Team:HKUST-Hong Kong/notebook.html


Revision as of 14:00, 5 October 2011 by Lax (Talk | contribs)


Would any of your project ideas raise safety issues in terms of: researcher safety, public safety, or environmental safety?

Do any of the new BioBrick parts (or devices) that you made this year raise any safety issues?

Is there a local biosafety group, committee, or review board at your institution? What does your local biosafety group think about your project?

Do you have any other ideas how to deal with safety issues that could be useful for future iGEM competitions? How could parts, devices and systems be made even safer through biosafety engineering?


Week 1 (4th-10th June)
Strain construction:

  • Genomic DNA of E.coli DH10b extracted
  • Culture Tests:
  • Waiting for materials to arrive

Week 2 (13th-17th June)
Strain construction:

  • Genomic DNA of E.coli DH10b extracted Genomic DNA of BL21 extracted
  • Secured split superfolder GFP construct transformed out
  • Finished design of PCR primers
  • Culture Tests:
  • Wild type MIC test optimization (kanamycin gradient 0-25 µg/ml, serial dilutions)
  • Constructed standard curve for OD600 verses RR1 CFU concentration

Week 3 (20th-24th June)
Strain construction:

  • nadE: PCR out nadE gene from the genome of BL21
  • Split superfolderGFP system: The test of the intact superfolderGFP is successful. Experiments will be conducted soon.
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP: BioBricks are transformed into E.coli DH10b. Test will be conducted soon.
  • Lambda-RED and oriR101&repA101-ts: pKD46 has arrived and successful extracted. RFP reporter system is ready. Primers of RepA101ts-OriR101 are ready.

Culture Tests:

  • Performed 2nd and 3rd MIC test for wild type (kanamycin gradient 5-20 µg/ml, 2µg/ml intervals)
  • Miniprep of BBa_I763007 and BBa_E1010 was successful

Week 4 (27th June – 1st July)
Strain construction:

  • Lambda RED : protocol design finished, pKD46 arrived and digestion test was successful, PCR RFP with homologous sequence was successful
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP: protocol design finished, successfully finished combined CFP and YFP
  • Split superfolderGFP system: protocol design finished, primer arrived
  • Pir gene and ori-gamma: protocol under construction, primer for ori-γ arrived, BW25141 gDNA extraction successful

Culture Tests:

  • Ligation of pSB2K3 (from BBa_E1010) with RFP report device (BBa_I763007)
  • Transformation of the RFP/KanR plasmid to E.coli DH10b

Week 5 (8th-12th July)
Strain construction:

  • ori-gamma: Primers arrived, PCR was successful. Result: one of four samples survived, but of low concentration
  • pir gene: gDNA of BW25141 extracted
  • Split superfolderGFP system: GFP1-10 PCRed, GFP11 PCRed
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP: Verified combined fluorescence protein
  • oriR101&repA101-ts: PCR was successful

Culture Tests:

  • Successful construction of a RFP-labeled kanamycin-resistant strain .
  • Literature search on mechanisms to raise the MIC for the proposed T4MO mutant slightly to help it survive in kanamycin long enough to fulfill its function.
  • MIC testing for RR-1

Week 6 (15th-19th July)
Strain construction:

  • Lambda RED: RFP with homologous sequence PCR successful
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP: digestion and ligation of CFP, YFP with pBluescript promoter finished
  • Split superfolderGFP system : PCR of spilt superfolderGFP successful
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP :Ligation with promoter is successful, but cannot see the green fluorescence, considering redo
  • pToolkit construction: PCR of ori-γ successful, ligation with pKD46 backbone successful, wait to do colony PCR to check the existence of ori-gamma, the sequence PCR of the pir gene is done, wait to check the result
  • nadE gene: ligate nadE gen with double terminator, not successful, do another try

Culture Tests:

  • MIC test for wild type RR1 (kanamycin gradient 5-13 µg/ml, 1µg/ml intervals)
  • MIC test for mixed cultures of RFP/KanR and RR1(1:99)
  • Literature search – multidrug pump candidates
    • Bcr(~1.2kbp): overexpression increases kanamycin MIC ~2-4fold
    • NorM (~1.3kbp): over expression reduces radical oxidative species (e.g. H2O2) inside the cell

