

Revision as of 14:09, 5 September 2011 by Tlytiger (Talk | contribs)

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We are a young and happy team of 13 scientists and engineers from very diverse backgrounds.Although this is our first year working on a wet lab project and biofilm experiments are new to us, we're currently taking great efforts to build the whole system for experiments.Our team progress and more info will be frequently updated so that our iGEM experience could be shared as much as possible along the way. We truly welcome you to contact us for any cooperation or suggestion.

Team member

Yijie Hua, A senior student in the Department of life science
Xiaotong Yao, A junior student in the Department of life science
Chenyue Hu, A senior student in the Department of life science
Yu Xia, This guy is a creepy weirdo......
Yakun Xi, A senior student in the Department of methematical science.
Ye Li, A Junior majored in Biological Sciences. This is my second time participating iGEM, and I learned a lot during the whole process. To me, iGEM is fascinating because it provides an opportunity of independent project design and experiment as well as the chance to meet friends and learn from many great minds. Hope we can get ideal results this year! ZJU-China ROCKS!
Lie Ma, A senior student in the Department of life science.
Luyi Tian, As a junior student majors in Bioinfomatics,I am interested in computer programming,system biology.Taking pictures is my special hobby.
Xiangqing Sun, My major is EE. I mainly work on software and wiki. I'm very glad to be an iGEMer. I like soccer, Apple and music.
Keyue Ma, A junior student in the Department of life science.
Ruoxi Pi, An odd girl who takes performing experiments as the only hobby.
Chenling Xu, What would you do to have your e.coli crowding together on a surface instead of swimming freely around? Well I tried swirling them around, bubbling at them, forcing them to go into a thin rubber tube, or a glass one… Our project do need these little creatures to make some sacrifice and I am the one who carried out the executions. Mouhaaahaaa~~~
Xinlei Chen, A senior student in the Department of Computer science.


Team Gallery

Team Video

Comming soon