Metalls and especially heavy metalls are highly prescribed in concentrations in the drinking water ordinance. Qualifying and quantifying these by standard chemicall methods is costly and complicated.
Bacteria sense metalls in thier surrounding in order to change thier expression profile or react in order to adapt and accomodate to their environment.
Using these Sensors from (mostly) bacteria one can create biosensors, when linking them to the expression of a reporter (e.g. green glowing by the green fluoresces protein GFP). To not only qualify but also to quantify the metalls, it is also necessary to measure the output by given input (metall concentration) for each of these biosensors. Afterwards one can determine the metall concentration by measuring the output.
The quantification needs heavy high-tech maschinery ... something not always given ... especially in free field. So a qualification of metalls with a easy-to-see output is also needed.
In the end our team hopes to have not only a set of metallsensors for precise quantification of a group of (heavy) metalls, but also an outdoor kit for qualifying metalls in more remote areas. With these it might be more easy and cheaper to determine the content of metalls in our drinking water.
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