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Grenoble 2011, Mercuro-Coli iGEM

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In Coliflette we trust

Location? History? High school? Science? Sport? Gastronomy?

Everything about Grenoble is shortly describe here !

Where is Grenoble?

Grenoble, the flattest city in France, is surrounded by mountains: Chartreuse, Belledonne and Vercors. Moreover, it is dominated by the Bastille, a military fort from the 19th century, accessible by cable-car since 1934. Drac and Isère flow through the city and it’s often called “capital of Alps”. map_gre
cable_car THE_bastille

History has it that...

City of Grenoble exists for 2000 years. The first reference dates from 43 BC, as Cularo, a little Gallic village. In 379 AD, the town is renamed Gratianopolis (Romans), and Relics of the great wall dated from 3th century are always visible. Grenoble become the capital of the Dauphiné (because the emblem representing dolphins,”dauphin” in French).

Student city

This year, Grenoble is the second student city in France, 15% of 65.000 students are foreigners and has been classed in top 200 of Shanghai ranking (159th). There are University Joseph Fourier (sciences), and several great schools (“grandes écoles”), as Grenoble-INP (engineering school). Moreover, Universities Pierre Mendès-France (law) and Stendhal (foreign language, literature...) are in the campus since 1970. tram_stop

Scientific pole

Grenoble is a great European scientific centre (“French Silicon Valley”), in research (2nd in France, after Paris) and high technologies, with national research organisations (CEA, CNRS or INRIA), and international research organisations (EMBL, ILL). Moreover, presence of ESRF (financed by 12 European countries since 1994), one of the three most important synchrotrons in a world, confirm this idea. High technologies are based on

  • - Digital and software pole (micro and nanotechnologies (scientific complex Minatec (2006), first European complex and third in the world), computer science and electronic)
  • - Biotechnologies pole (biotechnologies and bioinformatics)
  • - New energy technologies (development and experimentation of photovoltaics, fuel cell and smart grid).
Also, you can read this article, published in Nature.

Minatec Minatec

City of sport

As Grenoble is surrounded by mountains, different sports are developed importantly, like skiing, backpacking or climbing. This advantage permit organisation of 1968 Olympics Winter Games and a lot of facilities are still used actually. Actually, several sports teams exist, especially the GF38 (soccer), the FCG (rugby), and the “Brûleurs de Loups” (ice hockey).For regular sports manifestations, rugby or soccer match, they are played in the Stade des Alpes (open in 2008). In addition, every year since 1971, the 6 days of Grenoble (six jours cyclistes de Grenoble), a track cycling race where great names of cyclism prove theirself, is organised. The Criterium du Dauphiné, organised since 1947, sometimes the Tour de France, passes through Grenoble (this year, Grenoble has been a ville-étape (“stage town”).



We are French people so gastronomy is fundament of our life. Region is known for its different recipes. The most famous are the Tartiflette and the Gratin Dauphinois:

The Tartiflette


    • Servings: 6
    • Preparation time: 50 minutes


  • 2 1/2 lbs of potatoes
  • 1 medium onion (larger or smaller according to your taste)
  • 1/2 lb canadian bacon
  • 1 Reblochon cheese
  • 3/4 cup white wine (keep remainder of bottle in refrigerator to enjoy with the Tartiflette)
  • 2 Tablespoons oil
  • Salt and Pepper.


    • Peel potatoes and boil or steam for 20 minutes.
    • Peel onion and cut into thin slices.
    • Heat large frying pan with the oil and sauté the onion slices.
    • Cut bacon into small cubes and add to pan.
    • Cook on medium heat until onion slices are soft (10 minutes).
    • Stir as needed. Add potatoes that have been diced and pour white wine over it.
    • Salt and pepper to taste. Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    • Cut the Reblochon in two halves across its thickness.
    • Put half of the potatoe preparation in a round oven proof dish.
    • Place half of the Reblochon side down, on top.
    • Cover with remaining potatoes and finish with the second half of the Reblochon.
    • Place in 350* F oven for 20 minutes.
    • This dish is not recommended if you are on a diet but it is so good!

The Gratin Dauphinois


    • Serving: 5
    • Preparation time: 1h30 min


  • 1kg of potatoes
  • 1L of cream
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt and pepper


    • Peel and slice potatoes.
    • Press garlic.
    • Place in a baking dish, starting with the bottom coat of cream.
    • Alternate a layer of potatoes, cream, garlic, pepper, until all the ingredients.
    • Finish by spooning cream, salt and pepper.
    • Put in a medium oven (gas mark 4) for at least an hour.


    One second important thing is alcohol, like red or white wine or liqueur like Chartreuse (local alcohol) which is composed with herbal extracts.

drink with moderation, drink can be limited be sure to have legal age for drink alcohol.