Team:NTNU Trondheim


Revision as of 16:42, 20 September 2011 by Tormunds (Talk | contribs)


iGEM is the premiere international competition in Synthetic Biology for university students, this year with more than 160 teams from all over the world. For the first time, a Norwegian team is participating! Our team, consisting of students from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) are really excited to be able to compete, and we are very much looking forward to honing our skills in synthetic biology. Our project idea is based on using the alarmone [ ppGpp] to detect stress in E. coli, and basically make it turn red with anger!

Our Data page
NTNU2011 forside s.png
Judging Criteria
Team registration Check.png
Complete Judging form Check.png
Team Wiki Check.png
Present a poster and a talk at the iGEM Jamboree Check.png
Submitted one well-characterized standard BioBrick ([ registry]) Check.png
Demonstrate one new BioBrick of your own design and construction works as expected ([ registry]) Check.png
Characterize the operation of one new BioBrick and enter this information in the [ registry] Check.png
Improve an existing BioBrick and enter this information in the [ registry] Check.png