

Revision as of 13:11, 26 October 2011 by Arturo3010 (Talk | contribs)




The Team

The Project


Project & Experiments Design

Human Practices




Data Page




Atributions of UTP-Panama Team

To see the atributions of UTP-Panama Team Members click the here.

Team References



Sensei/Jedi Master

Grimaldo Elías Ureña M.(Instructor & Director)
The father, the guru, the light in the darkness of the UTP Team.


Lucia L. Palma (Human Practice Advisor).
The oracle, the organization, the peace in the storm.


Ricardo Correa & Lorena Coronado
Thanks for all, Kike & Lorena our Lab Heroes!
Others Lab Colaborators
Eblis Diaz Corro
Zeuz Capitan Barrios


Marcela Paredez de Vazquez (president), thanks for Believing in US!
Dr Humberto Alvarez, Dr Martin Candanedo, Dr Eleicer Ching, Dr Ignacio Chang. Members of the UTP Administration that Collaborate and help us run our team. Thanks Dr Candenedo & Alvarez for all the time and collaboration!!!
Associated Professors
Damarys Cortes
Indira Franco



Some day great Scientist!

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Name: Kesia M. Barrows
Career: Food Engineering
Favorite areas of study: Biochemistry, food microbiology and languages
What do you think about iGEM?: I think iGEM is an excellent opportunity for young people to do science.
Hobbies: Reading, watch scifi movies and play brain/interactive games
Favorite Book: The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
Favorite Quote: "The important thing is not to stop questioning", Albert Einstein

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Name: Valery Díaz
Career: Civil Engineering
Favorite areas of study: Calculus
What do you think about iGEM?: is the best way of learning and spreading this new science called Synthetic Biology
Hobbies: Dancing, playing tennis, reading and watching movies.
Favorite Book: I can't choose one, it has to be between one of Dan Brown, Agatha Christie or Harry Potter.
Favorite Quote: "It's kind of fun to do the impossible", W. Disney

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Name: Dukakis Tejada
Career: Food engineering
Favorite areas of study: Food engineering, Synthetic biology, Supply chain engineering, Bussiness administration.
What do you think about iGEM?: iGEM ​​is an excellent platform to test our wits and skills, we can achieve a
cultural exchange and knowledge, and contribute to the world through the development of GEMs useful to science and and technology.
Hobbies: I enjoy dancing Salsa, playing soccer, spending time with friends, doing bodybuilding and reading about history and economy.
Favorite Book: Calidad Total y Productividad from Humberto Gutierrez Pulido
Favorite Quote: "Make your passion your profession, then the work becomes play"

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Name: Arturo Alexis Nieves Portillo
Career:Software Development
Favorite areas of study: software,chemistry,biology, sci-fi, cutting edge technologies.
What do you think about iGEM?: iGem competition is a great opportunity to know how to help the world by developing a new fascinating science like synthetic biology is.
Hobbies: tennis, football soccer, videogames, reading, hanging out with friends or family.
Favorite Book: there are many of them: The Holy Bible(top knowledge), and sci-fi books like Isaac Asimov Foundation and Empire.
Favorite Quote: Be whoever you want to be; but be yourself. Charlie Chaplin.


Name: Emmanuel Garuz
Career: Electromechanical engineering.
Favorite areas of study: Robotics, control systems, mecatronics, languages.
What do you think about iGEM?: It's a good opportunity for me to learn about biology, and as a competition, it gives me responsibilities and experience.
Hobbies: Soccer, billiard, chess, gym and ping pong.

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Name: José Alejandro Ng
Career: Civil Engineering
Favorite areas of study: Transportation enginneering, construction of: bridges, crossroads and highways, airports design, material mechanics and the study of transportation solutions.
What do you think about iGEM?: The best experience of my life. The synbio is the future. With the human practices I can share this science with my country.
Hobbies: Watch TV Series and soccer games, play soccer and tennis(recent sport for me), spend time with my friends and family.
Favorite Book: EC7 Louis Leithold, hahaha kiding. The 7 habits of highly effective teens, Sean Covey
Favorite Quote: "My world, My Possibilities" - José Ng

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Name: Naicolette Abraham Agudo Muñoz
Career: Civil/Geomatics Engineering
Favorite areas of study: Astrophysics, pure and applied mathematics, philosophy; fluid mechanics, sysmic engineering, highways design and geosciences.
What do you think about iGEM?: It's more versatile than I thought! I can find a lot of applications from this related to my likes and has opened my mind to new areas.
Hobbies: Explain maths, spend time with my friends, sleep, eat, philosophize, and above all: kid on =D
Favorite Book: The Hole Bible and Ideas of Human Nature - Roger Trigg
Favorite Quote: "Don't let evade by what time decides; let yourself go by what's fit on your faith"...Me

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Name: Alicia Arelys Racine Atencio
Career: Electromechanical Engineering
'Favorite areas of study: Mecatronics, Bionics, Neuroengineering, SynBio
What do you think about iGEM?: It's a great opportunity to turn young students into researchers, it' s been an excellent experience so far, i'm loving it!
Hobbies: sleep :), eat, dance!
Favorite Book: Sangre de Campeon by Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sánchez
Favorite Quote: What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

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Name: Fotis J. Stringos S.
Career: Electromechanical Engineering

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Name: Miguel Á. Cárdenas A.
Career: Electromechanical Engineering

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Name: Salomón Mitre B.
Career: Electrical Engineering

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Name: Michelle Camarena
Career: Food Engineering


Name: William Vong
Career: Computer Systems Engineering