Team:BU Wellesley Software/eLabNotebook
Computational Team
Over the summer, we studied biologists in their lab and observed their work practices. We interviewed biologists and asked what were their challenges in the lab. We brainstormed with them what were possible solutions to their problems. Largest among the challenges is the issue with contamination. Having to take gloves off to interat with a computer, to take notes, to handle certain things. Our solution was a tablet interface that replaced the traditional lab notebook and improved the use experience by allowing hands-free interaction. The tablet was designed to display biological protocols, tasks, notes, lab status, and more. The switching of applications was streamlined by allowing voice activation. We also explored the possibility of using gestures to navigate the application as well.Vestibulum gravida, turpis tempus suscipit euismod, ipsum mi tristique nibh, sed sagittis ante felis at urna. Suspendisse eu neque vitae lorem elementum elementum sit amet ac ligula. Mauris vestibulum laoreet sapien at vehicula. Donec ac sapien erat. Proin id enim sed dolor suscipit laoreet vitae sit amet ligula. Nam ultricies orci vitae mauris egestas tincidunt. Vestibulum sit amet est dolor.
Ut eu nunc eget ante egestas egestas at eu metus. Integer quam justo, vehicula non sodales id, consequat vitae eros.Aenean egestas, ipsum sed fringilla porta, erat mi facilisis lectus, quis elementum quam felis nec elit.
Ethical User Study practices:
Aliquam in felis sit amet eros pharetra volutpat.Overview: eLabNotebook
Hypothesis Forming
The eLabNotebook is an electronic lab notebook that facilitates collaborative, effective, and safe assembly of biological systems. The eLabNotebook allows users to:
- Capture multimodal data inside and outside the lab with minimal effort
- Follow a protocol in the lab while modifying and annotating steps as needed
- Access a wide variety of digital resources
- Get an overview of current activity and progress
- share physical and digital resources in real-time
The implementation of the eLabNotebook entails:
- Developing light-weight interaction techniques for capturing information
- Considering strategies for organizing and sharing heterogeneous information
- Visualizing current lab activity and progress
- Designing for multiple contexts and devices
The eLabNotebook will be initially prototyped on the iPad platform.
Demo Video
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et dictum leo. Maecenas porttitor augue nec arcu lacinia ultricies. Maecenas at dictum augue. Proin eget odio ac mi tristique scelerisque. Integer at nisl nec purus laoreet condimentum sed semper dui. Duis feugiat, ligula eu vehicula vulputate, sem nisl ornare neque, eu dictum lacus sapien eu neque.Vestibulum gravida, turpis tempus suscipit euismod, ipsum mi tristique nibh, sed sagittis ante felis at urna. Suspendisse eu neque vitae lorem elementum elementum sit amet ac ligula. Mauris vestibulum Donec ac sapien erat. Proin id enim sed dolor suscipit laoreet vitae sit amet ligula. Nam ultricies orci vitae mauris egestas tincidunt. Vestibulum sit amet est dolor.
Ut eu nunc eget ante egestas egestas at eu metus. Integer quam justo, vehicula non sodales id, consequat vitae eros.Aenean egestas, ipsum sed fringilla porta, erat mi facilisis lectus, quis elementum quam felis nec elit.