI_AraC_NgoMIV
  • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-Pre_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • PstI_pSB1C3_XbaI


Seperate digestion batches over an 1% agarose gel, cut of the bands with the right size and perform a gel purification with Nucleo spin II kit from Macherey-Nagel.


Digested and purified fragments of:

  • NgoMIV_TEV_BamHI
  • NgoMIV_TEV_PstI
  • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_BamHI
  • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_PstI
  • HindIII_AraC_NgoMIV
  • XbaI_AraC_NgoMIV
  • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-Pre_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • PstI_pSB1C3_XbaI

Further tasks:

Ligation of fragments into digested vector and transformation of E.coli XL1 blue with ligation products. Picking clones, performing a colony PCR, overnight cultures from all positive clones and creation of an glycerol stock culture and miniprep of those positive plasmids for sequencing.

Ligation of digested fragments of TEV protease, PreSciccion protease and different vectors

Investigators: Stefan, Sascha, Paul



  • NgoMIV_TEV_BamHI
  • NgoMIV_TEV_PstI
  • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_BamHI
  • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_PstI
  • HindIII_AraC_NgoMIV
  • XbaI_AraC_NgoMIV
  • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-Pre_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • PstI_pSB1C3_XbaI

QuickLigase purchased by Fermentas

QuickLigase 10x Buffer purchased by Fermentas


Standard ligation protocol from Fermantas for QuickLigase Kit. Ratio between vector and both fragments (protease and AraC-induction system) where 3:1:1.

Reaction batches:

Every batch contains 1µl QuickLigase 10x Buffer, and 0,5 µl QuickLigase (both by Fermentas).

  • Batch 1:
    • NgoMIV_TEV_BamHI
    • HindIII_AraC_NgoMIV
    • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-TEV_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • Batch 2:
    • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_BamHI
    • HindIII_AraC_NgoMIV
    • BamHI_ pJS354_ssTorA_XhoI_CS-Pre_NheI_blaFL_HindIII
  • Batch 3:
    • NgoMIV_TEV_PstI
    • XbaI_AraC_NgoMIV
    • PstI_pSB1C3_XbaI
  • Batch 4:
    • NgoMIV_PreSciccion_PstI
    • XbaI_AraC_NgoMIV
    • PstI_pSB1C3_XbaI

Every batch was incubated for 10 min at 37°C. After 10 min, all batches where put on ice.


  • 4 different ligation batches

Further tasks:

  • Transformation of E.coli XL1 blue with ligation products, colony PCR to get to know, which clones are positive and for all positive clones: mini-prep of plasmid DNA, sequencing and preparation of glycerol stock clutures.

Transfromation of E.coli XL1 blue with ligation products

Investigators: Sascha, Paul, Sebastian


transformation of E.coli XL1 blue with ligation batches


  • competent E.coli XL1 blue cells


Standard transformation protocol using heat shock.


4 different E.coli cultures transformed with different ligation batches.

Further tasks:

plating of the transformed E.coli cultures on LB agar plates containing chloramphenicol.

Plating of transformed E.coli XL1 blue

Investigators: Stefan, Paul, Sebastian


getting single positive E.coli XL1 blue colonies transformed with the different ligation batches


100 µl of the transformed cultures where plated out on lB agar plates containing chloramphenicol, the rest of the transformed cultures where centrifuge at 4000 g for 3 min. The supernatant was discarded and the pellet re suspended in 100 µl LB media, which was also plated out on a new LB agar plate containing chloramphenicol. All agar plates where incubated over night at 37°C.

Further tasks:

picking clones for colony PCR and mini prep of plasmid DNA, also establishing of glycerol stock cultures and preparing plasmids for sequencing.