Week 7 (22th-26th July)
Strain construction:

  • pir gene: Sequencing product did not meet sequencing requirement – sequencing rejected
  • Split superfolderGFP system: Ligation product transformed was not as expected. Low recovery from gel purification
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP: combination of n-terminal and c-terminal CDS onto same plasmid, driven by lac promoter of pBluescriptKS+ completed à no fluorescence
  • nadE gene: successful completion of operon with terminator with biobrick digestion, component is putatively finished as biobrick
  • oriR101&repA101-ts: basic protocol for site-directed-mutagenesis + fusion PCR tested to be successful. Repeating fusion PCR
  • Lambda RED: Previous experiment of gene swapping failed. Trouble-shooting in progress
  • pToolkit construction: results from colony PCR of ori-gamma from transformed bacteria: successful completion of pToolkit

Culture Tests:

  • Mixed culture MIC tests for RFP/KanR and RR1(1:99)
  • Multidrug Efflux Pump – Settled on Bcr as the candidate gene
    • 2~4 folded increasing for Kan
    • Proton gradient (H+) driven
    • Pumps out other toxins
    • Unknown promoter
  • E.coli DH10a containing pUC18not/T4MO arrived.

Week 8 (1st-5th Aug)
Strain construction:

  • pir gene: Sequencing result has just come out
  • Split superfolderGFP system: Finished ligation of lacI promotor and GFP 11 and verifying. GFP 1-10 PCRing
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP: Finished construction but not verified
  • nadE gene: finished
  • oriR101&repA101-ts: Been ligated to a backbone, verifying
  • Lambda RED: Waiting for the primers to construct the linear sequence

Culture Tests:

  • Completed the standard curve for OD 600 versus RFP/KanR CFU concentration
  • Mixed culture MIC tests for RFP/KanR and RR1(1:99)
  • Successfully extracted T4MO from pUC18not/T4MO, discovering the inclusion of a native constitutive promoter, and ligated to pBlueScript KS+ to create a SpeI site for biobrick assembly.
  • PCR amplified bcr gene from gDNA of E. coli stock

Week 9 (8st-12th Aug)
Strain construction:

  • pir gene: Exact location of pir gene in BW25141 is mapped out
  • Split superfolderGFP system: Primers have problem. Waiting for new primers to come next week
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP: CFP ligated with pET. YFP constructing
  • oriR101&repA101-ts: Verifying oriR101&repA101-ts
  • Lambda RED: PCR with the new primers is successful. Modified protocol using KAN-resistance gene to swap out uidA gene
  • pCarrier: MCS is hybridized. pSB1K3 is under digestion

Culture Tests:

  • Digestion of T4MO/pBS KS+ failed
  • Successfully ligated bcr gene with RBS (later confirmed to be false positive)

Week 10 (15st-19th Aug)
Strain construction

  • pir gene: Ligation done and being verified
  • Split superfolderGFP system: PCR with new primers. Split superfolderGFP11 digested and ligated with the promoter.
  • Lambda RED: The swapping seemed to be successful
  • oriR101&repA101-ts: Waiting for new primers
  • pCarrier: MCS and OriR ligated

Culture Tests:

  • Indole MIC test for wild type (1mM with kanamycin gradient):
  • Successfully ligated T4MO into pBS KS+

Week 11 (22st-26th Aug)
Strain construction:

  • pir gene: ligation of pir gene and pBluescriptK+, repeating dephosphorylation to prevent self-ligation of pBluescriptKS+ backbone
  • Split superfolderGFP system: Re-digestion and dephosphorylate R0010 in pSB1AK3, to reduce background self-ligation during transformation
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP: digestion and ligation of pET_YFP; checking construct of pET_YFP; checking fluorescence.
  • nadE gene: Complete.
  • oriR101&repA101-ts: ligation of oriR101, repA101 and the backbone pSA1K3 in process; transformation result available tomorrow; colony PCR of lambda red done, failed.
  • pToolkit construction: Complete
  • pCarrier: Ligation of MCS to nadE in pSB1AK3 is complete; Digestion check showed negative result; Hybridization of MCS in progress

Culture Tests:

  • Indole MIC test (500µM with kanamycin gradient)
  • Ligation of the RBS+Bcr with pLac promoter failed

