Team:Groningen/project notebook/8 July 2011
*8th of July
Colony PCR of transformants to check if any transformant contains the plasmid with cI-LVA and LasR-LVA.
20μl total volume was used and the PCR was done with taq polymerase.
PCR program:
Denaturation: 95 °C for ten minutes
Cycle (33×):
Denaturation: 95°C for 30 seconds
Annealing: 60°C for 30 seconds
Extension: 72°C for 2 minutes
Final extension: 72°C for ten minutes
Store at 4 °C infinite
PCR with the new pBAD primers (dissolved and dilution made by me)
PCR was done in total colume of 50μl and with tag and Pfu polymerase (ratio 6:1) so Pfu can correct the mistakes that taq made
Denaturation: 94°C for ten minutes
Cycle (30×)
Denaturation: 94°C for 30 seconds
Annealing: 62°C and 65°C for 30 seconds
Extension: 72°C for 2 minutes
Final extension: 72°C for ten minutes
Store at 4 °C infinite
Check them on agarose gel 1% (TBE).
No right transformants for cI-LVA and LasR-LVA.
For next time calculations:
Digestion. cI-LVA: use 3μl for digestion with EcoRI and SpeI and LasR-LVA: use 2μl for digestion
Ligationm. cI-LVA: use 7.8 of purified sample for ligation and LasR-LVA: use 6.5μl of purified sample for ligation.
Digestion of the vector should include FastAP, since so far, there have been only self ligation products.
PCR of pBAD: A lot of unspecific binding products. Another PCR was done with an annealing temperature of 67 and 70 degrees.