Week 12 (29st Aug- 1th Sep)
Strain Construction

  • pir gene: Background self-ligation is under test, results will be available tomorrow
  • Split superfolderGFP system: Background self-ligation is under test, results will be available tomorrow; Ligating split GFP with lacpromoter
  • 2010 Slovenia’s method- CFP/YFP: pET_CFP and pET_YFP have been constructed and verified; transformation of each into BL21 has been done;
  • nadE gene: Completed; veri;
  • oriR101 + repA101ts: Construction is complete – verified by restriction digestion; Biobrick currently located on pSB1AK3;
  • lambda RED:check whether swap is successful: screen 6 colonies for verification;
  • pToolkit construction: Complete
  • pCarrier: re-annealing of ssDNA of MCS; Re-planning of insertion position of MCS

Culture Tests

  • Mixed culture MIC tests for RFP/KanR and RR1 (1:99)
  • Indole MIC test (300µM with kanamycin gradient)
  • Successfully ligated T4MO with GFP

Week 13 (5th-9th Sep)
Strain construction

  • Lambda RED : previous PCR verification (S2) not show very clear result, halted for this week; new verificationprimers (S2) arrived
  • oriR101&repA101-ts: Construction of oriR101+pSB1AK2 successful; oriR101+pSB1Cs (standard BioBrick format) ligation done, colony PCR checked, digestion test tmr
  • Spilt superfolderGFP system: 2010 Slovenia’s method; split superfolderGFP from Biobrick.
  • pir gene and ori-gamma: ligationof pir gene and pBluescriptKS+done, but do not have clear verification result (colony PCR+, digestion test-); considering new verification test (2 new sets).
  • nadE gene: Completed; wait to do sequencing verification;
  • pCarrier: MCS reinsert, change the size and position of insertion;
  • pToolkit construction: accidentally disappear, redo the whole plasmid;
  • pCarrier: nadE part ready, working on MCS now.


Culutre Test

  • Mixed culture MIC tests for RFP/KanR and RR1 (1:99)
  • Indole MIC test (1mM indole concentration with kanamycin gradient)
  • Successfully ligated T4MO/GFP into kanamycin resistant backbone.


Week 14 (13th-17th Sep)
Strain Construction:

  • lambda RED:basically successful; new S2 primers arrived, first trial failed (negative control of pKD46+E.COLI DH10B still have some bands); consider directly PCR out from pKD46
  • oriR101&repA101-ts: constructionof oriR101+pSB1AK3, oriR101+pSB1C3 (submitting format) finishedand successful; characterization of heat sensitivity in progress
  • Spilt superfolderGFP system: 2010 Slovenia’s method; split superfolderGFP from Biobrick;
  • pir gene and ori-gamma: Pir ligation with pBS successful, ready for sequencing;
  • nadE gene: Completed; wait to do sequencing verification
  • pToolkit construction: accidentally lost, redo the whole thing
  • pCarrier : MCS insertion does not show good result halted for this year

Culture Test

  • Mixed culture MIC tests for RFP/KanR + RR1 (1:99) and T4MO/KanR + RR1 (1:1)
  • Indole MIC test (1mM and 2mM with kanamycin gradient) [2mM experiment failed]
  • Started to construct Biobrick of bcr gene for submission

Week 15 (20th-24th Sep)
Strain Construction;

  • oriR101&repA101-ts: the progress is not ideal, cannot finishthe characterizationthis week
  • pir gene: sequence result: some parts is missing (the target part, for an unexpected cut on that –illegal cut (point mutation) or star activity; insert the pir to pBS again (use different enzymes), sequence again.
  • Split superfolderGFP system: the construction of split GFP+backbone finished; characterization in progress

Week 16 ( 27th- 30th Sep)
Strain Construction

  • oriR101-ts: have already submitted and received by part registry; rough characterization successful; further characterization method confirmed;
  • Split superfolderGFP system: ligation GFP1-10 and GFP11 into one plasmid finished, but not have fluorescence; starting to insert GFP1-10 in pSB1C3, GFP11 in pSB1AK3; then use two antibiotics as selection markers, then check the fluorescence
  • pir gene: sequence failed (wrong gene…nadE actually)
  • pToolkit construction: construction in progress


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